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JSA Bogie Covered Steel Wagon Twin Pack - British Steel 3


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Tha dà chairt anns a’ phasgan seo, le cochall truinnsear stàilinn a ghabhas cleachdadh ann an Livery Blue British Steel:

  • BSSP 4057
  • BSSP 4076

Cliog an seo airson na naidheachdan as ùire mun phròiseact JSA againn

Feartan cumanta:

  • Pasgan de dhà Wags, gach fear le àireamh ruith fa leth agus sgeadachadh
  • OO Gauge / 1:76.2 Modalan Sgèile
  • Pòcaid cuibhreachaidh àbhaisteach NEM le comas-gnìomh dlùth-cheangail ‘kinematic’
  • NEM cuibhrigean glas teannachadh caol air a sholarachadh
  • Bufairean meatailt sprung
  • Factaraidh meatailt eitseil air a uidheamachadh
  • Pàirtean plastaig mionaideach air an uidheamachadh le factaraidh
  • Obair-pìoba air a dheagh uidheamachadh le factaraidh
  • Litrichean fa leth, suaicheantasan agus còdan bho fhìor chairtean airson dearbhadh
  • BSC Axle Motion bogies
  • Seataichean-cuibhle ìomhaigh dubh RP25.110 le tomhasan cùl-ri-cùl 14.4mm, agus 26mm thairis air puingean-pin
  • Dealbhaichte airson tionndadh furasta gu gasaichean EM agus P4
  • Tha wagain 166mm thairis air bufairean de dh'fhaid

Lighting and DCC Specifics

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Danny I.
JSA bogie covered steel wagon twin pack

I’m so over the moon I managed to buy these from derails as they are all sold out here, they are amazing wagons run so smooth on my layout, the attention to detail is absolutely fantastic, accurascale you made another superb piece of rolling stock well done

Tim V.D.

I really enjoy your store

Richard W.

Still in the box as I'm building my layout but have inspected them and I'm impressed with the quality. As the saying goes you get what you pay for

JSA Covered Steel Wagon British Steel

arrived excellent packed, no parts fallen off, well worth the money!