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BR 21T ZDV Engineers Wagon TOPS Bauxite - LDB311717 - Exclusive

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Original price £20.79 - Original price £20.79
Original price
£20.79 - £20.79
Current price £20.79
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Rèile Bhreatainn 21 Ton gual 21VB / MDV Wagon

ZDV àireamh. Chaidh LDB311717 a thoirt fa-near mar a bhith air a chleachdadh leis na h-Innleadairean Dealain airson a bhith a’ tional sgudal meatailt anns na h-ìrean mu dheireadh de sgeama Dealanachaidh Cross City Birmingham eadar Lichfield agus Ridditch, anns an ùine eadar Cèitean 1991 (nuair a chaidh a’ chiad chrann dealain a chur) agus Ògmhios 1993 (nuair chaidh deuchainn banca luchdan a chrìochnachadh).

Tha am modail againn gu dìleas a’ glacadh sealladh caithte a’ charbad fhada seo, le obair peant slapdash agus comharran a’ toirt a-steach ath-sheòrsachadh TOPS.

Pasgan carbad singilte

Anns a bheil AON charbaid, le àireamh:

  • LDB311717
  • Bauxite, TOPS livery
  • Pàtran
  • 1/120
  • OLEO Buffers
  • Bogsaichean Axle le giùlan rolair
  • Air a thoirt a-steach ann an 1961
  • 3,950 carbadan air an togail dhan phàtran seo
  • Dorsan Flap a bharrachd air gach taobh, nach do ghiùlain MDO

Feartan cumanta:

  • Pasgan de aon carbad.
  • Pasgan sònraichte agus teisteanas
  • pòcaidean càraid àbhaisteach NEM
  • Bha cuibhlichean glas teannachaidh cumhang air an toirt a-steach
  • Pàirtean plastaig mionaideach air an uidheamachadh le factaraidh agus bufairean sprung
  • Litrichean fa leth agus còdan bho fhìor chairtean airson dearbhteachd

Customer Reviews

Based on 99 reviews
Steve K.

Fantastic model. Great details and nice and local. A welcome addition to the fleet.

Gary a.C.S.
A Battered but Beautiful ZDV

Another great vehicle from Accurascale with the ZDV displaying a body like mine... battered, bruised and admirable.
The character of this unique vehicle has been lovingly replicated by the team and it really looks the part amongst my departmental fleet.

Keith P.


Charles C.
ZDV Engineers Wagon

Another first from Accurascale this superbly factory weathered 2 ton mineral wagon in the Exclusive range. Very pleased with the model

Stephen C.
Interesting wagon

Another weird and wonderful accurascale model

Richard S.

Excellent model!

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John C.
MDW Single Exclusive

As with the main triple wagon packs these are exquisite wagons but in a muted black with a few replaced bauxite planks in the mix.

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John C.
Deep within the Department Sector

This is a nice lone star exclusive in the group of 21T ZDV open wagons from Accurascale. As expected and we're accustomed to, this engineer's version is housed in the usual robust packaging box. With the normal high detailing. Plus, decorated with blackened sides, and the odd bauxite planking printing around the wagon The smooth running and secure coupling make them a joy to run behind any department locomotive and rolling stock.

Stuart B.
A super model

Being an ex resident of the Kings Norton area of Birmingham, I was keen to purchase this wagon which regularly trundled through my station during the Cross City electrification.

I was not disappointed. The attention to detail is amazing, as is the superb finish that has been applied.

I can’t wait for my Class 31 to arrive to pull it around my layout!

Reviewer avatar
Camilo S.
Great wagon from accurascale

It's a cool wagon its like In the picture In the website.