Dè tha ùr!
Our latest wagon in our "Powering Britain" series is about to arrive on your layout! Check out the production samples of our 16 ton mineral wagons....Read now
Class 31 and Mark 1 Sub Mega Update - Green Type 2s Revealed, Blue Delivery Date Confirmed!
Our Blue Class 31s are almost here, and we have production samples of our green goddesses! Check them out, along with an update on our beautiful Mark 1 subs, right here....Read now -
21 Ton Hopper Deco Samples Revealed
Our recently announced BR 21 Ton Hopper Wagons are already at decorated stage. Check out how they look right here...Read now -
New Announcement; Finally, the HTO and HTV 21 Tonners In OO/4mm!
For our latest OO/4mm announcement we fill in an almighty gap in RTR BR wagons - the 21 tonner, later rebodied and carrying the TOPS codes HTO and HTV...Read now -
Marooned In Suburban Paradise - Mark 1 Subs In Maroon Unveiled
The missing link is here! After many, many requests, you can now get our Mark 1 subs in Maroon...Read now -
Class 55 Deltic Run 2 Update February 2024 - Decorated Samples Revealed!
Our Deltcs are shaping up quite nicely! Check out the decorated samples for run 2, the improvements we made and a delivery update...Read now -
Rainbow Rustons - Decorated Samples Of Our First O Loco Are Here!
All the colours of the rainbow! Welcome to the decorated samples and update of our first ever O gauge locomotive, the Ruston and Hornsby 88DS...Read now -
Accurascale Review of 2023
You may need a whole bottle or a full kettle for this as it's been one busy year. Check out our 2023 end of year report...Read now -
Mark 1 Suburban Coach Update December 2023
Is a sub with a hole in it called a bagel? We endeavour to answer a question you never thought you'd ask yourself in our latest update blog....Read now -
Decorated 16 Tonner Samples Revealed
Like skittles, our decorated 16 tonners make for a multi-coloured sight in both BR standard trim and of course the post BR career in industrial use. Check out our latest update on our latest "Powering Britain" project...Read now -
Class 31 Production Update - October 2023
Our lovely Peds have been quite the complex challenge, but are now on the home straight. We've travelled to the factory in China to bring you the latest update...Read now -
Class 37 Run Two Decorated Samples Are Here - Full Update
Get ready for run 2 of our yummy Class 37s.....Read now