Locomotaibhean sònraichte
D9014 The Duke of Wellington's Regiment
D9014 – ‘The Duke of Wellington’s Reisimement’ BR uaine le panalan sròn buidhe timcheall Còd-cinn: alpha-àireamhach wipers uinneag-gaoithe: dhà...
View full details68619 - Late BR J69 - Lined Dark Blue (Liverpool Street Shed Pet) - DCC Sound Fitted
B’ e BR J69 68619 am Buckjumper ‘iomraiteach’ agus gun teagamh am ball as motha de dhealbhan den chlas , air sgàth ’s gur e Neach-siubhail Sràid ...
View full detailsClass 66 - GBRF Triple Grey - 66793
66793 comes under the broad umbrella of what is known to British railway enthusiasts as a “euro class 66”. These locomotives all exhibit difference...
View full detailsBR Class 50 - GWR Green - 50007 'Sir Edward Elgar' - Exclusive
BR Clas 50 - GWR Green - 50007 ‘Sir Edward Elgar’ - Exclusive Fhathast connspaideach faisg air ceithir deicheadan às deidh dha a bhith air ath-phea...
View full detailsClass 60 - DB Red - 60100 - DCC Sound Fitted
The Brush Class 60 was the last stand of the British designed and built diesel electric locomotive. From concept to delivery in little over 18 mont...
View full detailsD9006 The Fife and Forfar Yeomanry
D9006 – ‘The Fife and Forfar Yeomanry’ BR uaine le panalan sròn buidhe timcheall Còd-cinn: alpha-àireamhach Sgrùdairean uinneag-gaoithe: dhà ann...
View full detailsClass 37 - Europhoenix - 37901 - DCC Sound Fitted - Exclusive
37901 Mirrlees PioneerWhen the six-cylinder Mirrlees Blackstone MB275T power unit was first lowered into carbody of the former 37150 it is unlikely...
View full detailsBR Class 89 - 89001 - InterCity Swallow (Present Day)
Clas BR 89 - 89001 - Swallow InterCity (An-diugh) Giblean-19 gus a thaisbeanadhClassic InterCity Swallow Livery le Modern OHLE Flashes SÒNRACHADH...
View full detailsAndrew Barclay 0-4-0ST 14" in lined light blue - unnumbered
Bodyshell - factory-fitted separate details Drain cocks Handrails Lamp irons Oil lubricators Pipe work Safety valve Smokebox door dart Smokeb...
View full detailsAndrew Barclay 0-4-0ST 14" 'Efficient' in lined green
Bodyshell - factory-fitted separate details Drain cocks Handrails Lamp irons Oil lubricators Pipe work Safety valve Smokebox door dart Smokeb...
View full detailsAndrew Barclay 0-4-0ST 16" in lined apple green - unnumbered
Bodyshell - factory-fitted separate details Drain cocks Handrails Lamp irons Oil lubricators Pipe work Safety valve Smokebox door dart Smokeb...
View full detailsAndrew Barclay 0-4-0ST 14" 47 in NCB blue
Bodyshell - factory-fitted separate details Drain cocks Handrails Lamp irons Oil lubricators Pipe work Safety valve Smokebox door dart Smokeb...
View full detailsAndrew Barclay 0-4-0ST 14" 2201 'Victory' in plain maroon with wasp stripes
Bodyshell - factory-fitted separate details Drain cocks Handrails Lamp irons Oil lubricators Pipe work Safety valve Smokebox door dart Smokeb...
View full detailsClass 37 - HN Rail - 37405
Ged a tha dlùth cheangal aig Harry Needle ri Clas 20s, tha a’ chompanaidh rèile gun ainm aige a-nis air 11 Clas 37s fhaighinn leis gu bheil iad air...
View full detailsClass 66 - EWS Maroon - 66001
Nuair a ràinig 66001 air talamh Bhreatainn aig 08:53 air 18 Giblean 1998 nochd briseadh ùr airson bathar rèile Bhreatainn, a’ chiad fhear de cheud...
View full detailsClass 60 - TTG Construction - 60001 - DCC Sound Fitted
The Brush Class 60 was the last stand of the British designed and built diesel electric locomotive. From concept to delivery in little over 18 mont...
View full detailsClass 60 - DCR - 60055 - DCC Sound Fitted
The Brush Class 60 was the last stand of the British designed and built diesel electric locomotive. From concept to delivery in little over 18 mont...
View full details31105 - Network Rail Yellow - DCC Sound Fitted
No. 31105 was the third of Network Rail’s Class 31s to return to traffic and the only former disc headcode-fitted locomotive in the fleet, althoug...
View full detailsBR Class 50 - Railfreight General - 50149 'Defiance' - Exclusive
BR Clas 50 - Railfreight General - 50149 ‘Defiance’ - Exclusive Anns an dàrna leth de na 1980n chunnaic sinn stiùireadh ùr a dh’ fhaodadh a bhith a...
View full details31466 - EWS - Exclusive - DCC Sound Fitted
31466 - EWS - SònraichteDCC Sound Fitted Air thoiseach air latha fosgailte ainmeil Toton san Lùnastal 1998 bha gnìomhachd feargach air cùl na seal...
View full detailsAndrew Barclay 0-4-0ST 14" 'Carbon' in NCB lined maroon
Bodyshell - factory-fitted separate details Drain cocks Handrails Lamp irons Oil lubricators Pipe work Safety valve Smokebox door dart Smokeb...
View full detailsClass 66 - DB - 66190
Originally part of the ‘Red Revolution’, a term used to describe the dominance of English, Welsh and Scottish (EWS) class 66’s across the UK freigh...
View full detailsSECR P Class 0-6-0T 1027 in SR black with Egyptian lettering
Bodyshell - factory-fitted separate details Chimney Condensing apparatus Dome Drain cocks Handrails Injector Injector pipework Lamp irons Oil...
View full detailsClass 37 - Loram - 37418 - Exclusive
37418 An Comunn Gaidhealach Loram Rail Stored by EWS at Motherwell in April 2005, No. 37418 was purchased by preservationist Steve Beniston from To...
View full details5700 Class - L94 - London Transport Maroon
London Transport’s railway network is well known for being electrified and “underground” but there had always been a small fleet of steam locomotiv...
View full details5700 Class - L91 - London Transport Maroon
London Transport’s railway network is well known for being electrified and “underground” but there had always been a small fleet of steam locomotiv...
View full detailsClass 92 - Stobart - 92017 'Bart the Engine'
92017 – ‘Bart’ Eddie Stobart Livery Feartan cumanta: Modail sgèile OO fìor mhionaideach, 1: 76.2 chassis meatailt alloy die-cast Air a sh...
View full detailsBR Class 89 - 89001 - GNER (Gold Lettering)
Clas BR 89 - 89001 - GNER (Litir Òir) Gearran-99 gu Ògmhios-07Tilleadh gu seirbheis às deidh obair càraidh aig Brush ann an gorm GNER le suaichea...
View full detailsClass 60 - DB Red - 60100
The Brush Class 60 was the last stand of the British designed and built diesel electric locomotive. From concept to delivery in little over 18 mont...
View full detailsSECR P Class 0-6-0T 31557 in BR black with early emblem
Bodyshell - factory-fitted separate details Chimney Condensing apparatus Dome Drain cocks Handrails Injector Injector pipework Lamp irons Oil...
View full detailsClass 60 - TTG Construction - 60001
The Brush Class 60 was the last stand of the British designed and built diesel electric locomotive. From concept to delivery in little over 18 mont...
View full detailsAndrew Barclay 0-4-0ST 16" 2266 'Wallace' in lined green
Bodyshell - factory-fitted separate details Drain cocks Handrails Lamp irons Oil lubricators Pipe work Safety valve Smokebox door dart Smokeb...
View full detailsSECR P Class 0-6-0T 31555 in BR black with early emblem
Bodyshell - factory-fitted separate details Chimney Condensing apparatus Dome Drain cocks Handrails Injector Injector pipework Lamp irons Oil...
View full details31466 - EWS - Exclusive
31466 - EWS - Exclusive Air thoiseach air latha fosgailte ainmeil Toton san Lùnastal 1998 bha gnìomhachd fiadhaich air cùl ghnothaichean aig Rè...
View full details31285 - Network Rail Yellow - Exclusive
No. 31285 was the first Class 31 to be out-shopped in NR yellow, being released from Fragonset’s workshops at the former RTC site in Derby in Octo...
View full details5700 Class - L94 - London Transport Maroon - DCC Sound Fitted
London Transport’s railway network is well known for being electrified and “underground” but there had always been a small fleet of steam locomotiv...
View full details5700 Class - L91 - London Transport Maroon - DCC Sound Fitted
London Transport’s railway network is well known for being electrified and “underground” but there had always been a small fleet of steam locomotiv...
View full details31407 - Mainline Blue - Exclusive - DCC Sound Fitted
31407 - Prìomh Loidhne Gorm - Sònraichte Fuaim DCC air a uidheamachadh Air fhoillseachadh sa Ghearran 1996 aig tachartas aig Toton TMD, is dòcha g...
View full detailsClass 37 - Europhoenix - 37901 - Exclusive
37901 Mirrlees PioneerWhen the six-cylinder Mirrlees Blackstone MB275T power unit was first lowered into carbody of the former 37150 it is unlikely...
View full detailsClass 60 - DCR - 60055
The Brush Class 60 was the last stand of the British designed and built diesel electric locomotive. From concept to delivery in little over 18 mont...
View full detailsBR Class 89 - 89001 - GNER (White Lettering)
Clas BR 89 - 89001 - GNER (Litir Gheal) Mar-97 gu Jan-99Air ath-shuidheachadh airson seirbheis 3-Màrt-97 agus air ath-pheantadh gu gorm GNER le s...
View full details31105 - Network Rail Yellow - Exclusive
No. 31105 was the third of Network Rail’s Class 31s to return to traffic and the only former disc headcode-fitted locomotive in the fleet, although...
View full details7027 - LNER J68
The second batch of Hill’s ‘improved’ 0-6-0T locomotives, GER Nos.21-30 to Order G75, differed from the initial C72 order by being designated for ...
View full details31407 - Mainline Blue - Exclusive
31407 - Prìomh Loidhne Gorm - Sònraichte Air fhoillseachadh sa Ghearran 1996 aig tachartas aig Toton TMD, is dòcha gur e 31407 an locomotaibh as i...
View full details7027 - LNER J68 - DCC Sound Fitted
The second batch of Hill’s ‘improved’ 0-6-0T locomotives, GER Nos.21-30 to Order G75, differed from the initial C72 order by being designated for ...
View full details101 'Eagle' Maroon (as delivered)
Having undertaken a programme of station refurbishment, improved its ticketing arrangements and introduced new on-track plant and shunting locomoti...
View full details102 'Falcon' NIR Blue, with SYP and Black Cab
Having undertaken a programme of station refurbishment, improved its ticketing arrangements and introduced new on-track plant and shunting locomoti...
View full details102 'Falcon' Maroon (as delivered)
Having undertaken a programme of station refurbishment, improved its ticketing arrangements and introduced new on-track plant and shunting locomoti...
View full details