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BR 21T COAL21VB/MDV - Bauxite Pre-TOPS- Pack C


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Iarnróid na Breataine 21 Ton Gual 21VB / Vaigíní MDV
Ilchaca trí vaigín

A bhfuil trí vaigín ann, uimhrithe:

  • B312005
  • B312482K
  • B313499
  • Báicsít, sreabha Réamh-TOPS
  • patrún
  • 1/120
  • OLEO Maoláin
  • Boscaí Acastóra Iomthaca Srollaigh
  • Arna thabhairt isteach i 1961
  • 3,950 vaigín tógtha de réir an phatrúin seo
  • Doirse Flap Breise ar na taobhanna, nach raibh
  • ag MDO orthu
  • Fan i seirbhís go dtí 1992
  • Rith sé i mbloc-rácaí, agus meascadh é le vaigíní guail eile ar nós mianraí 16t (MCO), hoppers 21t (HTV), mianraí 24.5t (MEO), etc.

Gnéithe coitianta:

  • Paca trí vaigín, gach ceann acu le huimhreacha aonair
  • pócaí cúplála caighdeánach NEM
  • Chuir cúplóirí glasa teannais caol
  • san áireamh
  • Páirteanna plaisteacha mionsonracha breise atá feistithe sa mhonarcha agus maoláin sprung
  • Litreoireachta aonair agus cóid ó vaigíní réadacha le haghaidh barántúlachta

    Lighting and DCC Specifics

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 6 reviews
    Billy V.
    Lovely wagons

    Excellent model and with fitted coals loads are superb.

    Mike C.
    Rolling on with 21 someThings

    A ubiquitous wagon that allows another Block Train or Pick Up/Trip working to be modelled.

    Ideal for every modeler from those with a roundy - roundy to those who love using all sorts of paints, washes and powders to produce a wonder of weathering in 4mm scale!

    Get Some, Then Get Some more !!!

    Alexander C.
    Fabulous MDVs

    The details on these models are fabulous. I ordered the Rails exclusive M & C metals edition because these ran in my home area in Scotland where I was brought up. I also ordered the Rails Jenny Kirk exclusive in bauxite livery. I intended to run this with Hornby MDVs but the Accurascale model really puts the Hornby version to shame so I ended up ordering a further pack of bauxite liveried MDVs from Accurascale. Get them while you still can, you will not be disappointed!

    David R.
    Excellent in every way

    Very happy with my first purchase from Accurascale. Everything from the fine level of detail to the paint finish is excellent. I have nothing bad at all to say about accurascale and this product. We have a couple of preordered locos too, which I cannot wait to see in the flesh. Keep doing what you're doing accurascale :)

    Cameron W.
    One of the BEST!

    It is so refreshing to see the likes of Accurascale tackling the once every day wagons that have been overlooked by other manufacturers. The HUO's were the first to come and they were exquisite, and these MDO's & MDV's are the icing on the cake. The detail in the MDV underframe in particular is exceptional. A very happy customer, who just can't get enough of these Accurascale products! I look forward to more minerals and hoppers of the era from Accurascale. :)

    Tim G.
    Exceptional model

    Great model, highly impress with the amount of little details that have been added by Accurascale to increase the the value for money for the end modeler. My only wish would be for them to issue a pre-weather version and save me the time :-).