DGM 11 (ex-P6) Hopper - LNER Grey - Triple Pack
DGM 11 (ex-P6) Hopper - LNER Grey - Pasgan Trì-fillte 8 planc, 15 tonna Diagram P6. Dà sheòrsa de stanchion deiridh air an inneal: seòrsa bàr...
View full detailsDGM 12 Hopper - BR Grey - Triple Pack
8 planc, 20 tonna Diagram P7. Dà sheòrsa de stanchion deiridh air an inneal: seòrsa bàr fiodha NER no meatailt LNER ‘T’ bho 1925 air adhart. A...
View full detailsDGM 12 Hopper - BR Grey, with black panels - Triple Pack
DGM 12 Hopper - BR Grey, le pannalan dubha - Pasgan Trì-fillte 8 planc, 20 tonna Diagram P7. Dà sheòrsa de stanchion deiridh air an inneal: s...
View full detailsDGM 12 Hopper - BR Grey, with black panels - Triple Pack
8 planc, 20 tonna Diagram P7. Dà sheòrsa de stanchion deiridh air an inneal: seòrsa bàr fiodha NER no meatailt LNER ‘T’ bho 1925 air adhart. A...
View full detailsDGM 12 Hopper - LNER Grey - Triple Pack
DGM 12 Hopper - LNER Grey - Pasgan Trì-fillte 8 planc, 20 tonna Diagram P7. Dà sheòrsa de stanchion deiridh air an inneal: seòrsa bàr fiodha N...
View full detailsDGM 12 Hopper - United Steel Company Grey - Triple Pack
DGM 12 Hopper - Companaidh Stàilinn Aonaichte Liath - Pasgan Trì-fillte 8 planc, 20 tonna Diagram P7. Dà sheòrsa de stanchion deiridh air an i...
View full detailsEarl of Durham Chaldron Pack
Ioma-phasgan trì carbadan, NER 4T Chaldron Pasgan F: Muileann Lambton (Gloidhnean Iarla Durham) - Trì Chaldrons ann an stoidhle P1 a bha roimhe ...
View full detailsEx-S.C.C National Coal Board Chaldron Pack
Ioma-phasgan trì carbadan, NER 4T Chaldron Pasgan K: Bòrd a’ Ghual Nàiseanta a bha roimhe na SCC - Trì tràth-ùine thog Darlington Chaldrons, mar...
View full detailsHAA - HOP AB - Freight Brown - Pack 2
Mar a chaidh a thogail (HOP AB) 1965-1985 Àireamhan carbad 350059 B 354016 356335 Modail tomhais OO fìor mhionaideach, sgèile 1: 76.2 air s...
View full detailsHAA - HOP AB - Freight Brown - Pack 3
Mar a chaidh a thogail (HOP AB) 1965-1985 Àireamhan carbad 351178 352208 356165 'S e sampall sgeadaichte a th' ann am modail le dealbh, ag...
View full detailsHAA - HOP AB - Freight Brown - Pack 4
Mar a chaidh a thogail (HOP AB) 1965-1985 Àireamhan carbad 351305 357630 358130 'S e sampall sgeadaichte a th' ann am modail le dealbh, ag...
View full detailsHAA - Railfreight Red - Pack 1
Mar a chaidh a thogail (HOP AB) Railfreight Red 1980-1990 Àireamhan carbad 350005 351902 357149 'S e sampall sgeadaichte a th' ann am moda...
View full detailsHAA - Railfreight Red - Pack 2
Mar a chaidh a thogail (HOP AB) Railfreight Red 1980-1990 Àireamhan carbad 350053 354592 356083 'S e sampall sgeadaichte a th' ann am moda...
View full detailsHAA HOP AB - Freight Brown - Pack 1
Mar a chaidh a thogail (HOP AB) 1965-1985 Àireamhan carbad B 350023 B 350066 B 355020 'S e sampall sgeadaichte a th' ann am modail le deal...
View full detailsHBA - Loadhaul - Pack 1
HBA Hopper (Aero Canopy) ex HDA Wagons Loadhaul 1994-2010 Àireamhan carbad 368111 368117 368389 'S e sampall sgeadaichte a th' ann am mod...
View full detailsHBA - Railfreight Red - Pack 1
HBA Hopper (Aero Canopy) ex HDA Wagons Litreachas Dearg bathar-rèile (Linn EWS) 1997-2010 Àireamhan Wagon 368071 368204 368400 'S e sampal...
View full detailsHCA - EWS - Pack 1
HCA Early CanopyHOP 32 AB EWS Maroon 1997-2010 Àireamhan Wagon 351077 351119 354295 'S e sampall sgeadaichte a th' ann am modail le dealb...
View full detailsHCA - Freight Brown - Pack 1
HCA Early CanopyHOP 32 AB Freight Brown / Bauxite 1965-1985 Àireamhan Wagon 351223 351564 350001 'S e sampall sgeadaichte a th' ann am m...
View full detailsHDA - Railfreight Red - Pack 1
HDARailfreight Red 1979-2000an Àireamhan carbad 368145 368284 368319 'S e sampall sgeadaichte a th' ann am modail le dealbh, agus dh'fhaoi...
View full detailsHDA - Railfreight Red - Pack 2
HDARailfreight Red 1979-2000an Àireamhan carbad 368169 (Suaicheantas Barraigh) 368279 368312 'S e sampall sgeadaichte a th' ann am modail ...
View full detailsHDA - Railfreight Red - Pack 3
HDARailfreight Red 1979-2000an Àireamhan Wagon 368357 (Suaicheantas Barraigh) T368407 (Suaicheantas Barraigh) 368457 (Prìomh Loidhne Gorm) ...
View full detailsHetton Colliery Chaldron Pack
Ioma-phasgan trì carbadan, NER 4T Chaldron Pasgan B: Rathad-iarainn Muileann Hetton - Trì Chaldrons ann an stoidhle P1 a bha ann roimhe ann an li...
View full detailsHMA - Mainline blue - Pack 1
HMA Hoppers (ex. HAA)Prìomh-luibhean Gorm 1994-2010 Àireamhan Wagon 353538 353685 356168 'S e sampall sgeadaichte a th' ann am modail le d...
View full detailsHMA - Trainload Coal - Pack 1
HMA Hoppers (ex. HAA)Trainload Gual (EWS Era) 1997-2010 Àireamhan Wagon 352774 356939 359013 'S e sampall sgeadaichte a th' ann am modail l...
View full detailsHOP21 - BR Grey - Pack C
Pack C Original 5-rib body style with roller bearing and grease axle boxes. BR grey livery with HOP21 markings. B421115 B423694 B419837
HOP21 - BR Grey - Pack D
Pack D Original 5-rib body style with roller bearing axle boxes. BR grey livery with HOP21 markings. B425721K B421255 B424876K
HTO - BR Grey - Pack E
Pack E Original 5-rib body style with grease axle boxes. BR grey livery with HTO markings. B415232 B417654 B416445
HTO - BR Grey - Pack F
Pack F Original 5-rib body style with roller bearing and grease axle boxes. BR grey livery with HTO markings. B415802 B422547 B422553
HTV - BR Bauxite - Pack H
Pack H Rebuilt 2-rib body style, Vacuum brake fitted and running on grease axle boxes. BR bauxite livery with HTV markings. B421099 B419983 B413985
HTV - BR Bauxite - Pack I
Pack I Rebuilt 2-rib body style, Vacuum brake fitted and running on roller bearing axle boxes. BR bauxite livery with HTV markings. B429012 B429029...
View full detailsHTV - BR Bauxite - Pack J
Pack J Rebuilt 2-rib body style, Vacuum brake fitted and running on roller bearing axleboxes. BR bauxite livery with HTV markings. B431148 B340718 ...
View full detailsHTV - BR Bauxite - Pack K
Pack K Rebuilt 2-rib body style, Vacuum brake fitted and running on roller bearing and grease axle boxes. BR bauxite livery with HTV markings. B428...
View full detailsHTV - BR Bauxite - Pack L
Pack L Rebuilt 2-rib body style, Vacuum brake fitted and running on roller bearing axle boxes. BR bauxite livery with HTV markings. B428371 B424313...
View full detailsHTV - BR Grey - Pack G
Pack G Rebuilt 2-rib body style, Vacuum brake fitted and running on roller bearing and grease axle boxes. BR grey livery with HTV markings. B417771...
View full detailsICI - Grey - ICI - Pack N - Exclusive
Londonderry (Internal User) Hopper - Red Bauxite - Triple Pack
Londonderry (Cleachdaiche a-staigh) Hopper - Red Bauxite - Pasgan Trì-fillte 8 planc, 20 tonna Diagram P7. Dà sheòrsa de stanchion deiridh air...
View full detailsLondonderry Chaldron Pack
Ioma-phasgan trì carbadan, NER 4T Chaldron Pasgan H: Londonderry Collieries - Trì ‘Black Waggons’ 4T, ann an dà stoidhle bodhaig, timcheall air 1...
View full detailsMHA - DB - Pack 1
DB Livery 2009 - An-diugh Àireamhan carbad 394576 394829 (Trafaig Dearg) 396017 'S e sampall sgeadaichte a th' ann am modail le dealbh, ag...
View full detailsMHA - DB - Pack 2
DB Livery 2009 - An-diugh Àireamhan carbad 394676 394913 396164 'S e sampall sgeadaichte a th' ann am modail le dealbh, agus dh'fhaoidte na...
View full detailsMHA - EWS - Pack 1
EWS Livery 1990-2000an Àireamhan carbad 394515 394644 394800 'S e sampall sgeadaichte a th' ann am modail le dealbh, agus dh'fhaoidte nach...
View full detailsMHA - EWS - Pack 2
EWS Livery 1990 - 2000an Àireamhan carbad 394531 394716 394941 'S e sampall sgeadaichte a th' ann am modail le dealbh, agus dh'fhaoidte nac...
View full detailsMixed Q3 Hopper - Grouping transition period: 1910-22 NER Blue/1923-37 LNER Grey - Triple Pack
Hopper Measgaichte Q3 - Ùine gluasaid buidhneachaidh: 1910-22 NER Blue/1923-37 LNER Grey - Pasgan Trì-fillte 8 planc, 23 tonna Diagram Q3. Dà ...
View full detailsNCB - Green and Grey - NCB - Pack O - Exclusive
The widespread withdrawal of 21t hoppers from the mainline network led to many being repurposed by BR or sold on to private companies for internal ...
View full detailsNorth Eastern Railway Chaldron - Pack L
Ioma-phasgan trì carbadan, NER 4T Chaldron Pasgan L: Rèile an Ear-thuath - Trì Chaldrons ann an stoidhle P1, timcheall air 1890, le àireamh: 572...
View full detailsNorth Eastern Railway Chaldron Pack
Ioma-phasgan trì carbadan, NER 4T Chaldron Pasgan A: Rèile an Ear-thuath - Trì Chaldrons ann an stoidhle P1, timcheall air 1890 Anns an robh trì c...
View full detailsP6 Hopper - 1901-1904 Pre-Grouping: NER Grey - Triple Pack
P6 Hopper - 1901-1904 Ro-bhuidheann: NER Gray - Pasgan Trì-fillte 8 planc, 15 tonna Diagram P6. Dà sheòrsa de stanchion deiridh air an inneal...
View full detailsP7 Hopper - 1904-1910 Pre-Grouping: NER Grey - Triple Pack
P7 Hopper - 1904-1910 Ro-bhuidheann: NER Gray - Pasgan Trì-fillte 8 planc, 20 tonna Diagram P7. Dà sheòrsa de stanchion deiridh air an inneal...
View full detailsP7 Hopper - 1911-1922 Pre-Grouping: NER Grey - Triple Pack
P7 Hopper - 1911-1922 Ro-bhuidheann: NER Gray - Pasgan Trì-fillte 8 planc, 20 tonna Diagram P7. Dà sheòrsa de stanchion deiridh air an inneal...
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