BR 24.5T HOP24/HUO Coal Hopper - Grey pre TOPS- Pack A
Rèile hopair 24.5-tonna HOP24 / HUO Rèile Bhreatainn Ioma-phasgan trì carbadanB333635 Bufairean fèin-chumanta HOP 24 1/2 a’ comharrachadh [fiosra...
View full detailsBR 24.5T HOP24/HUO Coal Hopper - Grey pre TOPS- Pack B
Rèile hopair 24.5-tonna HOP24 / HUO Rèile Bhreatainn Ioma-phasgan trì carbadan airson Stèiseanan Cumhachd Stella North/South Dunston/Blyth B333897B...
View full detailsBR 24.5T HOP24/HUO Coal Hopper - Grey pre TOPS- Pack C
Rèile hopair 24.5-tonna HOP24 / HUO Rèile Bhreatainn Ioma-phasgan trì carbadan airson Stèisean Cumhachd Chinn Chàrdainn B334429B334438B334548 Fear...
View full detailsBR 24.5T HOP24/HUO Coal Hopper - Grey pre TOPS- Pack D
Rèile hopair 24.5-tonna HOP24 / HUO Rèile Bhreatainn Ioma-phasgan trì carbadan [fiosrachadh slighe falamh] B334949 B335039 B335703 Rèile hopair ...
View full detailsBR 24.5T HOP24/HUO Coal Hopper - Grey pre TOPS- Pack E
Rèile hopair 24.5-tonna HOP24 / HUO Rèile Bhreatainn Ioma-phasgan trì carbadan airson Stèisean Cumhachd Thorpe Marsh B336817 B336937 B337128N Fea...
View full detailsBR 24.5T HOP24/HUO Coal Hopper - Grey pre TOPS- Pack N
Rèile Bhreatainn 24.5-tunna HOP24 / Carbad hopair HUO Trì pasgan ioma-charbaid B333644 B335016 B335520 Feartan cumanta: Pasgan de trì...
View full detailsBR 24.5T HOP24/HUO Coal Hopper - Grey pre TOPS- Pack O
Rèile Bhreatainn 24.5-tunna HOP24 / Carbad hopair HUO Trì pasgan ioma-charbaid B333899 B334151 B334159 Feartan cumanta: Pasgan de trì c...
View full detailsBR 24.5T HOP24/HUO Coal Hopper - Grey pre TOPS- Pack P
Rèile Bhreatainn 24.5-tunna HOP24 / Carbad hopair HUO Trì pasgan ioma-charbaid B334432 B334546 B334835 Feartan cumanta: Pasgan de trì chairt...
View full detailsBR 24.5T HOP24/HUO Coal Hopper - Grey pre TOPS- Pack Q
Rèile Bhreatainn 24.5-tunna HOP24 / Carbad hopair HUO Trì pasgan ioma-charbaid B334953 B335021 B335570 Feartan cumanta: Pasgan de trì chairt...
View full detailsBR 24.5T HOP24/HUO Coal Hopper - Grey pre TOPS- Pack R
Rèile Bhreatainn 24.5-tunna HOP24 / Carbad hopair HUO Trì pasgan ioma-charbaid B333786B334997 B335236 Feartan cumanta: Pasgan de trì chairte...
View full detailsBR 24.5T HOP24/HUO Coal Hopper - Grey pre TOPS- Pack S
Rèile Bhreatainn 24.5-tunna HOP24 / Carbad hopair HUO Trì pasgan ioma-charbaid B334126N B333850 B337135N Feartan cumanta: Pasgan de trì chai...
View full detailsBR 24.5T HOP24/HUO Coal Hopper - Grey TOPS- Pack F
B333722 B333800 B334435 Rèile Bhreatainn 24.5-ton HOP24 / Carbad hopair HUO Trì-phasgan ioma-charbaid Feartan cumanta: Pasgan de trì chairte...
View full detailsBR 24.5T HOP24/HUO Coal Hopper - Grey TOPS- Pack G
B333837 B333905 B334176 Rèile Bhreatainn 24.5-ton HOP24 / Carbad hopair HUO Trì-phasgan ioma-charbaid Feartan cumanta: Pasgan de trì chairte...
View full detailsBR 24.5T HOP24/HUO Coal Hopper - Grey TOPS- Pack H
B334423 B335098N B335544 Rèile Bhreatainn 24.5-ton HOP24 / Carbad hopair HUO Trì-phasgan ioma-charbaid Feartan cumanta: Pasgan de trì chairt...
View full detailsBR 24.5T HOP24/HUO Coal Hopper - Grey TOPS- Pack I
B335045 B335549 B335906 Rèile Bhreatainn 24.5-ton HOP24 / Carbad hopair HUO Trì-phasgan ioma-charbaid Feartan cumanta: Pasgan de trì chairte...
View full detailsBR 24.5T HOP24/HUO Coal Hopper - Grey TOPS- Pack J
B334539 B334576 BB335532 Rèile Bhreatainn 24.5-ton HOP24 / Carbad hopair HUO Trì-phasgan ioma-charbaid Feartan cumanta: Pasgan de trì chairt...
View full detailsBR 24.5T HOP24/HUO Coal Hopper - Grey TOPS- Pack K
B335492 B336679 B336954 Rèile Bhreatainn 24.5-ton HOP24 / Carbad hopair HUO Trì-phasgan ioma-charbaid Feartan cumanta: Pasgan de trì chairte...
View full detailsBR 24.5T HOP24/HUO Coal Hopper - Grey TOPS- Pack T
Rèile Bhreatainn 24.5-tunna HOP24 / Carbad hopair HUO Trì pasgan ioma-charbaid B336514 B333955 B334282 Feartan cumanta: Pasgan de trì chairt...
View full detailsBR 24.5T HOP24/HUO Coal Hopper - Grey TOPS- Pack U
Rèile Bhreatainn 24.5-tunna HOP24 / Carbad hopair HUO Trì pasgan ioma-charbaid B334440NB337051B335192 Feartan cumanta: Pasgan de trì chairtea...
View full detailsBR Class 37 Locomotive Oval Buffers (Pack of 8)
BR Oleo Pattern 2 16" bufairean carbad trast-thomhas Bufairean meatailt, sprung (pacaid de 8)
BR Class 37 Locomotive Square Buffers (Pack of 8)
BR Oleo Pattern 2 16" bufairean carbad trast-thomhas Bufairean meatailt, sprung (pacaid de 8)
BR Class 50 - BR Blue - 50006 'Neptune'
Clas BR 50 - BR Gorm - 50006 'Neptune' SÒNRACHADH Modail sgèile OO fìor mhionaideach, sgèile 1:76.2 Radius as ìsle 438mm (2na slighe seata Radi...
View full detailsBR Class 50 - BR Blue - 50006 'Neptune' - DCC Sound Fitted
Clas BR 50 - BR Gorm - 50006 'Neptune' - Fuaim DCC air a uidheamachadh SÒNRACHADH Modail sgèile OO fìor mhionaideach, sgèile 1:76.2 Radius as ì...
View full detailsBR Class 50 - BR Blue - D423 - DCC Sound Fitted
BR Clas 50 - BR Gorm - D423 - DCC Sound Fitted SÒNRACHADH Modail sgèile OO fìor mhionaideach, sgèile 1:76.2 Radius as ìsle 438mm (2na slighe se...
View full detailsBR Class 50 - BR Blue - D423
Clas BR 50 - BR Gorm - D423 SÒNRACHADH Modail sgèile OO fìor mhionaideach, sgèile 1:76.2 Radius as ìsle 438mm (2na slighe seata Radius) ann an...
View full detailsBR Class 50 - GWR Green - 50007 'Sir Edward Elgar' - Exclusive
BR Clas 50 - GWR Green - 50007 ‘Sir Edward Elgar’ - Exclusive Fhathast connspaideach faisg air ceithir deicheadan às deidh dha a bhith air ath-phea...
View full detailsBR Class 50 - GWR Green - 50007 'Sir Edward Elgar' - Exclusive - DCC Sound Fitted
BR Clas 50 - GWR Green - 50007 ‘Sir Edward Elgar’ - Sònraichte DCC Sound Fitted Fathast connspaideach faisg air ceithir deicheadan às deidh dha a b...
View full detailsBR Class 50 - Hanson+Hall/Rail Adventure - 50008 'Thunderer'
BR Clas 50 - Hanson+Hall/Rail Adventure - 50008 'Thunderer' SÒNRACHADH Modail sgèile OO fìor mhionaideach, sgèile 1:76.2 Radius as ìsle 438mm (2...
View full detailsBR Class 50 - Hanson+Hall/Rail Adventure - 50008 'Thunderer' - DCC Sound Fitted
BR Clas 50 - Hanson+Hall/Rail Adventure - 50008 'Thunderer' - DCC Sound Fitted SÒNRACHADH Modail sgèile OO fìor mhionaideach, sgèile 1:76.2 Radi...
View full detailsBR Class 50 - Large Logo w/black roof - 50014 'Warspite'
BR Clas 50 - Suaicheantas mòr w/mullach dubh - 50014 'Warspite' SÒNRACHADH Modail sgèile OO fìor mhionaideach, sgèile 1:76.2 Radius as ìsle 438m...
View full detailsBR Class 50 - Large Logo w/black roof - 50014 'Warspite' - DCC Sound Fitted
BR Clas 50 - Suaicheantas mòr w/mullach dubh - 50014 'Warspite' - DCC Sound Fitted SÒNRACHADH Modail sgèile OO fìor mhionaideach, sgèile 1:76.2 ...
View full detailsBR Class 50 - Large Logo w/grey roof & orange cantrail stripe - 50021 'Rodney'
BR Clas 50 - Suaicheantas mòr w/ mullach liath & stiall cantrail orains - 50021 'Rodney' SÒNRACHADH Modail sgèile OO fìor mhionaideach, sgèile 1...
View full detailsBR Class 50 - Large Logo w/grey roof & orange cantrail stripe - 50021 'Rodney' - DCC Sound Fitted
BR Clas 50 - Suaicheantas mòr w/ mullach liath & stiall cantrail orains - 50021 'Rodney' - DCC Sound Fitted SÒNRACHADH Modail sgèile OO fìor mhio...
View full detailsBR Class 50 - Original NSE - 50017 'Royal Oak'
BR Clas 50 - NSE tùsail - 50017 'Royal Oak' SÒNRACHADH Modail sgèile OO fìor mhionaideach, sgèile 1:76.2 Radius as ìsle 438mm (2na slighe seata...
View full detailsBR Class 50 - Original NSE - 50017 'Royal Oak' - DCC Sound Fitted
BR Clas 50 - NSE tùsail - 50017 ‘Royal Oak’ - DCC Sound Fitted SÒNRACHADH Modail sgèile OO fìor mhionaideach, sgèile 1:76.2 Radius as ìsle 438m...
View full detailsBR Class 50 - Railfreight General - 50149 'Defiance' - Exclusive
BR Clas 50 - Railfreight General - 50149 ‘Defiance’ - Exclusive Anns an dàrna leth de na 1980n chunnaic sinn stiùireadh ùr a dh’ fhaodadh a bhith a...
View full detailsBR Class 50 - Railfreight General - 50149 'Defiance' - Exclusive - DCC Sound Fitted
BR Clas 50 - Railfreight Coitcheann - 50149 'Defiance' - Sònraichte DCC Sound Fitted Chunnaic an dàrna leth de na 1980n slighe ùr a dh’ fhaodadh a ...
View full detailsBR Class 89 - 89001 - GNER (Gold Lettering)
Clas BR 89 - 89001 - GNER (Litir Òir) Gearran-99 gu Ògmhios-07Tilleadh gu seirbheis às deidh obair càraidh aig Brush ann an gorm GNER le suaichea...
View full detailsBR Class 89 - 89001 - GNER (White Lettering)
Clas BR 89 - 89001 - GNER (Litir Gheal) Mar-97 gu Jan-99Air ath-shuidheachadh airson seirbheis 3-Màrt-97 agus air ath-pheantadh gu gorm GNER le s...
View full detailsBR Class 89 - 89001 - InterCity Executive
BR Clas 89 - 89001 - Buidheann-gnìomha InterCity Dàmhair-86 gu Samhain-88Sreathan-gnìomha BR InterCity SÒNRACHADH Bidh am modail Clas 89 stèidhich...
View full detailsBR Class 89 - 89001 - InterCity Swallow (Original)
BR Clas 89 - 89001 - Swallow InterCity (Tùsail) Dùbhlachd-88 gu Iuchar-92Avocet air ainmeachadh air 16-Dùbhlachd-88 agus a’ nochdadh ann an suaich...
View full detailsBR Class 89 - 89001 - InterCity Swallow (Present Day)
Clas BR 89 - 89001 - Swallow InterCity (An-diugh) Giblean-19 gus a thaisbeanadhClassic InterCity Swallow Livery le Modern OHLE Flashes SÒNRACHADH...
View full detailsBR Coil A/SFV Steel Wagon TOPS Bauxite - Pack D
Coil Rèile Bhreatainn - Coil Stàilinn Wagons Ioma-phasgan trì carbadan Anns an robh trì carbadan, leis an àireamh: B949134 B949164 B949168 Srut...
View full detailsBR Coil A/SFW Steel Wagon TOPS Bauxite - Pack E
Coil Rèile Bhreatainn - Coil Stàilinn Wagons Ioma-phasgan trì carbadan Anns an robh trì carbadan, leis an àireamh: B949166 B949174 B949133 Srut...
View full detailsBR Early Emblem - HC1775 - 68025
This locomotive was one of a batch of 36 Austerities by Hudswell Clarke of Leeds. This particular one was completed in November 1944 and carried th...
View full detailsBR Early Emblem - HC1775 - 68025 - DCC Sound
This locomotive was one of a batch of 36 Austerities by Hudswell Clarke of Leeds. This particular one was completed in November 1944 and carried th...
View full detailsBR heavy duty / self-contained 13" diameter wagon buffers
BR trom-dhleastanas / bufairean carbad le trast-thomhas 13" fèin-chumanta Bufairean plastaig, sprung (pacaid de 8)
BR Mk1 57' Non-Gangway Coach - BS - BR BTU Tool Vans: ADB963952
Mar phàirt den raon ‘Transporting Britain’ , bha na coidsichean sin co-chosmhail ri trafaic luchd-siubhail East Anglian a’ dol a-steach agus a-...
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