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SR D1479 Van - British Railways (1948-1961) - Triple Pack

Sold out
Original price £70.79 - Original price £70.79
Original price
£70.79 - £70.79
Current price £70.79
Out of stock

Ban SR D1479 - Rèile Bhreatainn (1948-1961) - Pasgan Trì-fhillte
Ioma-phasgan trì carbadan

Anns an robh trì carbadan, leis an àireamh:

  • S50869
  • S50840
  • S50854
  • BR Bauxite le bàr bonn dubh agus obair-iarainn
  • S1479 pàtran
  • Linn 3

Feartan cumanta:

  • Pasgan de trì chairtean, gach fear le àireamhan fa leth
  • Chasis meatailt die-cast le bodhaig plastaig
  • 60g Cuideam gach Wagon
  • Fad sgèile 70mm thairis air stocan cinn
  • Bonn cuibhle de 40mm, a’ ceadachadh obrachadh thar radius as ìsle de 371mm (Radius 1 Set-Track)
  • Tri stoidhlichean de dhealbhadh cuibhle; Split labhairt, aon-labhairt agus diosc 3-toll
  • Seataichean cuibhle tomhais OO air an dubhadh gu ceimigeach
  • RP25.110
  • Còmhdaichean umha dubhaichte a rèir inbhean cruinn de 14.4mm cùl ri cùl air aiseil 2mm thairis air puingean prìne 26mm.
  • Mion-fhiosrachadh meatailt, plastaig agus uèir air a bhleith, a’ gabhail a-steach, ach gun a bhith cuibhrichte gu, rèilichean-làimhe, làmhan grèim, làmhan dorais, camagan lampa, pìoban falamh is smùid, tro phìoban, coileach teasachaidh smùid agus gèar brisidh.
  • Bufairean meatailt sprung air an tionndadh
  • pòcaidean càraid àbhaisteach NEM
  • Bha cuibhlichean glas teannachaidh cumhang air an toirt a-steach
  • Litrichean fa leth agus còdan bho fhìor chairtean airson dearbhteachd
  • Bag accessory air a thoirt a-steach tha pìoban smùid / falamh agus ceanglaichean sgriubha

Customer Reviews

Based on 19 reviews
Jack H.
Super Detailed Vans

Really nice vans, got a decent weight to them and feel high quality compared to other RTR models.

Nash K.
Very Unique

Initially only wanted to get one or two packs to go with my Hornby Merchant Navy. Now I keep buying more because of how good they look! I do believe the reason why this pack in particular sold out so fast is because van No. S50869 is the only van to have a Red Label Jamaica Banana decal on it.

Ron D.
Absolutely superb wagons

I love these wagons, and now have 12 in my rake. One issue I find is that when applying replacement couplings in order to close couple, the housing is loose, so making a huge amount of play . Standardising with the usual alternative options would be a help., Accurascale packaging is very substantial and as I have a lot of Accurascale models, storage is becoming a major problem.

Jan K.
Simply the best

Best little vans I've ever bought! Fantastic attention to detail. Love them!

Glen W.
Exactly what I asked for-brilliant

Exactly what I asked for-brilliant

Jamie S.
Amazing detail

Amazing detail , even down to the old torn off labels , nice weight ,

Steven E.
Great wagons

These are the 2nd pack of these wagons I've ordered now and they are simply some of the best wagons on the market

Peter M.
Authentic Model

High quality and detailed model. I like the refined closely aligned plank work. Other manufacturers typically portray planks with deep over-exaggerated, gouges. Captures the unusual SR roof profile accurately too.



John D.
SR D1479 Van 1948-1961

Amazing detail good runner runs freely Another excellent model from Accurascale