37402 "Stephen Middlemore"
Clas 37/4 - 37402 Air a chuir a-mach le Loram sa Ghearran 2016, b’ e 37402 an dàrna ball de chabhlach Clas 37/4 Seirbheisean Rèile Dìreach a chaidh...
View full details37409 "Lord Hinton"
Clas 37/4 - 37409 "Lord Hinton" 2018-an-diugh BR Large Suaicheantas livery Sròn còd-cinn sa mheadhan le solas-cinn, solais earbaill LED mòr agus...
View full details37419 "Carl Haviland 1954-2012"
Clas 37/4 - 37419 "Carl Haviland 1954-2012" 2019-an-diugh Sruthan prìomh loidhne InterCity Sròn còd-cinn sa mheadhan le solas-cinn, solais earbail...
View full details37423 "Spirit of the lakes"
Clas 37/4 - 37423 "Spiorad nan lochan" 2018-an-diugh Sruthan Compass Simplichte DRS Sròn còd-cinn sa mheadhan le bogsa ceann-cinn plastaichte, so...
View full details37425 "Sir Robert McAlpine / Concrete Bob"
Clas 37/4 - 37425 "Sir Robert McAlpine / Concrete Bob" Tha an Livery ‘Deireannach’ 37425 a’ sealltainn mar a tha e an-dràsta air a lìbhrigeadh a-...
View full detailsClass 37 - Colas - 37421
37421 Colas Rail Stored by EWS at Motherwell in March 2005 and sold for preservation at the Pontypool & Blaenavon Railway in 2009, No. 37421 wa...
View full detailsClass 37 - Colas - 37421 - DCC Sound Fitted
37421 Colas Rail Stored by EWS at Motherwell in March 2005 and sold for preservation at the Pontypool & Blaenavon Railway in 2009, No. 37421 wa...
View full detailsClass 37 - DRS (unbranded) - 37422
Air fhaighinn mar phàirt de ghluasad mòr de Clas 37/4s bho DB Schenker gu Direct Rail Services ann an 2011, tha 37422 gun samhail am measg nan EEan...
View full detailsClass 37 - DRS (unbranded) - 37422 - DCC Sound Fitted
Air fhaighinn mar phàirt de ghluasad mòr de Clas 37/4s bho DB Schenker gu Direct Rail Services ann an 2011, tha 37422 gun samhail am measg nan EEan...
View full detailsClass 37 - EWS - 37408
37408 Loch Rannoch EWS Maroon/Gold Arguably the most popular of the Class 37/4s in the British Rail and early privatisation era, No. 37408 Loch Ran...
View full detailsClass 37 - EWS - 37408 - DCC Sound Fitted
37408 Loch Rannoch EWS Maroon/Gold Arguably the most popular of the Class 37/4s in the British Rail and early privatisation era, No. 37408 Loch Ran...
View full detailsClass 37 - HN Rail - 37405
Ged a tha dlùth cheangal aig Harry Needle ri Clas 20s, tha a’ chompanaidh rèile gun ainm aige a-nis air 11 Clas 37s fhaighinn leis gu bheil iad air...
View full detailsClass 37 - HN Rail - 37405 - DCC Sound Fitted
Ged a tha dlùth cheangal aig Harry Needle ri Clas 20s, tha a’ chompanaidh rèile gun ainm aige a-nis air 11 Clas 37s fhaighinn leis gu bheil iad air...
View full detailsClass 37 - Large Logo Blue - 37420
37420 The Scottish Hosteller Large Logo w/Highland ‘stag’ No. 37420 was the penultimate member of the Inverness ‘eight’, Nos. 37414-37421, the octe...
View full detailsClass 37 - Large Logo Blue - 37420 - DCC Sound Fitted
37420 The Scottish Hosteller Large Logo w/Highland ‘stag’ No. 37420 was the penultimate member of the Inverness ‘eight’, Nos. 37414-37421, the octe...
View full detailsClass 37 - Large Logo Blue - 37429
37429 Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Large Logo w/Welsh dragon Representing the original Cardiff Canton batch of six Class 37/4 conversions is No. 37429, ...
View full detailsClass 37 - Large Logo Blue - 37429 - DCC Sound Fitted
37429 Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Large Logo w/Welsh dragon Representing the original Cardiff Canton batch of six Class 37/4 conversions is No. 37429, ...
View full detailsClass 37 - Loram - 37418 - DCC Sound Fitted - Exclusive
37418 An Comunn Gaidhealach Loram Rail Stored by EWS at Motherwell in April 2005, No. 37418 was purchased by preservationist Steve Beniston from To...
View full detailsClass 37 - Loram - 37418 - Exclusive
37418 An Comunn Gaidhealach Loram Rail Stored by EWS at Motherwell in April 2005, No. 37418 was purchased by preservationist Steve Beniston from To...
View full detailsClass 37 - RF Construction - 37414
37414 Railfreight Construction The introduction of Class 156 ‘Super Sprinters’ on the West Highland from January 1989 and on the Far North/Kyle lin...
View full detailsClass 37 - RF Construction - 37414 - DCC Sound Fitted
37414 Railfreight Construction The introduction of Class 156 ‘Super Sprinters’ on the West Highland from January 1989 and on the Far North/Kyle lin...
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