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Caledonian Sleeper Mk5 - Highlander Pack 3 - Inverness

Sold out
Original price £149.99 - Original price £149.99
Original price
£149.99 - £149.99
Current price £149.99
Out of stock

Tha am pasgan ceithir choidsichean seo a’ gabhail a-steach:

Coidse cadail àbhaisteach 15305
Coidse cadail àbhaisteach 15315
Coidse cadail àbhaisteach 15327Coidse cadail àbhaisteach 15335

Thoir an aire: Tha dealbhan de shamhlaichean sgeadaichte agus ged a tha iad a’ taisbeanadh mion-fhiosrachadh agus branndadh gach coidse, chan eil iad co-chosmhail ris na h-àireamhan ruith agus faodaidh iad a bhith le ùmhlachd do leasachaidhean beaga agus atharraichean mus tèid an lìbhrigeadh.

Feartan cumanta:

  • Modail tomhais OO gu math mionaideach, sgèile 1:76.2 air slighe 16.5mm

  • Mion-fhiosrachadh coidse sònraichte, a’ toirt a-steach ach gun a bhith cuibhrichte gu;
    • Meatailt eitseil air a chuir an sàs fa leth agus pàirtean mionaideach de phlastaig àrd-dhìlseachd, a’ toirt a-steach rèilichean-làimhe, pìoban breic

    • Socaidean ceangail àbhaisteach NEM le càraidean glas-teannachaidh beag le siostam dlùth-cheangail Kinematic agus a’ toirt seachad bàraichean ceangail dlùth

    • Glainne an-asgaidh prism

    • Frèam làn mhionaideach

    • Taobh a-staigh làn mhionaideach agus air a pheantadh / clò-bhuailte

  • Pasgan solais làn mhionaideach, a’ gabhail a-steach:

    • Soilse stiùiridh, DC agus DCC (Trèilear Dràibhidh a-mhàin)

    • Soillseachadh coidse taobh a-staigh le banca Stay-Alive Capacitor

    • Soilse taobh a-staigh air a ghnìomhachadh le Magnetic Wand (togail slighe)
  • Cuibhlichean RP25-110 OO cuibhlichean le ullachadh airson ath-thomhas gu p4 agus tomhas EM

  • Bufairean meatailt làn sprung far a bheil sin iomchaidh

  • Pìoba a bharrachd air a dheagh uidheamachadh le factaraidh

  • Radius as ìsle 438mm (2na slighe seata Radius)

  • Fad coidse: 289mm

Customer Reviews

Based on 25 reviews

Fantastic level to detail and extremely great value!

Alex W.

These are the perfect match for Accurascale’s excellent Class 92. I’m very excited to see what’s next, and modern coaches as good as these really make me wonder how good an Accurascale modern multiple unit could be…

Nik A.
Another well designed beautiful set of coaches from Accurascale

I bought this highland pack to compliment with the other accurascale highlander pack. Surely, I'm not disappointed with its good quality product. Thanks to Accurascale.


Amazing coaches

Ian T.
Great Mk5 Caledonian Sleeper Coaches

I generally model the 80's to 90's era so really didn't have the need for these or 92010 really but couldn't resist after a family holiday to Scotland sleeping on them. Having first pre-ordered 92010 I needed no excuse for a rake of Mk5s for it to haul so pre-ordered two different Highlander packs - the range offered was impressive. The overall presentation and fidelity of the models is second to none and must be one of the best modern coaches in 1:76 scale you can currently get. The detailing and finishing is commendable and look great in a long rake. For what you get in my opinion the coach packs offer great value and easy access when compiling a rake though removing the upper plastic protection in the box I found difficult. My preference would have been for the packaging to be smaller i.e. 2 pairs of coaches stacked together in order to store easier. Overall very pleased with them to date and if these are anything to go by am really looking forward to the Mk2Bs.

Caledonian Sleeper Mk5 coaches

Very well detailed and decorated coach models. Hopefully they will run as well as they look.
Prompt response from Accurascale support to an issue with damaged packaging.

Ian G.
Out of Stock-Again.

For ‘Gushing Reviews’ ..Lookelsewhere now! Yeah yeah- Quality.Packaging blah, blah.Did anyone think to compare the number of Caley liveried Class 92,s when they ordered the Mk5,s?
Clearly you should seriously consider assessing the demand and think about a re-issue.I refer ,of course to the subsequent profiteering on eBay. While that may be ‘their decision’ I declined to be fleeced.So while the ‘Review’ of My purchase is notionally ‘Excellent’ the key observation is Demand exceeding Supply leading to this lamentable situation. (Currently we now own as many Caley liveried locomotives as MK5,s!)
Clearly this is an ‘issue’. Would Accurascale care to consider it?

Hi Ian, We produced 1.25x the number of rakes needed for ALL our Class 92's to match - over 20,000 coaches, and preorders have been open for 4 full years.

John W.
Excellent modern day coaches

I didn't get the set I'd have really liked but going on the eBay prices I'm unlikely to get them unless Accurascale do a rerun!

These are more modern stock than I usually go for but I couldn't resist the Scottish connection. The detail is just superb. A weighty coach but understandable at this level of detail. So pleased that I managed to get a set and I will be on the lookout for a second set someday

Graeme J.
Stunning detail at an excellent price

So much detail packed into an excellent coach. A lot of thought and effort into the packaging too. I expected a lot given all the hype in the run up to their release but I was taken aback by really how good they are. A true market leader. Well done Accurascale.

Stephen I.
great product - minor gripes

Coaches look fabulous, paintwork crisp. Interior lighting is very good, correct illumination , not too bright , not too dim. My only gripe and it is small is i have a slight incline on my layout, i bought two packs to run an 8 coach train, the problem is the small magnet coupling are not strong enough to cope and it separates on the incline, I am having to replace the magnet couplings with a larger ( not as pretty) set from another manufacturer.