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HYA Bogie Hopper Wagon - Fastline Freight / GE - Twin Pack 3


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This item was delivered in a Previous run ( January 2022 ) from this range and is no longer available new from accurascale

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Mae'r pecyn hwn yn cynnwys dwy wagen
HYA heb ei baentio gyda logos Fastline Freight a GE

  • 37 70 6791 025-9
  • 37 70 6791 062-2

Cliciwch yma am y newyddion diweddaraf am ein prosiect HYA

Nodweddion Cyffredin:

  • Pecyn o ddwy Wag, pob un â rhif rhedeg unigol ac addurn
  • Mesurydd OO manwl iawn / Modelau Graddfa 1:76.2 ar drac 16.5mm
  • Pocedi cyplydd safonol
  • NEM gydag ymarferoldeb cyplu agos ‘cinematig’
  • cyplyddion clo tensiwn cul NEM ar uchder cywir
  • byfferau sbring a chyplyddion cyswllt sgriw ffug
  • Manylion gosod ffatri metel ysgythru
  • Rhannau plastig manwl ychwanegol wedi'u gosod yn y ffatri gan gynnwys pibellau aer, olwyn llaw brêc, liferi, cromfachau gweithredu hopran
  • Llythrennau unigol, logos a chodau o wagenni go iawn er dilysrwydd
  • Trogiau grym trac isel TF25 manwl iawn gyda blociau brêc yn unol ag olwynion ac esgidiau brêc ar wahân ac addasydd brêc
  • setiau olwyn proffil du RP25.110 gyda mesuriadau cefn wrth gefn 14.4mm, a 26mm dros binbwyntiau
  • Mae wagenni 240mm dros byfferau o hyd a 160g

Lighting and DCC Specifics

Customer Reviews

Based on 14 reviews
Fantastic wagons

Fantastic wagons with loads of detail. Well built with good weight. They run great!

Paul G.
Fast line wagons

Very good quality solidly built

HYA Hoppers

Fantastic wagons. Loads of detail and run well. They look great in a long rake.

Peter C.
Brilliant engineering

A superb piece of engineering.

Probably some of the best rolling stock on the market, can’t wait for the next run

Probably some of the best rolling stock on the market, can’t wait for the next run

Danny I.

These HYAs are exceptionally awesome the livery application is amazing with super detailed parts on them and they run superb with no issues at all top marks to accurascale an fantastic kit

Graham W.
Fastline twin pack 3

Excellant as usual

Luke P.
My Fastline 66 is delighted!

Having been waiting hopelessly for years for Bachmann to retool their HTA into a HYA, Accurascale have come to the rescue!

I grabbed myself an absolute bargain!

Order placed, packed, in the post and delivered in lightning speed considering the same warehouse are shipping out the Mk5s en-mass!

The wagons are spot on. Crisp livery, crisp weld joins, every warning sticker and label in the correct positions. A quality wagon at an affordable price! Thankfully these wagons have slipped under the radar of “the boss”!


Nice fantastically produced models, well worth the cost.

HYA Bogie Hopper Wagon - Fastline

Once again a lovely big wagon from Accurascale. Beautifully detailed and well assembled. I did slightly file back the detail on either end of the hopper underside in order to allow the bogies to fully swivel, but this was only a couple of minutes work on each pack and it will avoid problems with smaller radius curves in the future. The slight loss of detail is not noticeable as you don't normally view the underside of these wagons and survive.

I would recommend these wagons highly and I know that I have bought too many of them already. I can't wait to see what next year brings from Accurascale.