7814 – ‘Fringford Manor ' BR Manor Class— Accurascale Rach gu susbaint

7814 – ‘Fringford Manor ' BR Manor Class

Prìs tùsail £141.66 - Prìs tùsail £216.66
Prìs tùsail
£141.66 - £216.66
Prìs an-dràsta £141.66
Ri fhaotainn:
Chan eil ach 2 air fhàgail!
Ri fhaotainn:
ann an stoc, deiseil airson a chuir air falbh
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7814 – ‘Fringford Manor’

  • BR Dubh gun lìnigeadh le suaicheantas tràth mòr
  • Simileir Thùsail
  • Buidheann tairgse air a shnìomh
  • Plàtaichean adhairc farsaing

Feartan cumanta:

  • Modail tomhais OO fìor mhionaideach, sgèile 1: 76.2 air slighe 16.5mm
  • Stèidhichte air scan 3D de 7808 Cookham Manor agus dealbhan làn obraichean air an toirt seachad le Great Western Society, Didcot
  • Sgrùdaidhean air an gabhail os làimh le taic bho Erlestoke Manor Fund, Dinmore Manor Loco Ltd agus Tyseley Locomotive Works
  • Tha bogsa-smoc agus similear a’ riochdachadh suidheachadh GWR mar a chaidh a thogail gu ceart no ath-tharraing BR às deidh 1952
  • Taobh a-staigh cab làn-mhionaideach le mòran phàirtean eadar-dhealaichte 
  • Faisean meatailt die-cast, truinnsear ruith agus corp
  • Rèile-làimhe uèir leud-sgèile
  • Pàirtean mion-fhiosrachadh meatailt / plastaig agus cèir caillte, incl. greim làimhe, steapaichean, sròin choileach, msaa
  • Ainm ro-pheantadh meatailt meatailt agus clàran-àireamh
  • Bùird-cinn meatailte eitsichte "Cambrian Coast Express" agus "Pembroke Coast Express"
  • Ceanglaichean sgriubha dummy àrd-dhìlseachd
  • Bufairean meatailt làn sprùilleach agus obair-pìoba air a chuir a-steach le factaraidh
  • Còmhdaichean bufair le teip no dìreach far a bheil sin iomchaidh
  • Blocaichean breic a rèir cuibhlichean
  • Faodaidh cumadh làraidh pònaidh aghaidh ceart a chuir an àite an inneal-glasaidh mion-teannachaidh aghaidh

Fiosrachadh tairgse:

  • Churchward 3,500 gal tairgse le mòran atharrachaidhean a’ toirt a-steach taobhan sàthaichte is sruthach, lannan adhairc cumhang no farsaing, trì stoidhlichean eadar-dhealaichte de chrochadair earraich agus scoop uisge fo-fhrèam
  • Bufairean meatailt làn sprung, obair-pìoba air a chuir a-steach ann am factaraidh agus ceanglaichean sgriubha dùmhail àrd-dhìlseachd
  • Còmhdaichean bufair tràth, le teip no dìreach far a bheil sin iomchaidh
  • Braca truinnsear rabhaidh os cionn roghainneil air eisimpleirean BR fadalach
  • Cupair Kinetic NEM a’ cur suas air tairgse aig an àirde cheart le càraidean glas-teannachaidh beag
  • Socaid decoder DCC ann an tairgse (mullach tairgse ruigsinneach le earrann togail a-mach tèarainte le magnets)
  • Roghainn earrannan togail a-mach: luchd falamh no samhlaichte ‘gual’

DCC / Feartan dealanach:

  • Motair 3-pòla de chàileachd àrd le cuibhle itealaich, bholtadh tòiseachaidh ìosal agus lìbhrigeadh cumhachd rèidh
  • DCC deiseil [Socaid MTC 21-Pin ann an tairgse] no roghainnean fuaim DCC air an stàladh le factaraidh
  • Tha neach-labhairt aig locomotaibhean fuaim DCC ann am bogsa ceò agus luchd-labhairt dùbailte ann an tairgse
  • Banca capacitor PowerPack airson cumhachd is fuaim gun bhriseadh
  • Solas bogsa-teine ​​​​frasgach (air a shioncronachadh le fuaim air modalan stàlaichte DCC)
  • Taghadh dealain bho gach cuibhle dràibhidh tairgse agus locomotaibh

Feartan tarraing:

  • Radius as ìsle 438mm (2na slighe seata radius)
  • Inneal-iarainn meatailt die-cast, truinnsear ruith agus bodhaig le tuagal dràibhidh ionad sprung
  • Bogsa Gear Helical Metal airson an coileanadh as àirde agus astar slaodach a’ ruith
  • Gearradh air a chuir air dòigh gus an urrainn do locomotaibh astar as àirde de 90 msu (145 km/h)
    a choileanadh
  • RP25-110 pròifil cuibhlichean tomhais OO

Customer Reviews

Based on 22 reviews


Marcus W.

Brilliant model and the sounds are great

Dave G.
Fringford Manor does not disappoint. 4.5 out of 5

No a Manor was not on the shopping list as a priority but I had to see what the Accurascale Manor was really like. If I left it too long all of the first batch would have gone.

7814 is in the utilitarian unlined black but on checking the data, in Peto’s Register Volume 2 – Manor 4-6-0’s, there is a picture of her taken on 4th August 1957 in the condition modelled with its original capuchin chimney – indicating at this date it still retained its original drafting and was probably the last one in this condition until generally repaired in May 1959 so it would fit any timescale that I might wish to model. From this date it was lined green and it got a larger tender.

In other words Accurascale have done their prototype checking and have avoided a howler. I especially appreciated the empty tender with coal space and option to fit the supplied coal load moulding.

What does it run like? Embarrassingly well. It will out drag a King and Castle and probably a 9F as available at present. Your 1/76th scale operator has a tool that is better than anything else for branch line operation. The motor is smooth and responsive but the leading coupled wheel is slightly out of square on its pressed axle and there is a shimmy at the front end of about 1.5mm that is more noticeable in reverse. It is not slackness in the bearings and is a manufacturing fault that is typical of Chinese production. Sadly manufacturing at a distance means that you are reliant on the manufacturers self checking their product for quality. However you could say that the shimmy is prototypical. Anyone on Southall Station in the late ‘50s watching tanner wunners on through trains would bear witness to this movement.

Richard T.
Truly brilliant.

Fringford Manor is my second Accurascale Manor purchase. I was so impressed with the appearance and operation of Draycott Manor that I decided to buy another. I can't wait for further additions to the Accurascale GWR/WR stable.

Bob H.
Fringford Manor 7814

Currently only run-in on a rolling road where all testing worked well. Running backwards the loco moves side to side a little more than I expected (could this be a gear train issue?) but driving forward I'm glad to see this side motion is minimal. Sound levels could be louder but have not tried to adjust the level values to give a higher pitch yet. The added crew figures are great. Taking into account all the other amazing details on this loco I'm hoping this model alongside my first Manor (Draycott Manor) will prove to be an enjoyable addition to my fleet.

Raymond M.
My first

As this is my first ever steam locomotive with sound, I was blown away with not just the sounds but the looks and the way it moved.
Also the packaging was sturdy and the delivery was included in the price. Fantastic.

Alan P.
Fringford Manor

The best manor yet.

Pete F.
Accurascale accuracy triumphs again.

What an outstanding loco. High end engineering has it running so smoothly and quietly and the detail is phenomenal. The two blacks of the boiler hold your gaze for ages. Magnificent - well done Accurascale.


Excellent quality madel as always.

A great model.

Excellent loco, very pleased with it! Probably the best quality of any manufacturer out there. You cannot beat the class of solid die-cast construction, which also seems to promote a superior paint finish.

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