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BR 24.5T HOP24/HUO Coal Hopper - I - B334997

Sold out
Original price £49.99 - Original price £49.99
Original price £49.99
£49.99 - £49.99
Current price £49.99
Out of stock
Scale: 1:43.5
Gauge: O

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Customer Reviews

Based on 11 reviews
Stephen T.


Paul S.
O gauge hopper wagon

As we have come to expect from Accurascale, a very detailed, well thought out model which continues to be a credit to the designers & assemblers at Accurascale. Travels smoothly along my track, has sufficient weight to be stable in a long rake, so I am very happy with this wagon (my fourth one 👍)

Hip top

Excellent model of a ubiquitous item yet detailed and with good presence

Stephen T.
24.5T HOP24/HUO Coal Hoppers and buffers

Excellent service from Accurascale fast delivery. These O gauge Hoppers are lovely models at a good price.

Stephen S.
Rake of hoppers

Nice model. Trying to build a rake before they all sell. I envisage, once renumbered, weathered and loaded, that they'll look the part. Come and see them at the Braintree and Halstead MRC 'O' gauge section at the East Anglian Railway Museum.

John B.
A Great Hopper not to be missed!

These hopper wagons are beautifully detailed and look great on any layout. My only criticism is that there is quite a lot of sideplay on the axles in the bearings which is a bit disconcerting.

All my wagons were converted to absolute scale 33mm Scale 7 gauge which was done two ways. First, by turning the wheels and flanges to Scale7 standards and second, by fitting Slaters Scale 7 wagon wheel sets. Both are valid ways of improving these wagons to be fitted with wheels of the absolute correct scale dimensions.

If using the existing wheels sets in either O gauge or Scale 7, fitting 2.5mm hole brass washers on each side can solve the excess side play criticism.

Just go out and buy them while they are available.

Well done Accurascale!

Trevor H.
Excellent model

Never thought it was a wagon I needed. Finally purchased a couple and very glad I did. The fine detail and running is second to none. Along with the next day delivery, theirs nothing I could say against the quality and service from Accurascale.

Stephen F.
HUO hopper in 7mm

A superb RTR wagon, I can only hope you do more of your range in 7mm

24.5t HOP24/HUO Coal Hopper - O Gauge

Received wagons as promised, detail is excellent, and running is faultless- a great model.

Lucy C.
Great Value for Money

Amazing wagon. Well worth getting. Captures the prototype extremely well.