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Wearmouth Coal Co. Chaldron Pack

Sold out
Original price £37.49 - Original price £37.49
Original price
£37.49 - £37.49
Current price £37.49
Out of stock

Ioma-phasgan trì carbadan, NER 4T Chaldron

Paca E: Wearmouth Coal Co. - Trì Chaldrons ann an stoidhle NER P1 a bh’ ann roimhe, a’ dol air ais gu 1900 gu deireadh nan 1920n/tràth sna 1930an.

Anns an robh trì carbadan, leis an àireamh:

  • 1460
  • 1430
  • 1437

Tha cuspair air a h-uile pasgan a chaidh a thoirt a-mach le mèinn, agus tha gach waggon a chithear stèidhichte air fianais dhealbhan agus iomradh air clàran mèinnean gus stoidhlichean litrichean a dhearbhadh. Tha dìreach aon stoidhle waggon ann an cuid de phasganan, agus tha stoidhlichean measgaichte ann an cuid eile far a bheil rannsachadh air sealltainn gun robh iad ag obair còmhla ri chèile.

Liosta nan Sònrachaidhean:

  • Faisean meatailt die-cast le bodhaig plastaig. Cuideam de 9g gun luchdachadh.
  • Ag obair thairis air cromagan radius as ìsle (371mm, slighe seata radius 1d)
  • Còig diofar dhealbhaidhean bodhaig, a’ còmhdach ùine bho 1840 gu 1978.
  • Tri stoidhlichean de dhealbhadh cuibhle; bhruidhinn sgoltadh, bhruidhinn rionnag agus bhruidhinn tonn, gu pròifil 00 trast-thomhas dubh RP25-88.
  • Tri stoidhlichean de rèiteachadh breiceadh agus làmhan breic, le diofar sheòrsaichean de bhlocaichean agus breic seòrsa clasp Londonderry nas toinnte.
  • Tri rèiteachadh de ‘bang-boards’.
  • ‘Bùird sanntach’ a bharrachd a ghabhas toirt air falbh (leudachadh bùird chòmhnard air a’ bhodhaig) gu Ionad-obrach Shildon a chaidh a thogail Chaldron, a’ toirt barrachd luchdaidh guail.
  • Rèile-làimhe uèir leud-sgèile, ceangal giallan prìne meatailt agus luamhan breic-làimhe uèir/etch.
  • Pàirtean mion-fhiosrachaidh meatailt/plastaig air a bhleith, a’ toirt a-steach làmhan grèim, prìneachan dìon dorais, puingean slabhraidh chassis agus slabhraidhean sàbhailteachd ann am meatailt.
  • Wagons ceangailte tro shlabhraidh ghrinn ceangail ùr le cinn magnaiteach Neodymium, ceangailte aig a’ charbad tro cheangal prìne cotter prototypical.
  • Dà cheangail magnetach a bharrachd le NEM air an toirt seachad le pacaidean wagon gus leigeil le bhith a’ freagairt air locomotaibhean agus/no stoc-rèile a bharrachd.
  • Tha obair-ealain a’ nochdadh comharran agus àireamhan dearbhte mu mhèinnean, neo-mhearachdach gu ùine air a mhodaladh agus stèidhichte air fìor fhianais dhealbhan far a bheil sin comasach.
  • Cuideachadh rannsachaidh a bharrachd air a thoirt seachad le Taigh-tasgaidh Beamish Living, Bowes Railway agus Comann Rèile an Ear-thuath.

Customer Reviews

Based on 11 reviews
Alan K.
More era 1 rolling stock please

I have bought three triple packs of Chaldrons , all of which are excellent quality and superb detail . Hopefully Hornby's Locomotion No1 will be pulling them later this year. More Era 1 subjects please.

John W.
Great little wagons

I run an ‘anything goes heritage layout, so when these were announced I knew they would be perfect. I keep adding to the train, so I’ve got 15 now possibly more to come. They do run well for their size and weight, but they could do with being slightly heavier.

rupert c.
Great Chaldrons! My second set!

Now I have 12 beautifully detailed chaldrons. Fantastic work. Best couplers I have ever used.

Please consider making some accurate era one locomotives since the Lion and the TIger are not exactly accurate. Even doing the updated Rocket with green livery and lowered pistons would be a winner, especially if it was die cast metal and had the gear ratio done reasonably. Slow is better than fast for Era 1.

ronald t.
Ron N.C.B

service excellent. delivery excellent. product excellent. marvelous detail & great packaging for these models Will certainly buy more items from from accurascale in future

George T.
Sending coals to Newcastle

Great set of heritage wagons. Haven't got my layout up yet but still wanted to be one of the first to buy them

Jonathan L.
coal wagons

Novel couplings

David B.

Beautiful well made and detailed models, highly recommended.

Richard S.
Chaldron Wagons

These are lovely little wagons and are something that would be found on locations in the Northumberland and Durham Coalfields. Whether in use or on a scrap line they set the scene for a North-east layout.

William B.
Wearmouth Coal Company Chaldron pack

They look the part. I keep them in a quiet siding and pretend it is Beamish. Do go there if you get the opportunity. It is a brilliant day out. I run them behind an old Hornby L&YR pug in LMS black. I took off the old coupling and superglued the extra magnetic coupling supplied to the pug. It works well, forwards and backwards. I know it is not prototypical but it looks good.


Fantastic little wagons! Superb runners and look amazing with additional ones and a peckett pulling them, the taking up the slack between each one is an amazing sight