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A First Look At Class 37 Production Samples And Delivery Schedule Update

A First Look At Class 37 Production Samples And Delivery Schedule Update

Another exciting milestone day here at Accurascale as we can reveal the first production samples of our Class 37 locomotives!

The best thing about production samples means that they're close, oh so close to delivery. Production samples are sent to us for sign off and acceptance of the locomotives from the factory into stock. So, our first Class 37s are ready to go!

We've been busy assessing, testing and also fitting the separately applied parts, such as hoses and the gorgeous body mounted ploughs (bogie mounted ploughs also provided) as well as the etched nameplates which will also come with each loco, so you can see them fully dressed.

Some issues did crop up with these samples and are being adjusted for the finished models. This includes the correct bogies on 37419, adjustments to the fit of the handles/grabs on the roof of all models and the lamp irons on 37423 have also been adjusted.

As reported in previous updates, our Class 37 production run is so large we had to split it into three separate delivery batches. Batch one will consist of the modernised Class 37/4 and Scottish car headlight class members. Within that batch they will be arriving with us in three separate lots.

The first three locomotives to arrive in stock will be the three featured here; 37425, 37419 and 37423. These will be in stock in the first week of April and dispatch to direct customers and trade will commence that week. 

Following that, 37026, 37027, 37051 will arrive into stock in mid-April, and then finally in late April the BR Large logo trio of 37043, 37402 and 37409 will arrive, completing batch 1 delivery. 

Batch 2 and 3 remain on schedule and we will keep you all updated as their production samples roll in. 

  • Batch Two - Class 37/6 and 97301 - Delivery May 2023
  • Batch Three - Original EE Type 3 Green and BR Blue - Delivery June 2023

Excited? We certainly are! We know it's been a long road to get to this juncture, with global pandemics and chip shortages throwing spanners into our works along the way, but we're now at the end of the road with the first models now on the way. We would like to sincerely thank all our customers for your patience and understanding as we faced these unprecedented delays and we hope the models that will be in your hands in a couple of weeks' time will make it worthwhile!

We still have a limited supply of our newly launched BR Green D6703 in DC/DCC ready format for sale on our website. Some stockists may still have the rest of our Class 37 range on sale but many of these running numbers are now sold out. Check with your local stockist, or order D6703 direct by clicking here!

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