Accurathrash Class 66 Speaker Retaining Clips (Pack of 2)
Accurathrash Labhraiche Fuaim DCC (Pasgan de 1) Cuir fuaim làn bodhaig ris na locomotaibhean mionaideach agad airson dìosail agus dealain DCC. St...
View full detailsAccurathrash DCC Sound Speaker - 8 Ohm (Pack of 1)
Accurathrash Labhraiche Fuaim DCC (Pasgan de 1) Cuir fuaim làn bodhaig ris na locomotaibhean mionaideach agad airson dìosail agus dealain DCC. St...
View full detailsClass 66 (Phase 0) Loksound DCC Decoder
LokSound V5 DCC Sound Chip Designed specifically for the accurascale Class 66 locomotive with 'Phase 0' Engine Configuration, this decoder work...
View full detailsClass 66 (Phase 1/2) Loksound DCC Decoder
LokSound V5 DCC Sound Chip Designed specifically for the accurascale Class 66 locomotive with 'Phase 1/2' Engine Configuration, this decoder wo...
View full detailsClass 66 - Colas - 66849
Class 66 - Colas - 66849 - DCC Sound Fitted
Colas Rail Freight leased 5 class 66 locomotives following the collapse of Advenza freight (numbered 66841 to 66845), in 2011 these locomotives wer...
View full detailsClass 66 - DB 'Climate Hero' Green - 66004
Chaidh dèiligeadh ris an treas clas 66 a thàinig air tìr air talamh Bhreatainn air ais ann an 1998, 66004 leis an t-sùil a bha a’ glacadh ‘Gaisgeac...
View full detailsClass 66 - DB 'Climate Hero' Green - 66004 - DCC Sound Fitted
Chaidh dèiligeadh ris an treas clas 66 a thàinig air tìr air talamh Bhreatainn air ais ann an 1998, 66004 leis an t-sùil a bha a’ glacadh ‘Gaisgeac...
View full detailsClass 66 - DB - 66190
Originally part of the ‘Red Revolution’, a term used to describe the dominance of English, Welsh and Scottish (EWS) class 66’s across the UK freigh...
View full detailsClass 66 - DB - 66190 - DCC Sound Fitted
Originally part of the ‘Red Revolution’, a term used to describe the dominance of English, Welsh and Scottish (EWS) class 66’s across the UK freigh...
View full detailsClass 66 - DB Maritime Blue - 66142
Once an anonymous EWS maroon and gold class 66, 66142 led the life of a typical EWS 66 from its delivery during August 1999 right through the acqui...
View full detailsClass 66 - DB Maritime Blue - 66142 - DCC Sound Fitted
Once an anonymous EWS maroon and gold class 66, 66142 led the life of a typical EWS 66 from its delivery during August 1999 right through the acqui...
View full detailsClass 66 - DB Red - 66167
Tha an ‘ar-a-mach dearg’ ag atharrachadh sgàile gu slaodach. Tha 66167 a’ giùlan na dathan taighe beòthail gnàthach aig sealbhadair DB. Tiomnadh ai...
View full detailsClass 66 - DB Red - 66167 - DCC Sound Fitted
Tha an ‘ar-a-mach dearg’ ag atharrachadh sgàile gu slaodach. Tha 66167 a’ giùlan na dathan taighe beòthail gnàthach aig sealbhadair DB. Tiomnadh ai...
View full detailsClass 66 - DRS - 66421
One engine that hasn’t changed operators was DRS owned 66421. This particular locomotive was delivered on the 9th September 2007. Originally carryi...
View full detailsClass 66 - DRS - 66421 - DCC Sound Fitted
One engine that hasn’t changed operators was DRS owned 66421. This particular locomotive was delivered on the 9th September 2007. Originally carryi...
View full detailsClass 66 - DRS Blue - 66122
A-mach à sreath! Tha nàdar uile-choitcheann Clas 66 a’ ciallachadh gu bheil gluasadan agus reic eadar sealbhadairean/gnìomhaichean gu math cumanta...
View full detailsClass 66 - DRS Blue - 66122 - DCC Sound Fitted
A-mach à sreath! Tha nàdar uile-choitcheann Clas 66 a’ ciallachadh gu bheil gluasadan agus reic eadar sealbhadairean/gnìomhaichean gu math cumanta...
View full detailsClass 66 - EWS Maroon - 66001
Nuair a ràinig 66001 air talamh Bhreatainn aig 08:53 air 18 Giblean 1998 nochd briseadh ùr airson bathar rèile Bhreatainn, a’ chiad fhear de cheud...
View full detailsClass 66 - EWS Maroon - 66001 - DCC Sound Fitted
Nuair a ràinig 66001 air talamh Bhreatainn aig 08:53 air 18 Giblean 1998 nochd briseadh ùr airson bathar rèile Bhreatainn, a’ chiad fhear de cheud...
View full detailsClass 66 - EWS Maroon - 66171
A’ dlùthachadh ri 25 bliadhna a dh’aois agus fhathast anns a’ ghealbhonn agus an òr tùsail aige, tha beagan bhileagan rabhaidh a bharrachd air a bh...
View full detailsClass 66 - EWS Maroon - 66171 - DCC Sound Fitted
A’ dlùthachadh ri 25 bliadhna a dh’aois agus fhathast anns a’ ghealbhonn agus an òr tùsail aige, tha beagan bhileagan rabhaidh a bharrachd air a bh...
View full detailsClass 66 - Fastline - 66302
66302 arrived in the uk as part of a “mixed delivery” of class 66 low emission models, alongside locos for Freightliner and DRS aboard the MV Stell...
View full detailsClass 66 - Fastline - 66302 - DCC Sound Fitted
66302 arrived in the uk as part of a “mixed delivery” of class 66 low emission models, alongside locos for Freightliner and DRS aboard the MV Stell...
View full detailsClass 66 - Freightliner Green/Yellow - 66507
B’ e Freightliner an dàrna companaidh obrachaidh a chaidh a-steach don gheama clas 66 leis a’ chiad de na locomotaibhean aca a’ ruighinn ann an 199...
View full detailsClass 66 - Freightliner Green/Yellow - 66507 - DCC Sound Fitted
B’ e Freightliner an dàrna companaidh obrachaidh a chaidh a-steach don gheama clas 66 leis a’ chiad de na locomotaibhean aca a’ ruighinn ann an 199...
View full detailsClass 66 - Freightliner Orange - 66415
Clas 66 - Freightliner Orange - 66415
Class 66 - Freightliner Orange - 66415 - DCC Sound Fitted
Clas 66 - Freightliner Orange - 66415 - DCC Sound Fitted
Class 66 - Freightliner Powerhaul - 66414
66414 was originally leased to DRS and this is how it arrived fresh from the factory aboard MV fairlift on the 16th October 2006. When that lease e...
View full detailsClass 66 - Freightliner Powerhaul - 66414 - DCC Sound Fitted
66414 was originally leased to DRS and this is how it arrived fresh from the factory aboard MV fairlift on the 16th October 2006. When that lease e...
View full detailsClass 66 - GBRF - 66724
Another locomotive that was transported on the MV Fairload was GBRF’s 66724. Arriving on the 20th December 2006, this locomotive originally sported...
View full detailsClass 66 - GBRF - 66724 - DCC Sound Fitted
Another locomotive that was transported on the MV Fairload was GBRF’s 66724. Arriving on the 20th December 2006, this locomotive originally sported...
View full detailsClass 66 - GBRF Blue/Orange - 66763
Faisg air deireadh òrdughan clas 66, chaidh cinneasachadh a ghluasad gu Muncie anns na SA. Thug an t-atharrachadh seo leis cuid de dh’ eadar-dheal...
View full detailsClass 66 - GBRF Blue/Orange - 66763 - DCC Sound Fitted
Faisg air deireadh òrdughan clas 66, chaidh cinneasachadh a ghluasad gu Muncie anns na SA. Thug an t-atharrachadh seo leis cuid de dh’ eadar-dheal...
View full detailsClass 66 - GBRF BR - 66789
Arriving in the uk aboard MV Fairload on the 23rd June 2000, this locomotive was originally numbered 66250 and was the last EWS class 66 as part of...
View full detailsClass 66 - GBRF BR - 66789 - DCC Sound Fitted
Arriving in the uk aboard MV Fairload on the 23rd June 2000, this locomotive was originally numbered 66250 and was the last EWS class 66 as part of...
View full detailsClass 66 - GBRF BR Green 'Evening Star' - 66779
A’ tarraing na loidhne riochdachaidh gu crìch an dèidh 18 bliadhna agus na ceudan de locomotaibhean b’ e 66779. Chaidh an locomotaibh seo a chrìoch...
View full detailsClass 66 - GBRF BR Green 'Evening Star' - 66779 - DCC Sound Fitted
A’ tarraing na loidhne riochdachaidh gu crìch an dèidh 18 bliadhna agus na ceudan de locomotaibhean b’ e 66779. Chaidh an locomotaibh seo a chrìoch...
View full detailsClass 66 - GBRf Prostate Cancer UK Black - 66769
Clas 66 - GBRF Prostate Dubh - 66769
Class 66 - GBRf Prostate Cancer UK Black - 66769 - DCC Sound Fitted
Clas 66 - GBRF Prostate Black - 66769 - DCC Sound Fitted
Class 66 - GBRF Triple Grey - 66793
66793 comes under the broad umbrella of what is known to British railway enthusiasts as a “euro class 66”. These locomotives all exhibit difference...
View full detailsClass 66 - GBRF Triple Grey - 66793 - DCC Sound Fitted
66793 comes under the broad umbrella of what is known to British railway enthusiasts as a “euro class 66”. These locomotives all exhibit difference...
View full detailsClass 66 Crew - Driver/Driver - Privatisation
Utilising the latest in full-colour 3D scanning and printing technology, these figures are designed and produced in the UK specifically for the Ac...
View full detailsClass 66 Crew - Driver/Secondman - Privatisation
Utilising the latest in full-colour 3D scanning and printing technology, these figures are designed and produced in the UK specifically for the Ac...
View full detailsClass 66 Lokpilot DCC Decoder
Class 66 Lokpilot DCC Decoder LokPilot DCC Decoder (No Sound) Custom programmed for accurascale Class 66 locomotives, to take advantage of all feat...
View full detailsClass 66 Upgrade Bundles
Upgrade your loco with our Accurascale accessories Bundles. Our bundles come in three different tiers, to suit every modeller's needs: DCC Basics ...
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