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Siphon G - Dia. O.59 - Transitional BR (in GWR Brown): W2780

SKU ACC2416-W2780
Original price £45.79 - Original price £45.79
Original price £45.79
£45.79 - £45.79
Current price £45.79
Only 2 left!

Fàilte don Accurascale Siphon G, a’ còmhdach an diagram 0.33, an BR(W) 0.62, na h-atharrachaidhean O.59 agus M.34, a bharrachd air na h-atharrachaidhean BR Newspaper Van den O.62 (NNV) ) ann an sgèile 00/4mm.

Feartan cumanta:

  • Tomhas OO fìor mhionaideach / 1: 76.2 Modalan sgèile air slighe 16.5mm
  • Mion-fhiosrachadh taobh a-muigh air leth math air mullach is coidse
  • Meatailt eitseil air a chuir an sàs air leth agus pàirtean plastaig àrd-dhìlseachd, a’ toirt a-steach rèilichean-làimhe, pìoban teas breic/smùid, càballan, ceumannan (le treallaich)
  • Fo-fhrèam làn-mhionaideach le mion-fhiosrachadh mionaideach mu phàirtean eadar-dhealaichte, ruith pìoban agus eadar-dhealachaidhean ceart eadar dreachan
  • Sgèile mac-samhail, bogies gu math mionaideach
  • Seataichean-cuibhle ìomhaigh dubh RP25.110 le tomhasan cùl-ri-cùl 14.4mm, agus 26mm thairis air puingean-pinn a' ruith ann an giùlan umha
  • Àirde ceart NEM socaidean ceangail àbhaisteach le càraidean glas teannachaidh beag
  • Radius as ìsle 438mm (2na slighe seata radius)
  • Fad a’ choidse: 216mm

Customer Reviews

Based on 32 reviews
Ricky R.
Very Finely Detailed

A lovely model in a very useful livery. Runs superbly straight out of the box. I would have been happy to sacrifice some of the underframe detail if it meant the couplings could have been cam mounted.

Liam B.
Siphon G

Very Very nice model good detail everything picked out well done accurascale again 👏 👍

Mark J.
Beautiful design

Top quality 👌🏻

Michael D.

Really good detail compared with other manufacturers Siphons

Darryl V.

Very good model. The details are excellent as always. Minimal rolling resistance. Another quality product from Accurascale for whom excellence seems to come as standard.

Adrian A.
Superb Siphon

Great model with amazing detail. Any chance of some amazing GWR coaches to run it with?

Bargin Syphon!

Fantastic detail, my brother will love it!

Nigel R.
GWR Siphon G Dia 0.59

An excellent model and prompt dispatch from Accurascale. This model is vastly better, in every respect, from the 1978 vintage Lima siphon G model and the later Airfix outside framed example. The underframe detail is superb and this is, I think, the definitive model of the subject. The diagram 0.59 I ordered could only previously be modelled by converting the Lima model. Very highly recommended.

William H.

Excellent detail

Martin L.
A great addition

I always wanted a Siphon to join my GWR carriage stock and finally this model has fulfilled my heart's desire. The detail is outstanding with the separately fitted wire handrails and other fine details. I could no have wished for a better model.