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North Eastern Railway Chaldron - Pack L

Original price £37.49 - Original price £37.49
Original price £37.49
£37.49 - £37.49
Current price £37.49
in stock, ready to be shipped

Ioma-phasgan trì carbadan, NER 4T Chaldron

Pasgan L: Rèile an Ear-thuath - Trì Chaldrons ann an stoidhle P1, timcheall air 1890, le àireamh:

  • 5723
  • 3399
  • 3374

Tha cuspair air a h-uile pasgan a chaidh a thoirt a-mach le mèinn, agus tha gach waggon a chithear stèidhichte air fianais dhealbhan agus iomradh air clàran mèinnean gus stoidhlichean litrichean a dhearbhadh. Tha dìreach aon stoidhle waggon ann an cuid de phasganan, agus tha stoidhlichean measgaichte ann an cuid eile far a bheil rannsachadh air sealltainn gun robh iad ag obair còmhla ri chèile.

Liosta nan Sònrachaidhean:

  • Faisean meatailt die-cast le bodhaig plastaig. Cuideam de 9g gun luchdachadh.
  • Ag obair thairis air cromagan radius as ìsle (371mm, slighe seata radius 1d)
  • Còig diofar dhealbhaidhean bodhaig, a’ còmhdach ùine bho 1840 gu 1978.
  • Tri stoidhlichean de dhealbhadh cuibhle; bhruidhinn sgoltadh, bhruidhinn rionnag agus bhruidhinn tonn, gu pròifil 00 trast-thomhas dubh RP25-88.
  • Tri stoidhlichean de rèiteachadh breiceadh agus làmhan breic, le diofar sheòrsaichean de bhlocaichean agus breic seòrsa clasp Londonderry nas toinnte.
  • Tri rèiteachadh de ‘bang-boards’.
  • ‘Bùird sanntach’ a bharrachd a ghabhas toirt air falbh (leudachadh bùird chòmhnard air a’ bhodhaig) gu Ionad-obrach Shildon a chaidh a thogail Chaldron, a’ toirt barrachd luchdaidh guail.
  • Rèilichean-làimhe uèir leud-sgèile, ceangal giallan prìne meatailt agus luamhan breic-làimhe uèir/etch.
  • Pàirtean mion-fhiosrachaidh meatailt/plastaig air a bhleith, a’ toirt a-steach làmhan grèim, prìneachan dìon dorais, puingean slabhraidh chassis agus slabhraidhean sàbhailteachd ann am meatailt.
  • Wagons ceangailte tro shreath ghrinn ceangail ùr le cinn magnetach Neodymium, ceangailte aig a’ chàr tro cheangal prìne cotter prototypical.
  • Dà cheangail magnetach a bharrachd le NEM air an toirt seachad le pacaidean wagon gus leigeil le locomotaibhean agus/no stoc a bharrachd a bhith freagarrach.
  • Tha obair-ealain a’ nochdadh comharran agus àireamhan dearbhte de chlachan-loidhnichean, neo-mhearachdach gu ùine air am modaladh agus stèidhichte air fìor fhianais dhealbhan far a bheil sin comasach.
  • Cuideachadh rannsachaidh a bharrachd air a thoirt seachad le Taigh-tasgaidh Beamish Living, Bowes Railway agus Comann Rèile an Ear-thuath.

Customer Reviews

Based on 12 reviews
David G.
Excellent black waggons

These are perfect to run with era 1 (and even later) locomotives to try to represent the North Eastern mining heritage. They are tiny - reflecting their origin as 'horse powered' waggons used throughout the area before the development of steam powered winding engines and locomotive. They are exceptionally well made and securely packaged. Delivery is always very quick.


Great addition to my collection

Gian U.L.

The model was well known (i needed more wagons). They are wonderful as usual and the service was perfect.

Darren M.
Chaldron wagons

These are lovely little wagons and full of lots of details and look great behind a small loco. Another great "little" model.

John R.
A little gem

So good I bought a second set. First set bought before Hornby’s announcement that they were going to offer a model of Locomotion to run behind Lion. With the new loco due a rake of 6 had to be done. Enough of the excuses, they are some of the best rtr wagons I’ve seen, with the balance between design and weight spot on. If they fit your layout or loco stock buy a set you won’t be disappointed.?

Daniel M.
Just fantastic

Attention to detail is beautiful, they look amazing on my layout

Thank you 🙏


Great product

Michael H.
NER chaldrons

Good models that fill a niche for early prototypes. Surprising just how much smaller these were, compared to more modern wagons.

Reviewer avatar
John C.

Not a lot to say but these 4-ton four-wheeled plank wagons. They are small coal rolling stock, which served the early industrialisation of the UK. Wonderfully captured in miniature with variation across the stock. Differences include wheel spokes, brake shoes, and planking to suit each company that had them. Coupling up is done via tiny magnetic blocks linked with exceptionally fine chain loops. At their usual standard of producing excellent detailing etc, these wagons are a real treat to see. Accurascale is issuing many versions from Londonderry and Vale, NCB, and the Stella Coal Company. They are little gems for siding or layouts of bygone days.

Iain M.
Chaldron wagons

Cannot fault the wagons, suitable for the area. Very good service.