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HAA - Railfreight Red - Pack 1

Sold out
Original price €76,95 - Original price €76,95
Original price
€76,95 - €76,95
Current price €76,95
As stoc

Mar a Tógtha (HOP AB)
Railfreight Red

  • 1980-1990

  • Uimhreacha vaigíní
    • 350005
    • 351902
    • 357149

Is sampla maisithe í an tsamhail ghrianghrafadóireachta, agus b’fhéidir nach bhfuil sé lántáscach den mhúnla deiridh.

Samhail tomhsaire OO an-mhionsonraithe, scála 1:76.2 ar rian 16.5mm
* Ga Íosta 438mm (2ú Ga-rian taca)
* Meáchan 40g ar a laghad
* Fonnadh dísleáite don mheáchan idéalach
* Taobh istigh mionsonraithe le seamanna, frámaíocht, strapping agus 'adharca' dorais próifílithe go cruinn
* Rothaí tomhsaire próifíl RP25-110 OO le bloic coscáin ar leith ag teacht le treo
* Maoláin sprung miotail agus cúpláin meandracha caocha
* Sár-fhíneáil páirteanna plaisteacha, lena n-áirítear. píopaí aeir, iarann ​​lampa, gabhálacha sábhála, claspaí agus coscáin dioscaí, trealamh oibriúcháin dorais drónán, etc.
* Sonraí eitseáilte miotail, lena n-áirítear. luamhán coscán, plátaí fonnaidh, srl.
* Feistis cúplála NEM cinéiteach inbhainte ag an airde cheart le cúplóirí mionghlais-teannas curtha ar fáil le Meadróirí scála san áireamh

Difríochtaí iomadúla aonair idir cineálacha vaigín
* Trí stíl choirp: mar a tógadh, mar a athchorpraíodh agus CDA
* Dhá stíl an dorais hopair: patrún 'X' ar leagan guail agus patrún 'léas díreach' ar CDA
* Ceannbhrat bunaidh agus stíleanna ceannbhrait 'aeraidinimiciúla' níos déanaí nuair is cuí
* Clúdaíonn dhá stíl do threalamh oibriúcháin dorais, le roinnt stíleanna níos déanaí ina bhfuil leaganacha ‘meascán agus meaitseáil’!
* Dhá stíl maoláin sprung: Oleo (athraithigh guail) agus tromshaothair (CDA)
* Trí leagan éagsúla den fhráma chassis le haghaidh leaganacha HAA, HDA agus CDA
* Cumraíochtaí iolracha píopaí coscáin maoláin
* Trí leagan éagsúla rotha: bolted coscán diosca, coscán gnáth-diosca agus gnáthchoscán (coscán clasp)
* Gné HBA/HDA modhnuithe cearta ar threalamh oibriúcháin caliper diosca coscáin, aershorcóir breise níos mó, luamháin aistrithe folamh/luchtaithe agus coscán suite os cionn aonbharra dáileoir
* CDA gnéithe ceart sorcóir aeir deiridh mór agus os cionn an dáileoir coscáin gléasta aonbharra, boscaí aerála deiridh, díon an-mhionsonraithe le clúdach chanbhás uigeach agus lámha oibriúcháin gléasta ar an bhfonnadh

Customer Reviews

Based on 14 reviews
Chris C.
HAA - Railfreight Red - Pack 1

These and the other MGR wagons are great, perform nicely and look the part, can't wait to get them weathered and loaded to finish them off! I fear there will be more packs to come......

Simon H.

I really don't think that there is any more I can say that hasn't already been said about these excellent wagons, 10/10!

Steve P.

These wagons were really worth the wait. I missed out first time round but couldn't resist when they became available again - the attention to detail is second to none. They are such free rolling wagons too. Faultless

Another tempting issue

I missed these when first released and given the standard of the subsequent releases regretted it, so I leapt at the chance when a 2nd opportunity came round to buy this and Pack 2 - they are excellent - it seems almost a shame to weather them but it does emphasise the detail around the undergear - the only issue is that train lengths are now approaching layout limits !!

John W.
Rake complete

Love these wagons, excellent detail and free running. I was going to add these to my h*rnby rake but ended up completely replacing the full rake instead. Superb

Gary S.
Another Winning Product

Well done Accurascale, these HAAs are just wonderful. So good that I had to order an additional pack to build up a train length quicker. The detail built into the wagons is just incredible for the price, and they set a new standard for MGR wagons. They look great on the track

Craig W.
Good well detailed models

Good well detailed models

HAA wagons Railfreight red

Excellent wagons, beautifully detailed and good value for money. Look superb with the 2 packs of freight brown wagons I bought from my retailer. Just need a few more wagons to make a rake and for Accurascale to produce a class 58 locomotive to haul them.

Ashley K.
Legendary wagon

All of the MGR wagons Iv received up to are exceptionally high detailed. Excellent value for money. The wagons Iv ordered will form part of my prestigious collection of coal hoppers I very much cherish.

Paul B.
Stunning Visual Product

Having received both the HAA - Railfreight Red - Pack 1 & the HBA - Railfreight Red - Pack 1 × 1 it is clear that these are excellently manufactured with stunning and accurate detail. These will make a real impression on the model railway layout.