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D9000 - BR Green w/cantrail (VXC)

Sold out
Original price £141.66 - Original price £141.66
Original price
£141.66 - £141.66
Current price £141.66
As stoc
Aicme 55 'Deltic' - BR Green w/cantrail (Tras-Thír na Maighdean) -  D9000 - Royal Scots Grey

Réalt ár ndara rith agus an chéad uimhir Deltic ar liostaí mianta go leor custaiméirí Is é an t-aon RSG an t-aon RSG ina ré caomhnaithe íocónach glas dé-ton agus é ag feidhmiú seirbhísí Virgin CrossCountry idir 1997 agus 1999. Áiríonn ár n-uirlisiú uathúil don inneall seo ceannlampa ard-infheictheachta.

Loco Details File Fíricí:

: D9000
Battery Louvres : Tá
Bogies Feistithe : Déanta
Coscáin : Dual
Boltaí Díon an Chabáin : Níl
Fuinneog an chábáin : Plátáilte
Stíl sceite : Platáilte
Painéal sceite : Tá
Fan : Athbhreithnithe
Ceannchód : Bunaidh
Ceannsoilse : Tá
Suíomh Adharc : Srón
Boscaí Gainimh : Níl
Iarann ​​​​Barr Lampa : Tá
Téamh Traenach : ETH/Galal
Stíl Siúlóide : Déanach
Líonán Uisce : Níl
Cuimleoirí Feistithe : Dhá
Vents WS : Níl

Gnéithe Coitianta Aicme:
  • Samhail scála OO an-mhionsonraithe, 1:76.2
  • Fonnadh miotail cóimhiotal dísle-theilgthe
  • Soláthar CCBÁC réidh [Soicéad MTX 21Pin] nó Monarcha DCC Fuaim Feistithe
  • Sonraí ar leith don chreat ama, lena n-áirítear ach gan a bheith teoranta do;
  • Bogies (Teilgthe agus Déanta)
  • Suímh adharca
  • Poirt sceite
  • Painéil ceannchóid
  • Cuimilteoirí gaothscátha
  • Fuinneoga taobh an chábáin
  • haistí bosca gainimh
  • Louvres
  • Ceannsoilse
  • Cabanna gaothairí aer
  • Traein trealamh teasa
  • iarann ​​lampa
  • Cóid chaillfidh
  • Miotal eitseáilte a chuirtear i bhfeidhm ar leithligh agus mionpháirteanna plaisteacha ard-dhílseachta, lena n-áirítear lámha greim, céimeanna, cuimilteoirí, ainmchláir, suaitheantais agus go leor eile.
  • Cúplálaithe glasa mionteannas ar an airde cheart le soicéad NEM chomh maith le sonraí iomlána maoláin
  • Tarraing Ardfheidhmíochta, lena n-áirítear;
  • Mótar Cúig-Chuaille le dhá roth eitilte
  • Bosca Gear Helical le haghaidh uasfheidhmíochta agus luas mall reatha
  • Gearáil eagraithe sa chaoi is gur féidir le hinnill uasluas scála 120 msu (193 km/u)
  • a bhaint amach
  • DCC réidh le toilleoir PowerPack do chumhacht gan bhriseadh
  • Gach tiomáint rotha agus gach piocadh rotha
  • Pacáiste Soilsithe go hiomlán mionsonraithe, lena n-áirítear:
  • Soilsiú treo, DC agus CCDnG
  • Is féidir soilse marcála a mhúchadh nuair a dhéantar an traein a chúpláil le loco
  • Feidhm ceannlampa ard-déine nuair is infheidhme
  • Soilsiú cábáin ar leithligh agus soilsithe, sonraítear consól an tiománaí, múchadh uathoibríoch
  • Innill bhá soilsiú
    Rothaí OO
  • RP25-110 le soláthar d'aththomhas go dtí an tomhsaire p4 agus EM
  • Dhá chainteoir ardchaighdeáin le capsúil mhóra fuaime don fhuaim is fearr is féidir (* ar mhúnlaí feistithe le fuaim)
  • Maoláin miotail spréite go hiomlán
  • Píbobair fhíneáil bhreise sa mhonarcha
Ga Íosta 438mm (2ú Ga Sraith-rian) 

Customer Reviews

Based on 55 reviews
Dave H.
VXC D9000

Incredible model. Very powerful, heavy and highly detailed. Would buy another.

Nick C.
The XC service I’ve been waiting for.

Up to the exacting standards one comes to expect from AS. Sits nicely at the helm of my XC mk2’s.

James M.
Simply amazing!

I've long sought after an accurate recreation of D9000 in late '90s condition and this is excellent - the livery is beautifully rendered, and the model looks great with the high-intensity headlight on the front, it's a strong, powerful and smooth runner - just perfect for hauling those Virgin CrossCountry specials!

Idris G.
Wonderful Brick

Wonderful detail, incredible runner, and VERY heavy. A 5 starer for me.

John M.
Royal by status!!

My fourth Accurascale Deltic - as always, outstanding in all respects - what more can I say!!!


Superb model with notable improvements over the 1st release. Accurascale have really captured the bulk and subtle styling of the Deltic. The way the windscreens have been modelled is particularly noteworthy. The refinements made to the second run, including the revised fitment of the handbrake chains and extra space for the speaker are greatly appreciated. I have fitted a decoder and speaker from a batch 1 loco and can confirm that there is no vibration. I’ve covered over the white LED intended for the wipac light clusters and dimmed the headlights and all works perfectly. I travelled behind D9000 following its return to mainline working in 1997, so this model was a must have and really looks the part attached to a rake of Intercity/Virgin Mk2s. Brilliant!

peter s.
d 9000

excellent loco

great detail

smooth powerful runner

jonathan w.
Class 55 RSG run 2

lovely loco, no missing bits or bits dropped off like run 1, chains are much better. Generally a step up from run 1. very very happy

Stuart W.
D9000 RSG

Lovely model.
Would rather have them moulded than supplying them in the added detail bag.
I actually thought you had missed them off my model ??
Couldn’t believe when I spotted them in the bag😳

Gary M.

Ordered this in April and finally got my hands on it in December and it was well worth the wait absolutely stunning model and excellent performance