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9016 Gordon Highlander

SKU ACC2166D9016

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9016 – ‘Gordon Highlander’

  • Porterbrook purpaidh
  • Còd-cinn: alpha-àireamhach
  • Sgrùdairean uinneag-gaoithe: dhà anns a’ phana
  • Teasachadh trèana: ETH
  • A’ stiùireadh uinneag taobh cab: air a plastadh os a chionn
  • Suidheachadh adharc: mullach an t-sròin
  • Bogsa-gainmhich aghaidh an t-sròin adan: air an cur thairis
  • Louvres roinn bataraidh: an-dràsta
  • Solas ceann àrd dian: WIPAC
  • Fionnaichean adhair Windshield: an làthair
  • Iarann ​​lampa sa mheadhan àrd: an-dràsta
  • Bogies: dèanta

Feartan cumanta:

  • Modail sgèile OO fìor mhionaideach, 1:76.2
  • Caissis meatailt alloy die-cast
  • Air a thoirt seachad DCC deiseil [21Pin MTX Socket] no Factaraidh DCC Sound Fitted
  • Clàr-ama mion-fhiosrachadh sònraichte, a’ gabhail a-steach ach gun a bhith cuibhrichte gu;
    • Bogies (Tilgeil agus Dèanta)
    • Suidheachadh adharc
    • Puirt a-mach
    • Panalan còd-cinn
    • Sgrùdairean uinneag-gaoithe
    • Uinneagan taobh cab
    • Bogsa-gainmhich adan
    • Louvres
    • Seallan-cinn
    • Fionnaichean adhair cab
    • Inneal teasachaidh trèana
    • Iarann ​​lampa
    • Còdan seada
  • Meatailt eitseil air a chuir an sàs air leth agus pàirtean mion-fhiosrachaidh plastaigeach àrd-dhìlseachd, a’ toirt a-steach làmhan grèim, ceumannan, wipers, clàran-ainm, suaicheantasan is eile.
  • Càraidean glas teann-teannachaidh aig àirde cheart le socaid NEM a bharrachd air bufairbeam làn mhionaideach
  • Traction Àrd-choileanadh, a’ toirt a-steach;
    • Motair còig-pòla le dà chuibhle itealaich
    • Bogsa Gear Helical Metal airson an coileanadh as motha agus astar slaodach a’ ruith
    • Gearradh air a chur air dòigh gus an urrainn do locomotaibh astar as àirde de 120 mph (193 km/h)
    • a choileanadh
    • DCC deiseil le PowerPack capacitor airson cumhachd gun bhriseadh
    • A h-uile draibhear cuibhle agus togail cuibhle gu lèir
  • Pasgan solais làn mhionaideach, a’ gabhail a-steach:
    • Soilse stiùiridh, DC agus DCC
    • Faodar solais comharra a chuir dheth nuair a tha trèana ceangailte ri loco
    • Gnìomh solais-cinn àrd-dian far a bheil sin iomchaidh
    • Soilse cab air a chuir air leth agus air a shoilleireachadh, mion-fhiosrachadh air consol an draibhear, fèin-ghluasadach dheth air gluasad
    • Soilse bàgh einnsean
  • Cuibhlichean RP25-110 OO cuibhlichean le ullachadh airson ath-thomhas gu p4 agus tomhas EM
  • Dithis neach-labhairt càileachd le capsalan fuaim mòr airson an fhuaim as fheàrr (* air modalan le deagh fhuaim)
  • Bufairean meatailt làn sprung
  • Pìob obair-pìoba a bharrachd air an uidheamachadh le factaraidh

Radius as ìsle 438mm (2na slighe seata Radius)

Lighting and DCC Specifics

Customer Reviews

Based on 66 reviews
Felice M.
Gordon Highlander

This was just one of a number of Deltics that I ordered. It looks and sounds absolutely amazing, and I'm sure with the passage of time the quality will just keep getting better. Love running these locomotives on my layout. Brilliant job guys and keep up the good work.

Richard P.

An absolutely beautiful loco in livery application and fine details. Amazing to think how little this costs compared to the "big boys" in the model railway manufacturers.

Felice M.
Class 55 Gordon Highlander

My first impression is that the Deltic is good value value for money when compared to other models on the market. The finely detailed model itself is of a very high quality. The only downside to this model was that the chains on one of the bogies had become detached. Sound is excellent as is it's overall running performance. Keep up the good work guys!

Nik A.
A beautiful locomotive with lots of features

I'm so pleased that I bought this locomotive as it has very good paintwork, cab lights and highly detailed bufferbeam pipeworks. Also the sound quality is very good on top of good pulling power. The Accurascale crew complements with this locomotive. I don't have problem with this loco running over the points!

Harlan T.
class 55 9016

Fantastic model, my first Accurascale locomotive but it certainly will be the first of many, Fantastic model at fantastic value, Very pleased and would highly recommend it

Philip J.
Best deltic model ever

I always liked the porterbrook purple livery and this model looks spot on.

Paul S.
DELTIC 9016 Gordon Highlander

Just received this model at the 3rd time of asking as it was sold out and i missed the 2nd chance for re purchase.
The model is stunning, Runs very smooth and the detail is second to none.
Only criticism i have is the packaging. For 1 loco the box was massive, enough for probably 5 or 6 locos and very little packing inside so the actual loco box was flying around in there.

Steve P.
Simply Stunning!

A real triumph of miniature engineering. So much weight without compromising the details gives this a real presence on the track. The sounds are just right and really capture the prototype well.

Reviewer avatar
John C.
The Ultimate Deltic.

The long wait is over and the Class 55 Deltic from Accurascale does not disappoint with its many features or to one's eye. The printing of the livery is top notch with clean lines all around on my version of this locomotive The Gordon Highlander within its Purple box (all others are the usual black). The detail of things like the bogie chains is a nice touch and many other little additional parts are added. One just needs to peep through the driver's side cab window to see a lit dashboard panel for starters. Accurascale has made this model with the highest spec's seen on any model. This Deltic engine to date, and by any manufacturer must be the master locomotive version of this Class 55.


I was not sure about the colour of the Engine, however once it arrived it is a truly beautiful object.
My only slight niggle is the usual handbreak chains problem on the Class 55, perhaps a note at the top of the box with a warning on how to handle the model.
The only word to describe the whole package is outstanding.
How can you produce such a detailed model when the boys by the sea seem to remove features and charge more.