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Accurathrash Class 37 Loksound ‘Original’ DCC Sound Decoder

Original price £91.62 - Original price £91.62
Original price
£91.62 - £91.62
Current price £91.62
in stock, ready to be shipped
LokSound V5 DCC Sound Chip

Air a dhealbhadh gu sònraichte airson an locomotaibh cruinn Clas 37  le 'Original'  Engine Configuration, bidh an decoder seo ag obair gu sgiobalta leis an t-solais air bòrd, siostam fuireach beò PowerPack agus rèiteachadh neach-labhairt dùbailte gus am fuaim àbhaisteach ath-riochdachadh agus gnìomh an locomotaibh ag obair.

Tha a’ chip seo freagarrach airson a h-uile atharrachadh 37/0, 37/1, 37/2 37/3 oir bha iad a’ ruith mus deach na h-einnseanan ùrachadh. Airson chips a tha freagarrach airson a h-uile Clas 37 eile, faic an seo

Common Features:

  • The LokSound 5 decoder works for analogue DC and AC (!) layouts.The LokSound 5 decoder can reproduce up to 10 channels simultaneously. Each channel offers up to 16 Bit / 31250 kHz and thus we have finally achieved hi-fi sound quality on your layout. For all practical purposes one cannot detect any difference to the original. A class D audio power amplifier with up to 3W output power feeds the speakers with a permitted impedance of 4 – 32 Ohms. The huge 128 MBit sound memory assures sufficient storage capacity.The volume of all individual sound fragments may be adjusted separately. The outstandingly flexible sound engine without a rigid flow chart facilitates a prototypical simulation of all conceivable rail vehicles. Three separately adjustable braking functions and two alternative load scenarios provide you with maximum control of your vehicles.We are quite aware that you want your locomotives to be as realistic as possible. Therefore we have packed many function outputs into it.  Subject to the type of interface every LokSound 5 has at least 10 amplified outputs. The decoders with PluX22 or 21MTC interface have an additional 4 outputs for controlling servos or as logic outputs. Of course, all important lighting functions are supported. The brightness of each output may be adjusted separately. The decoder supports the automatic push and pull movements – known as the coupler waltz - required for reliable operation of digital couplers such as the ones by ROCO® and Krois® as well as Telex® couplers.Motor control of the LokSound 5 has been further improved. A variable PWM pulse frequency ranging from 10 kHz to 50 kHz assures perfect silent operation, particularly for coreless motors. Thus the typical hum is a thing of the past. Load control can now be adjusted with up to 10 separate CVs and thus will manage even the most difficult cases. The unique “Auto Tune” function facilitates the automatic calibration of the decoder to perfectly match the motor. The LokSound 5 decoder supplies up to 1.5A motor current, which is quite sufficient even for older motor types.

Customer Reviews

Based on 96 reviews
John R.
Decoder replacement

It’s an excellent product, great sound quality and very easy to install.

Great sound

Easy to fit. Sounds great. Another happy customer.

Nigel F.

Amazing as usual.

Neil s.
Accurascale class 37 loksound ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Once again another great item from my favorite company accurascale 👌👌quick simple transaction and postage..
Looking forward to more top products from you …
Cheers neil⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Another fantastic sound file from accurascale this month for another class 37 in my fleet..
Quick postage as always and easy to use website many thanks neil⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Andrew B.
Class 37 ‘Original’ Loksound 5 decoder

Straightforward fitting. Ensure you have it the right way up and pins aligned before gentle pressure to engage pins . No dramas . Fitted perfectly .

Mark S.
Third time lucky with the DCC upgrade, fantastic results

Wow!! I love DCC when it goes well, fitted the sound decoder exactly the same way on previous locos and amazingly this time it all works brilliantly on my NCE PowerCab. However, lessons learnt from my previous attempts of upgrading to DCC, future purchases will be DCC factory fitted.

D G.
Great sound, easy installation

Having acquired a secondhand Accurascale 97301 that was DCC ready, I wanted to add sound. This decoder was the obvious solution. Installation could not have been simpler with the lift-off roof panel. Worked first time, and sounds great. Volume seems lower than other factory-fitted Accurascale class 37s I have, but probably just needs a CV adjustment.

mark n.
Great sound profile

Great functionality and playability. Brings the loco to life nicely.

Stephen L.
Fantastic Sound - Very Easy Installation

One of the best sound projects you could ever want. My friends who are still hanging on to DC silent are super impressed.