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Chaldron Wagon Seaham Harbour - Pack M

Original price £37.49 - Original price £37.49
Original price £37.49
£37.49 - £37.49
Current price £37.49
in stock, ready to be shipped

Ioma-phasgan trì carbadan, NER 4T Chaldron

Pasgan M: Seaham Dock Co. - Trì ‘Black Waggons’ 4T, ann an trì stoidhlichean bodhaig, timcheall air 1950n, le àireamh:

  • 11
  • 39
  • 18

Tha cuspair air a h-uile pasgan a chaidh a thoirt a-mach le mèinn, agus tha gach waggon a chithear stèidhichte air fianais dhealbhan agus iomradh air clàran mèinnean gus stoidhlichean litrichean a dhearbhadh. Tha dìreach aon stoidhle waggon ann an cuid de phasganan, agus tha stoidhlichean measgaichte ann an cuid eile far a bheil rannsachadh air sealltainn gun robh iad ag obair còmhla ri chèile.

Liosta nan Sònrachaidhean:

  • Faisean meatailt die-cast le bodhaig plastaig. Cuideam de 9g gun luchdachadh.
  • Ag obair thairis air cromagan radius as ìsle (371mm, slighe seata radius 1d)
  • Còig diofar dhealbhaidhean bodhaig, a’ còmhdach ùine bho 1840 gu 1978.
  • Tri stoidhlichean de dhealbhadh cuibhle; bhruidhinn sgoltadh, bhruidhinn rionnag agus bhruidhinn tonn, gu pròifil 00 trast-thomhas dubh RP25-88.
  • Tri stoidhlichean de rèiteachadh breiceadh agus làmhan breic, le diofar sheòrsaichean de bhlocaichean agus breic seòrsa clasp Londonderry nas toinnte.
  • Tri rèiteachadh de ‘bang-boards’.
  • ‘Bùird sanntach’ a bharrachd a ghabhas toirt air falbh (leudachadh bùird chòmhnard air a’ bhodhaig) gu Ionad-obrach Shildon a chaidh a thogail Chaldron, a’ toirt barrachd luchdaidh guail.
  • Rèile-làimhe uèir leud-sgèile, ceangal giallan prìne meatailt agus luamhan breic-làimhe uèir/etch.
  • Pàirtean mion-fhiosrachaidh meatailt/plastaig air a bhleith, a’ toirt a-steach làmhan grèim, prìneachan dìon dorais, puingean slabhraidh chassis agus slabhraidhean sàbhailteachd ann am meatailt.
  • Wagons ceangailte tro shlabhraidh ghrinn ceangail ùr le cinn magnaiteach Neodymium, ceangailte aig a’ charbad tro cheangal prìne cotter prototypical.
  • Dà cheangail magnetach a bharrachd le NEM air an toirt seachad le pacaidean wagon gus leigeil le locomotaibhean agus/no stoc a bharrachd a bhith freagarrach.
  • Tha obair-ealain a’ nochdadh comharran agus àireamhan dearbhte mu mhèinnean, neo-mhearachdach gu ùine air a mhodaileadh agus stèidhichte air fìor fhianais dhealbhan far a bheil sin comasach.
  • Cuideachadh rannsachaidh a bharrachd air a thoirt seachad le Taigh-tasgaidh Beamish Living, Bowes Railway agus Comann Rèile an Ear-thuath.

Customer Reviews

Based on 11 reviews
Joe H.
Chaldron Coal Load - Short Version (Triple Pack)

This is my third pack of these brilliant little wagons.
I just love them.
The rake of wagons look great behind an 040 tank engine.

David G.
Excellent black waggons

These are perfect to run with era 1 (and even later) locomotives to try to represent the North Eastern mining heritage. They are tiny - reflecting their origin as 'horse powered' waggons used throughout the area before the development of steam powered winding engines and locomotive. They are exceptionally well made and securely packaged. Delivery is always very quick.

James M.
Well pleased

Very happy with these very detailed wagons. Can't wait to start doing a coal mine diorama. We'll done to all involved.

David H.
Great set of wagons

Very impressed with the quality in these wagons. Accurascale have captured the style of the early coal wagons expertly.
Another top product.

romaric Q.
Fun little craft

To accompany a locomotive of the line La ligne Saint-Étienne à Andrézieux , I needed wagons suseptiblent look like those pulled by a Schneider frères et Cie . These are perfect. They are very light and so I added a little bit of ballast. There was a little paint under the chassis at the level of the axle of a wheel , I polished and oiled with a ceramic car oil ( I only had this ) it works rather not bad . Overall satisfied. I would not venture to graft brass or bronze bearings to perfect the bearing.

Patrick P.
Chaldron Wagons

Really first rate models. Finely detailed, for such small models. The magnetic couplers are very good, with a positive connection every time. For such small and comparatively light wagons, they ride smoothly without any problems. The packaging also deserves mention, quite the best I have seen, real quality. All this is rounded off with a discount on multiple purchases. What more can one ask.


Very nice wagons and they are well made.

Paul S.
Delightfully Quirky Wagons 2

I bought these out of curiosity, mainly for display, along with the Vane/Londonderry models. The variation within this wagon type is amazing and Accurascale have captured this well.

David W.
Seaham Chaldron wagons.

What fantastic little models which are miniature replicas of the original wagons.

Michael H.
Good models that fill a niche for early prototypes

Good models that fill a niche for early prototypes