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BFK 14111

SKU ACC2663-BFK1411

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accurascale yn falch iawn o ddatgelu’r ychwanegiad diweddaraf i’w hystod o gerbydau a gafodd dderbyniad da, sef cyfres Mk.2b o hyfforddwyr, un o nifer o is-ddosbarthiadau ‘dolen goll’ nad ydynt erioed wedi’u cynhyrchu mewn ffurf o ansawdd uchel ar raddfa 4mm. Wedi'i adeiladu yn Litchurch Lane, Derby, yn ystod 1969, adeiladwyd 111 o gerbydau ar gyfer British Rail i dri chynllun; Twristiaid yn Ail Agored (TSO), Coridor yn Gyntaf (FK) a Choridor Brake yn Gyntaf (BFK).

Nodweddion Cyffredin:

  • Mesurydd OO manwl iawn / Modelau Graddfa 1:76.2 ar drac 16.5mm
  • Manylion rhybed allanol hynod gain ar ben y to a choetsis
  • Rhannau metel ysgythru a phlastig ffyddlondeb uchel wedi'u cymhwyso ar wahân, gan gynnwys canllawiau, pibellau gwres brêc/stêm, ceblau a socedi ETH, camau troed, cwplwr migwrn dymi, ac fentiau to
  • Gwydredd Rhydd Prism
  • Byrddau cyrchfan a dalwyr Rhanbarth y Gorllewin wedi'u rhag-baentio/argraffu ynghyd â gorchuddion llenwi dŵr a ddarperir i'r cwsmer eu gosod
  • Tanffram llawn manwl gyda nifer o rannau ar wahân, rhediadau pibellau a gwahaniaethau cywir rhwng fersiynau
  • Y bogies B4 a B5 mwyaf cywir a gynhyrchwyd erioed, gyda darpariaeth ar gyfer ailfesur i fesuryddion EM neu P4 (Prydeinig 18.83mm neu Wyddelig 21mm)
  • setiau olwyn proffil du RP25.110 gyda mesuriadau cefn wrth gefn 14.4mm, a 26mm dros binbwyntiau
  • Gwahanol glustogau ar gyfer safleoedd sydd wedi'u tynnu'n ôl a safleoedd heb eu tynnu'n ôl
  • Tu mewn cywir gyda chynhalydd pen 'adenydd' nodweddiadol, canllawiau mewnol metel ar wahân ar y brêc a'r cerbydau coridor ac adran gard manwl
  • Uchder cywir Socedi cyplu safonol NEM gyda chyplyddion clo tensiwn mini a chyplydd agos cinematig
  • Trosiad hawdd i gyplyddion migwrn sy'n gydnaws â Kadee

  • Pecyn goleuo llawn, gan gynnwys
    • goleuadau mewnol a reolir gan 'ffon' magnet
    • Cynhwysydd 'Stay-Alive' ym mhob hyfforddwr
    • goleuadau cyfeiriadol gyda rheolydd DC neu DCC (Trelar Gyrru yn unig)

  • Isafswm Radiws 438mm (2il Radiws Trac Set)
  • Hyd Hyfforddwr: 269mm

Lighting and DCC Specifics

Customer Reviews

Based on 40 reviews
Anthony B.

Excellent product worth every penny very pleased

Chris D.
BFK 14111

Stunning model at another level

Steven B.

Lovely coach. Lots of detail. Excellent livery application. Another winner from Accurascale

Steven M.
Class of its own ⭐️

Another faultless product from accurascale, amazing detail. Especially like the additional details such as the destination boards. Roll on the mk2c’s ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Tim J.
FOMO strikes again!

Bought this and another 5 Blue & Grey coaches as I missed out on the last ones as more taken at the time to get locomotives. Had to strike this time as they were disappearing in front of my eyes. Particularly like the red/yellow wheel accents on this BFK but really there is nothing to dislike about these notwithstanding some people whining on about the ultra close coupling abilities. They really need to get out more! No , these are fantastically detailed models as you now can always expect from Accurascale at a fair price in comparison to some others.

Benchmark Mark 2b coach

Accurascale continue to redefine expectations with a fine model of the prototype. Superb value for money too.

James W.
Accurascale raises the bar once again

By far the best MK2 coaches out there reflected by hard-to-beat levels of detail all over combined with smooth running. Clearly a second run of these is much needed!

Colin D.
The ultimate mk2b BFK

Having opened the box a fantastic model was to be had no less than 4bags of extra detail parts as well as the orange coloured acetate for the very authentic curtains.
This is simply the best version of a mk2b BFK available, well done to Accurascale for bringing us the best ready to run carriage yet.

Marvelous Mark 2b Coach

Outstanding detail. The best interiors in this scale I have seen. An outstanding coach and now forms part of a rake of these wonderful models which I have been fortunate enough to collect. A nice Accurascale quality Mk1 buffet and a full brake would be nice to finish it off! How about it Accurascale?!

Mike P.
Oo coaches made to a new standard

Coaches made to a new standard, super free running, fantastic fine detail, and amazing working lights that stay on for a good time after the power is turned off.