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BR Coil A/SFV Steel Wagon TOPS Bauxite - Pack D

Original price £62.45 - Original price £62.45
Original price
£62.45 - £62.45
Current price £62.45
in stock, ready to be shipped

Coil Rèile Bhreatainn - Coil Stàilinn Wagons
Ioma-phasgan trì carbadan

Anns an robh trì carbadan, leis an àireamh:

  • B949134
  • B949164
  • B949168
  • Sruthain bauxite
  • Tionndaidhean pìob-adhair de chairtean Diagram 1/412, Lot 3450 Coil-A ann an 1983
  • Oleo Buffers
  • Bogsaichean aiseil le rolair
  • Trèanaichean Speedlink ag obair a-steach do Docaichean Newport, Brierley Hill, Swindon (airson British Leyland), Dagenham (airson Ford) agus eadhon gu Poole, ann an Dorset, airson trafaic às-mhalairt
  • 29 carbadan air an tionndadh
  • Cochall nylon le taic bho thrì bàraichean gluasadach gus luchdan a dhìon
  • Dh’ fhuirich ann an seirbheis gu 1992, agus ron àm sin bha an 21 duine a thàinig beò às ag obair a-mach à Llanwern
  • Ruith ann an racaichean bloca, agus measgta le carbadan stàilinn eile, ach gu sònraichte le Coil B, Bogie Coil V agus carbadan Bogie Strip Coil K.

  • Feartan cumanta:
  • Pasgan de trì carnaichean, gach fear le àireamhan fa leth
  • pòcaidean càraid àbhaisteach NEM
  • Bha cuibhlichean glas teannachaidh cumhang air an toirt a-steach
  • RP25.110 seataichean ìomhaigh dorcha le 14.4mm cùl ri cùl agus 26mm thairis air puingean-pin
  • Cuibhlichean càr diosc 3-toll meatailt air tuaghan meatailt - 12.6mm
  • Pàirtean plastaig mionaideach air an uidheamachadh le factaraidh agus bufairean sprung
  • Litrichean fa leth agus còdan bho fhìor chairtean airson dearbhteachd

Customer Reviews

Based on 12 reviews
John P.
BR Coil pack D

Excellent OO gauge models.

Stephen G.
Accurascale accuracy

As usual excellent models, but the worst I have had, all three very poor runners, one in particular, as yet not had chance to rectify but looks like brake gear not clear of the wheels.

Jan K.

These steel wagons are top of the range! Fantastic!

Billy V.
Detail is fantastic

You have to see the detail on these wagons for yourself. They really set the bar high

Christopher G.
BR Coil A/SFV Steel Wagon

Beautiful detailed model and smooth running.


Fantastic wagons

Ali M.
Lovely fine detailed wagons

Good quality, nice detail under the hood.

Reviewer avatar
Steel Away The Day.

As with the other packs of these Steel Coil Wagons, they are very detailed items. They run smoothly and look great in large block trains. The hooded covers are more varied in colour shades too.

Darren M.
Coil A

Another excellent model with super details and great value for money.

Margaret &.K.
Unwind the Coils

Excellent well made greatly detailed Steel Wagons. They look a treat running round and help me unwind watching them. Thanks to all the Team for another Excellent Item.