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HBA - Loadhaul - Pack 1

Sold out
Original price £62.46 - Original price £62.46
Original price £62.46
£62.46 - £62.46
Current price £62.46
Out of stock

HBA Hopper (Aero Canopy)
ex HDA Wagons

  • Loadhaul
  • 1994-2010

  • Àireamhan carbad
    • 368111
    • 368117
    • 368389

'S e sampall sgeadaichte a th' ann am modail le dealbh, agus dh'fhaoidte nach eil e na chomharra iomlan air a' mhodail dheireannaich.

Modail tomhais OO fìor mhionaideach, sgèile 1: 76.2 air slighe 16.5mm
* Radius as ìsle 438mm (2na slighe seata radius)
* Cuideam 40g aig a’ char as lugha
* chassis die-cast airson cuideam air leth
* Taobh a-staigh mionaideach le seamannan, frèamadh, strapadh agus ‘adhaircean’ dorais le ìomhaigh cheart
* Cuibhlichean tomhais RP25-110 pròifil OO le blocaichean breic air leth a rèir tread
* Bufairean meatailt sprung agus càraidean sa bhad meallta
* Super fine pàirtean plastaig, a 'gabhail a-steach. pìoban adhair, iarann-lampa, glacaidhean sàbhailteachd, clasp agus breicichean diosc, uidheam obrachaidh doras hopair, msaa. luamhan breic, truinnsearan chassis, msaa.
* Sreap cuibhle NEM a ghabhas toirt air falbh, Kinetic aig an àirde cheart le cuibhlichean glasaidh mion-teannachaidh air an toirt seachad le Instanters sgèile air an toirt a-steach

Mòran eadar-dhealachaidhean fa leth eadar seòrsaichean wagon
* Trì stoidhlichean bodhaig: mar a chaidh an togail, ath-chorpachadh agus CDA
* Dà stoidhle de dhoras hopair: pàtran ‘X’ air caochlaidhean guail agus pàtran ‘beam dìreach’ air CDA
* Canopy tùsail agus stoidhlichean canopy ‘aerodynamic’ nas fhaide air adhart far a bheil sin iomchaidh
* Dà stoidhle de chòmhdach uidheamachd dorais, le cuid de stoidhlichean nas fhaide air adhart le dreachan ‘measgachadh is maids’!
* Dà stoidhle de bhufair sprung: Oleo (caochlaidhean guail) agus trom-dhleastanas (CDA)
* Trì caochlaidhean frèam chassis airson dreachan HAA, HDA agus CDA
* Ioma rèiteachadh pìoban breic bufferbeam
* Trì caochlaidhean cuibhle eadar-dhealaichte: bolted breic diosc, breic diosc sìmplidh agus breic àbhaisteach (breic clasp)
* Tha feartan HBA/HDA a’ toirt a-steach atharrachaidhean ceart air uidheamachd obrachaidh caliper diosc breic, siolandair èadhair nas motha a bharrachd, luamhan tionndaidh falamh / luchdaichte agus os cionn breic solebar neach-cuairteachaidh
* Tha CDA gu ceart a’ nochdadh siolandair èadhair deireadh mòr agus os cionn inneal-sgaoilidh breic solebar, bogsaichean fionnarachaidh deiridh, mullach fìor mhionaideach le còmhdach canabhas inneach agus làmhan obrachaidh air an cur suas le chassis

Customer Reviews

Based on 16 reviews
Another winner of a wagon

Again just wonderful detail and design, packaged so well too.

Nigel C.
Smashing set of wagons !

These arrived in the customary Accurascale sturdy packaging, and are easily;y as detailed as any OO wagons I have seen before. Just can't fault them at all. Some may say over-detailed, but I would rather than than over-simplified any day. Excellent wagons.

Peter D.
Very nice

A lovely set of three wagons, useful for building a longer rake. Each wagon is decorated differently and they look good together whilst each looking unique like the real thing.

Wayne A.
Merry go round another fantastic product!!

Packaging Brillaint
Product Amazing
Price Cannot fault it.

Simple review for a simple wagon that’s far from simple itself, amazing level of detail and the finish is second to none!!

James L.
Amazing detail, quality and value

Such a step up from the 'high detail' Hornby versions. Proportionally they look great and have real presence. The triple packs are such a good idea too enabling you to build realistic rakes with ease.

I love all the minor detail differences with operator logos etc. There's nothing worse than getting a wagon pack where the numbers are sequential, so it's good that these are 'random'.

Packaging, as we've come to expect from Accurascale, is sturdy and has a quality feel.

Only criticism is that they're way too clean ;)

At £25 each, they offer amazing value compared to what other companies are charging for ancient tooling!

Can't wait for the next batch...

Eddie R.
Another great wagon

The detail on these fabulous wagons is absolutely top drawer. Great value for money and so easy to build a decent size rake at an affordable price

Bernard M.

As one would expect yet another superb model from Accurascale - the iconic MGR which I used to see in rakes of 21 or indeed 42 wagons. The finish and detail is a vast improvement over my ageing Hornby variants - the facilitation of different running numbers adds to the overall effect. Well done to all at Accurascale andook forward to the next run.

Ray B.
2nd purchase of MGR hoppers

I had originally purchased the HBAs in Loadhaul and railfreight frame varieties and was going to wait to they came out in Railfreight coal yellow frames but i was so impressed with the quality and detail of these hoppers that i bought 2 more packs of the Loadhaul liveried variants. This means i will be making a 3rd purchase as and when the Railfreight coal liveried ones appear.
Furthermore I purchased the 2nd order on black Friday making the wagons less than £18 each. That is amazing value for such a detailed wagon.

Martyn N.
Great wagons

Damn you - I’m
Spending far too much money on these!

Charles C.
HBA Wagons

Continues the very high standard of production and detail on this wagon which has the extender coal dust covers around the hopper to reduce dust and spillage when on the move