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Class 37 - BR Green w/small yellow panel - D6600

Sold out
Original price £141.66 - Original price £141.66
Original price
£141.66 - £141.66
Current price £141.66
Out of stock
Crìochnaichte faisg air sia bliadhna às deidh do D6700 Vulcan Foundary fhàgail, b’ e D6600 a’ chiad fhear de naoi English Electric Type 3s a chaidh a h-àireamhachadh a-mach à òrdugh leis gun do dh’ fhàs a’ chabhlach nas àirde na an t-sreath ainmichte aca agus a’ bualadh suas an-aghaidh locomotaibhean D7000 ‘Hymek’ Western Regions. Air a lìbhrigeadh gu 86A Cardiff Canton san Lùnastal 1965 agus an uairsin gu Swansea Landore ann an 1971, a’ faighinn an àireamh 37300 nas fhaide air adhart, chuir e seachad a’ chiad 20 bliadhna de a bheatha gu sònraichte air dleastanasan bathair ann agus timcheall air ceann a deas na Cuimrigh mus do ghluais e a dh’Alba mu dheireadh aig toiseach 1985. Is gann gun robh e air tuineachadh ann an ceann a tuath na crìche nuair a fhuair e fios gu Crewe Works san Dàmhair airson ath-sgeadachadh mar aon de na Clas 37/4s, 37429, a bha stèidhichte sa Chuimrigh. suidheachadh an t-sròin mar a chaidh a thogail às aonais truinnsear teannachaidh sàthaichte agus iarannan lampa ann an stoidhle WR a-mhàin.

Common Features:

  • Highly detailed OO scale model, 1:76.2
  • Heavy die-cast metal chassis
  • Accurate tumbleholme, nose, cab roof and cantrail curves taken from 3D Laser scan and extensive surveys
  • Timeframe specific details, including but not limited to;
  • Bogies (Fabricated and three variations of Cast)
  • Fuel tanks (As built and with later smooth-sided long range fuel tank)
  • Early Class 37/0 features frost grille, boiler filler panel and access steps
  • Early Class 37/0 features illuminated split headcode displays with a selection of different four-character headcodes
  • Class 37/6 have operational WIPAC light clusters and top headlight and numerous different nose slides all including multiple working socket
  • Three styles of buffer: large round Oleo, oval and squared oval
  • Three styles of nose grilles: as built, refurbished ‘split’ and refurbished ‘single piece’
  • Boiler exhaust, and two styles of plated boiler panel
  • With or without bufferbeam skirts
  • With or without cab roof vents and bodyside windows
  • Nose and roof aerials and antennas (where applicable)
  • Three styles of windscreen: standard, centre toughened and all toughened
  • Three styles of cab interior: as built, refurbished and modern DRS locos
  • Four bufferbeam variations with different piping configurations
  • Door kickplates where applicable

Multiple body and nose slides to accurately represent almost every member of the class, including three variations of cantrail grille: early EE (for D6700-D6704), later EE and RSH

Four roof styles: Original double riveted, single riveted, welded and welded with antennas

Separately applied etched metal and high fidelity plastic detail parts, including grab handles, aerials, steps, wipers, nameplates, crests and more.

Etched metal door kickplates (where applicable), ‘frost’ grille (where applicable) & super fine etched metal roof grille

Scale width wire handrails

Turned brass roof-mounted horns on centre headcode examples

Full underbody tank detail with brackets and pipework

Bogies feature separate footsteps, etched footsteps, brake cylinders, speed recorder, end brake rigging and very fine brake chain

Brake blocks on trucks (bogies) in line with wheels (can be moved for EM/P4 gauges)

Numerous other locomotive-specific details yet to be revealed!

RP25-110 profile OO gauge wheels with fine scale ‘drop in’ EM (18.2mm gauge) and P4 (18.83mm gauge) wheels available separately

Accurate high-fidelity miniature snowploughs

Fully sprung metal buffers, extra-fine factory-installed pipework and screw couplings

Correct height mini-tension-lock couplers with NEM socket as well as a fully detailed bufferbeam

Every model includes PowerPack / Backup Power Capacitor Bank for up to ten seconds of power free running, flicker free lighting and continuous sound

  • High Performance traction, to include;
  • High-quality five-pole motor with two flywheels
  • Metal Helical Gear box for maximum performance and slow speed running
  • Gearing arranged so locomotive can achieve a scale top speed of 100 mph (160 km/h)
  • DCC ready with PowerPack Super-capacitor for uninterrupted power and super low speed running
  • All wheel drive and all wheel pickup

Provided DCC ready [21Pin MTX Socket] or Factory DCC Sound Fitted [ESU LokSound 5]

Every model includes PowerPack / Backup Power Capacitor Bank for up to ten seconds of power free running, flicker free lighting and continuous sound

DCC Sound Versions include;

  • ESU LokSound V5 DCC Chip
  • Customised Dual-Speaker Technology with;
  • Large Accurathrash Bass Speaker
  • Smaller 'iphone' style cube for higher frequencies
  • DCC ready with PowerPack Super-capacitor for uninterrupted power and super low speed running

Fully detailed Lighting Pack, including: 

  • Directional lighting on DC and DCC
  • Fully functional Headlights per prototype
  • Engine Bay Lighting (with visible Prime Mover)
  • WIPAC light clusters where appropriate with day and night-time settings
  • Separately switched cab lighting and illuminated, details driver’s console, auto off on movement
  • Switchable red tail lights

Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
D6600 class 37

Another winner from Accurascale and not my first version of this class. Missed out on the Network version & hopefully will be considered again. Would love to see a Class 97/3s of these. Excellent value & top notch build plus life time guarantee.

John W.

Yet another great 37 to my collection, crisp printing and smooth runner. I prefer a split headcode 37 but this fits right in :)


This is the best model of Class 37 diesel made.Looks and runs great,straight out of the box.

Nigel T.
Class 37 - BR D6600

Remarkable model. I have been delighted by the level of detail and its performance. A favourite prototype captured to perfection!

Graham T.
very nice model which runs very well

I ordered this in Aug 2023 and it finally arrived September 2024 having been expected in 1st quarter of 2024. The model is very nice and runs well pulling 8 coaches up my 1 in 40 slope without any problem. the only disappointment is the head code lights which only illuminate the outside two characters. it appears that the led set up the same as on other class 37 models which only require the outside lights. i thought that the centre 2 lights would be added as there are empty pre drilled holes ready for them on the earlier models. Nevertheless still happy with this model and plan to order other models soon.

Mark W.
Utterly Superb

Well where do I start, my new model of the class 37 arrived well packaged and boxed to avoid any damage. After removal it is by far the best diesel locomotive I have ever purchased and superb value for money. The weight and detail are second to none. Wish I had got in quicker to order the anticipated class 31. Well done all at Accurascale I am one very pleased customer.

Gerry B.
Class 37 D6600

Another stunning model at a great price. Like everything about it, smooth runner and great detail. Excellent

Michael H.
Class 37 in early livery

Very pleased with this loco. Another excellent addition to my fleet from Accurascale.