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HYA Bogie Hopper Wagon - GBRf Coal Branding - Pack 1


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Tha dà chairt anns a’ phasgan seo, aon dhiubh a’ nochdadh LED Tail-Light a tha ag obair
HYA gun pheantadh le branndadh guail GBRf

  • 371014
  • 371075

Feartan cumanta:

  • Pasgan de dhà Wags, gach fear le àireamh ruith fa leth agus sgeadachadh
  • Gauge OO fìor mhionaideach / 1: 76.2 Modalan sgèile air slighe 16.5mm
  • Pòcaid cuibhle àbhaisteach NEM le comas-gnìomh dlùth-cheangail ‘kinematic’
  • Ceangalaichean glas teann teann NEM aig an àirde cheart
  • Bufairean sprung & luchd-ceangail ceangail sgriubha dummy
  • Factaraidh meatailt eitse le mion-fhiosrachadh
  • Factaraidh a bharrachd air a dheagh uidheamachadh pàirtean plastaig mionaideach a’ toirt a-steach pìoban adhair, cuibhle-làimhe breic, luamhan, camagan obrachaidh hopair
  • Litrichean fa leth, suaicheantasan agus còdan bho fhìor chairtean airson dearbhadh
  • Bogies feachd slighe ìosal TF25 gu math mionaideach le blocaichean breic a rèir cuibhlichean agus brògan breic air leth agus inneal breic
  • Seataichean-cuibhle ìomhaigh dubh RP25.110 le tomhasan cùl-ri-cùl 14.4mm, agus 26mm thairis air puingean-pin
  • Tha wagain 240mm thairis air bufairean de dh’fhaid agus 160g

Lighting and DCC Specifics

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Great Wagons

Fantastic wagons, very well detailed with a good weight. They look great in a rake behind a 66. The tail-light is a nice feature.


Probably some of the best rolling stock on the market, can’t wait for the next run

VC 0.R.
Another 1st from Accurascale

Ordered the full set of 6 GBRf wagons. The detail and especially the tampo printing is superb, one of the best I have seen. Great improvement also with the flashing light arrangement, much easier to install and to operate . It would be good if Accurascale offered a retro lamp kit that could be used on other wagons


Eric C.
Miniture marvels.

First class wagons from the modellers model maker.

Alexander J.C.
Accurascale HYA

I am absolutely delighted with my new Accurascale HYA wagons. I bought packs 1 and 2 of the GBRf version to run with my Hornby Captain Tom. The detail is superb with a huge amount of tampo printing, some of which I need my magnifying glass to read, and puts the Hornby loco to shame. The wagons roll freely and the flashing tail lamp with pack 1 works with button batteries which are easy to obtain and instal, and is switched on and off from the outside via an internal reed switch using a magnetic wand. A big improvement on the system used for the earlier PTA wagons which needed to be opened up to connect or disconnect the battery to switch on or off. I would have bought more of these wagons but the limitations of my small layout means there is only enough space for a limited loop so the locomotive can only run round four wagons.

Pete B.
Great Quality

Received the wagons today, a couple days after dispatch. They have great packaging and are top quality products.