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55011 The Royal Northumberland Fusiliers

UGC ACC2161D9011

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55011 – « Les Fusiliers royaux de Northumberland »

  • BR bleu
  • Headcode : plaqué sur
  • Essuie-glace : un par vitre
  • Chauffage des trains : ETH
  • Vitre latérale de la cabine avant : plaquée sur
  • Position de la corne : haut du nez
  • Écoutilles du bac à sable à l'avant : plaquées
  • Ouvertures du compartiment à piles : présentes
  • Phare à haute intensité : non monté
  • Aérateurs de pare-brise : présents
  • Fer de la lampe centrale supérieure : monté
  • Bogies : fonte

Caractéristiques communes :

  • Modèle à l'échelle OO très détaillé, 1:76.2
  • Châssis en alliage métallique moulé sous pression
  • Fourni prêt DCC [Prise MTX 21 broches] ou son DCC d'usine équipé
  • Détails spécifiques au calendrier, y compris, mais sans s'y limiter :
    • Bogies (moulés et fabriqués)
    • Positions du klaxon
    • Orifices d'échappement
    • Panneaux Headcode
    • Essuie-glaces
    • Vitres latérales de la cabine
    • Hachures du bac à sable
    • Persiennes
    • Phares
    • Évents d'aération de la cabine
    • Équipement de chauffage des trains
    • Fer à repasser
    • Enlever les codes
  • Pièces détaillées en métal gravé et en plastique haute fidélité appliquées séparément, y compris poignées de maintien, marches, essuie-glaces, plaques signalétiques, écussons et plus encore.
  • Attaches mini-tension-lock de hauteur correcte avec prise NEM ainsi qu'une poutre tampon entièrement détaillée
  • Traction haute performance, à inclure ;
    • Moteur à cinq pôles avec deux volants
    • Boîte à engrenages hélicoïdaux en métal pour des performances maximales et un fonctionnement à vitesse lente
    • Engrenage disposé de manière à ce que la locomotive puisse atteindre une vitesse maximale de 120 mph (193 km/h)
    • Compatible DCC avec condensateur PowerPack pour une alimentation ininterrompue
    • Transmission intégrale et ramassage intégral
  • Pack d'éclairage entièrement détaillé, comprenant :
    • Éclairage directionnel, DC et DCC
    • Les feux de position peuvent être éteints lorsque le train est couplé à la locomotive
    • Fonction des phares à haute intensité, le cas échéant
    • Éclairage et éclairage de la cabine commutés séparément, détails de la console du conducteur, arrêt automatique en cas de mouvement
    • Éclairage du compartiment moteur
  • Roues RP25-110 Roues OO avec possibilité de recalibrage à p4 et écartement EM
  • Deux haut-parleurs de qualité avec de grandes capsules sonores pour le meilleur son possible (*sur les modèles équipés de sonorisation)
  • Tampons métalliques entièrement suspendus
  • Tuyauterie extra fine montée en usine

Rayon minimum 438 mm (2ème rayon réglé sur la voie)

Lighting and DCC Specifics

Customer Reviews

Based on 41 reviews
Justin W.
Great Deltic

Having had a Deltic for 40years, I thought it might be time to invest in another (or two)! What can I say, the 40 year wait has been worth it. So happy.
The sound quality and stay alive are just brilliant.

Anthony C.
stunning model full of detail

waited quite a while to order my class 55 Northumberland fusilier always out of stock, finally got it!! worth the wait, lovely detail all the bells and whistles.
I will be ordering another class 55.
Thankyou accurascale for a fine Model.

Very promising debut!

Accurascale have really set the bar high with this one! I was astonished by the level of detail but it was arguably the packaging and everything that came with the model that left such a good impression. The etched nameplates, the retro-look booklet about the Class 55s, the separate headcode decals as well as a thorough explanation of each headcode (very useful for a naive modeller like me!), and the general box design...all very impressive and a solid impact.

In terms of the model, it runs very smoothly although I noticed a clicking sound when the loco is straightening out after a long curve; I'm yet to check closer for probable causes. This model came with fixed lights making the headcodes redundant, however the thought is what counts and in fact I will be repurposing those, so their inclusion is only a good thing. I was slightly disappointed to see the radiator fans do not move when in-motion, but this is not detrimental to my overall enjoyment or the running.

The value for money is extraordinary, far better than competitor offers, and I will be strongly recommending to others. The customer service was friendly and helpful, and I have already pre-ordered for one of the Class 37s. Keep up the good work, Accurascale!

Martin F.
Great model

Great looking model, runs well looking forward to the future releases

George L.
Ahead of everyone else

Absolutely brilliant model. Out the box in one price straight onto the layout and was really impressed with the detail and the sound. Looking forward to the Caledonian coaches even more now. Well done accurascale.

Based on a cost verses end product

In this review i am solely basing it on a cost verses the received product i.e. value for money . The cost was £160 for this DCC Ready model . In the current climate and comparing against other models in same price range on first looks it is evenly matched with other manufactures except Hornby where it is considerably cheaper. The spec however of the Accurascale deltic is a lot higher in most instances than the others in same price bracket and one major pointer is that each deltic is more or less a one off but, where possible using identical parts. Even by doing this it adds to the tooling costs and is something Bachmann is doing with their 47's and 37's albeit at around £50 more than this deltic and £40 for the 37!. Yes, there are niggles with some of the deltic loosing or missing parts and the chains are a pain BUT for £160 i can live with that .
What i am trying to conclude is £ for £ this for the money paid is an exceptional loco in the current climate. If it was £210 then this would still be a great model but, for me the minor issues would now be issues for potentially returning the model, where as now it is not and is therefore for the money paid an excellent model. Just need the spares now!
Hope this makes sense , if so can someone explain it to me as i haven't got a clue what i am on about!

Mark C.
Exudes class...

I can't really add anything more to the positive reviews other than to agree and say that this is a heavy, smooth and quiet loco. Simply running on a rolling road it exudes class worthy of the real thing!

John S.
Simply Stunning

The title says it all!
Runs faultlessly, sounds fantastic.
Very happy with my purchase.
Bring on the Manor, Class 37 and 31!

Phil W.
Great model

Love this version of the Deltic, but due to the depth of detail was disappointed that the first time the model was put back into its box two of the four small ladders at the front corners snapped off.
If you’re going to provide this level of detail and have small parts that can easily break off, then please change your packaging accordingly.

Peter F.
Superb model

It’s a superb model. I had been pleased with the Bachmann one but this one seems to have all the complex shapes correct and the detail (e.g. grills and wipers) would be difficult to improve.
I can’t speak too highly of the sound. I spent the late 60s and early 70s going up and down the ECML to Newcastle and the sounds are exactly as I remember them – especially the resonance of the exhaust silencers.
Two very minor criticisms:
1. There were six (out of 24) loose brake blocks and hangers. Close inspection suggest that they had never been glued. Luckily, easy to fix.
2. One loose bogie chain, which I didn’t spot until it had activated the cut-out on my DCC system six times (shorting on turnouts). Not easy to fix, as the arm on the body is broken and the remaining area is too small to take adhesive properly. I’ve glued the chain to the bogie as a temporary solution but might try to drill a very insert a fine wire under the remains of the arm when I have time.
Best regards
Peter Filcek