We showed you the first, and now we are showing you the last! Check out our model of 60100 in DB livery, representing our Accurascale Exclusive bookending the Tugs!
The first of our Exclusive Class 60 locomotives are unveiled! Welcome to 60001 and 60100, as we bookend the history of these wonderful mountain movers!
The 60s have lived an interesting career; from being the last British built diesel locomotives for BR, to still being the premiere heavy haulers with several freight companies today. Join Accurascale Class 60 Project Manager Steve Purves as he documents their careers to date...
We've been busy making the ultimate 66 even better! Check out what final, little tweaks we have made to our sheds and how they will be the best Class 66 model there is....
Tha cinneasachadh cha mhòr deiseil air na hopairean China Clay againn. Thoir sùil air mar a tha iad a’ tighinn còmhla ri ro-shealladh dhiubh ann an livery EWS...
Nach eil iad cho breagha? Bidh na Dysons againn a’ faighinn fras de dhath agus ceann-latha lìbhrigidh air a dhearbhadh nuair a ruigeas a ’chiad bhaidse de shamhlaichean sgeadaichte!