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APCM Cemflo / PCV Powder Wagon - Triple Pack - LA262, LA265, LA270 - PreTOPS


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  • Modail sgèile fìor mhionaideach, ceart
  • Pàirtean mionaideach air an uidheamachadh le factaraidh (pìoban breic, iarann-lampa, msaa) 
  • Mion-fhiosrachadh bàr aon-neach air a chuir a-steach don fhactaraidh
  • Pìob obair-lannsa
  • Bufairean sprung
  • Fo-fhrèam làn mhionaideach (a’ gabhail a-steach rigging breic agus crochairean)
  • Meatailt dubhach  cuibhlichean diosc 3-toll 12.6mm air tuaghan meatailt, seataichean pròifil RP25.110 le 14.4mm air ais gu druim agus 26mm thairis air puingean-pin
  • pòcaidean càraid NEM air an uidheamachadh le cuibhlichean glas teannachaidh cumhang
  • Cuideam a bharrachd a-staigh
  • Dealbhaichte airson EM agus P4

Lighting and DCC Specifics

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Richard S.
Cemflo Wagons

I noticed that some of these wagons had been found and it was an item that I'd missed when they were first released. Should have bought then, but doesn't really go with the "plan". I remember them at Eastgate in Co. Durham so with a second chance I took it. They are smashing looking wagons and I like the fact that Instanta links are included with the pack. They can't have remained in pristine condition in reality very long, so weathering is a question and a nice link on the website about that.

Only negative, they were sent by DHL which means $14 tax and $20 "fees" from the courier makes them quite costly for the single pack. If they had been sent by post, probably wouldn't have been hit by the taxes. If they had been stopped $10 cheaper. Which is $10 more I could have spent on products.