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PTA/JTA+JUA Bogie Tippler Pack - British Steel Blue (Outer)

Sold out
Original price £124.96 - Original price £124.96
Original price
£124.96 - £124.96
Current price £124.96
Out of stock
Tha pasgan a’ toirt a-steach 2 chairtean PTA ‘Outer’, aon dhiubh a’ toirt a-steach solas earbaill (le cumhachd bataraidh) a’ deàlradh, agus 3 wagain ‘a-staigh’
  • BSS W26666
  • BSS W26674
  • BSS W26566
  • BSS W26577
  • BSS W26617
Feartan cumanta:
  • Pasgan de chòig wagain, gach fear le àireamh ruith fa leth agus sgeadachadh
  • OO Gauge / 1:76.2 Modalan Sgèile
  • Croman Radius 2 as ìsle a thathar a’ moladh
  • pòcaidean càraid àbhaisteach NEM le comas-gnìomh dlùth-cheangail ‘kinematic’
  • Cupairean glas teannachaidh cumhang NEM air an toirt seachad airson carbadan a-muigh, le cuibhlichean Knuckle air an toirt seachad airson carbadan a-staigh.
  •  Bufairean meatailt sprung
  • Factaraidh mheatailt eitseil air uidheamachadh
  • Pàirtean plastaig mionaideach air an uidheamachadh le factaraidh
  • Obair-pìoba air a dheagh uidheamachadh le factaraidh
  • Litrichean fa leth, suaicheantasan agus còdan bho fhìor chairtean airson dearbhadh
  • BSC Axle Motion bogies
  •  Seataichean-cuibhle ìomhaigh dubh RP25.110 le tomhasan cùl-ri-cùl 14.4mm, agus 26mm thairis air puingean-pin
  • Dealbhaichte airson tionndadh furasta gu gasaichean EM agus P4
  • Solas earbaill dearg uidheamaichte, deàlrach air a chuir air aon charbad a-muigh gach pasgan a-muigh
  • Tha gach carbad mu 165mm a dh'fhaid

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
VC 0.R.
Colourful wagons

I do love these bright orange and blue bogie tippler wagons in the eye catching British Steel livery. Even in night running the colour of the wagons shines through, see photos. Not a great fan of the flashing tail light mechanism. I could not get it to work, and in the end replaced the micro switch with a reed switch and magnet. I notice Accurascale intend to do that with their new coaches and have listened to feedback YouTube video placeholder
K R.
Another great purchased wagon set

Bought these wagon outer set to go with inner set. The BRITISH STEEL tampo printing is faultless. This pack comes with 1 wagon having a working tail light fitted. There's a switch under chassis, and you get to the battery by lifting false wagon shelf inside the wagon. The loads you can buy are also highly recommended.

Mark D.
Eye catching PTA’s

I realised these don’t fit my modelling era or locations but when I saw the painted samples ordered as they are a colourful addition.

Hillshot T.L.
Another amazing wagon from Accurascale

Just bought a rake of 10 of these and they look amazing. Detailing and finish is second to none and after running for several hours I have had no uncoupling incidents or derailments.
Highly recommended and 5 more middle wagons just bought.

Mr M.V.
What made BS.

This is what made these wagons so versatile and go onto to other companies.