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Class 31 - 31402

SKU ACC2753-31402

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Clas 31 / English Electric Type 2 - 31402 ann am BR Blue 

CLASS 31 Feartan cumanta

  • Modail tomhais OO fìor mhionaideach, sgèile 1:76.2 air slighe 16.5mm
  • Radius as ìsle 438mm (2na slighe seata Radius)
  • Caissis meatailt trom die-cast
  • Stoidhlichean aon làraidh (bogie) le ceuman-coise air leth, siolandairean breic, inneal-clàraidh astair agus rigging breic deiridh
  • Cuibhlichean tomhais pròifil RP25-110 OO
  • Blocaichean breic air bogies a rèir cuibhlichean
  • Rèile-làimhe uèir leud-sgèile
  • Pàirtean mion-fhiosrachadh meatailt / plastaig, incl. grèim làimhe, steapaichean, wipers, msaa.
  • Grill mullach meatailt eitseil
  • Plàtaichean-ainm, clàran agus saighdean meatailt air am peantadh ro-làimh (ma tha sin iomchaidh)
  • Treabhadh-sneachda beag-dhìleas fìor cheart, inneal air a chuir a-steach
  • Bogsa bataraidh làn fo-bodhaig/tanca èadhair mionaideach le obair-pìoba
  • Fiosrachadh aghaidh cab a bharrachd airson locomotaibhean Network Rail
  • Bufairean làn sprùilleach, iomadach atharrachadh obair-pìoba agus ceanglaichean sgriubha
  • Cupladair Kinetic NEM a’ cur suas aig an àirde cheart le càraidean glas-teannachaidh beag

Feartan Deluxe

  • Tha a h-uile modal a’ nochdadh neach-leantainn mullach làn-sgèile a bhios ag obair, a ruitheas air DC agus DCC., Air smachd DCC, tha astar an neach-leantainn làn phrògramadh gus gluasad ceart a shamhlachadh
  • Tha na modailean uile a’ nochdadh  siostam PowerPack supercapacitor Stay-Alive airson cumhachd gun bhriseadh agus solais gun bhriseadh agus fuaim gun bhriseadh (ag obair air DCC)

Feartan DCC

  • DCC deiseil [Socaid MTX 21-Pin]
  • Fuaim DCC air a chuir a-steach le factaraidh ri fhaighinn le ESU LokSound V5 air a uidheamachadh le neach-labhairt mòr  agus neach-labhairt stoidhle sugarcube, le capsalan fuaim mòr airson an fhuaim as fheàrr (modalan DCC Sound a-mhàin)
  • Sensor squeal flange cuibhle air locomotaibhean uidheamaichte le fuaim DCC airson squeal flange fèin-ghluasadach air prògram fuaim

Feartan tarraing àrd-choileanadh;

  • Motor 5-pòla de chàileachd àrd le dà chuibhle mhòr
  • Bogsa gèar helical airson an coileanadh as àirde agus astar slaodach a’ ruith
  • Gèaraidh air a chuir air dòigh gus an urrainn do locomotaibh astar as àirde de 90 msu (145 km/h)
  • a choileanadh
  • Tha tuaghan a-muigh air bogies air an stiùireadh (aiseil meadhan dùmhail sprung) agus togail cuibhle gu lèir

Feartan Pasgan Solais làn mhionaideach:

  • Soilse stiùiridh, DC agus DCC
  • Cruinneachaidhean solais le suidheachaidhean iomchaidh a latha is a dh’oidhche
  • Soilse comharran dearg is geal a ghabhas atharrachadh (faodar dearg a chuir air solais fa leth no an dà chuid air)
  • Soilse cab air a chuir air leth agus air a shoilleireachadh, deasc an draibhear le gluasad fèin-ghluasadach / dheth

Lighting and DCC Specifics

Customer Reviews

Based on 28 reviews
Robert E.
Class 31 - 31402

Arrived very well packaged as all Accurascale product are, when you get it out of the packaging then you feel the reassuring weight of the Loco feels just right not like a toy train, the detail on the loco is so precise almost looks real, the first thing I have to do is fit the crew, the body comes off relatively easy no screws, and the crew I purchased for it fitted perfectly. On the track it ran very smooth whether you are running it fast or very slowly, and then there’s the sound an absolute delight makes all the difference to a loco when you have sound. Very pleased with my purchase.

Nik A.
Another Brilliant Model

I bought this sound fitted version and it is brilliant as usual from Accurascale. The details and finish is amazing. The cooling fan and the sound is like icing on the cake. I bought this loco together with set of coaches and runs beautifully.
Another excellent product from Accurascale.

Robert A.

Superb detailed model complete with excellent sound file, looking forward to batch 2,3,4 👌

Martin P.
31 402

A highly detailed model with lots of detail I have the sound version which is very realistic. The box packaging and manuals make this model stand out from its closest competitor.
My only criticism is that the cab lights are to bright, and there is no engine room lighting unless i have overlooked it. Apart from that it is a massive leap forward from the old problematic Hornsby super detailed 31… keep up the good work, very impressed. If only they were this good when i worked on them, we dreaded them an AEI was far superior.

James W.
Outstanding Class 31

The model is full of detail and the sound is amazing. A smooth runner and a perfect match for my Accurascale Siphon G newspaper vans.

Jonathan H.
Blue beauty!

Well that was well worth the wait, there is so much detail on this 31, my two favourite parts are the cab steps and the front end detail it’s so finely moulded it’s wonderful, just need the MK2c’s to go with it and it will be complete!

Wayne I.
Best Brush 2 I have seen

Been worth the wait another stunning highly detailed model from accurascale. Perfect in every way. Front view is just awesome just like its main body - Love the livery and a tops number was my time period so will always go for these.

Tim L.

As I am sad enough and old enough to have logged 402 on several evening commutes labouring northwards at full thrash from Gasworks Tunnel on the climb to Finsbury Park and beyond, this model was a must have and does not disappoint. Simply splendid.

Darren B.
Class 31/4

Another excellent model. A great shade of BR blue!! Looks just as I remember. Sounds good to!

simon p.

Accurascales best diesel model yet. A smooth runner, fantastic sound and great detail.