Rather than a specific review of D9010, I'm sharing my views on the Accurascale Deltics in general as I ordered 7 in total. Overall, I'm very pleased with the models- the attention to locomotive specific accuracy is first class, not just to rather obvious things (though the first time on a model of a Deltic) like the absence or inclusion of additional grills above the nameplates or correct bogies, but even down to nos. 19,20 & 21 having the remains of fixings for the roof mounted horns they carried when first delivered. The number of fine and separately fitted details is astonishing given that the price is very competitive compared to other manufacturers. This detail, however, can be a problem in that some can become easily dislodged in transit. All seven of my models had at least one part broken off and some had several. Nothing I haven't been able to fix myself with a good illuminated magnifier and a steady hand! Overall, I'd say that these models are amongst the best I have even bearing in mind the small amount of repairing necessary. Well done Accurascale and I look forward to my pre-ordered class 37s, 31s and Manors.