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D9000 - BR Green w/cantrail (VXC) - DCC Sound Fitted

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Original price £216.66 - Original price £216.66
Original price
£216.66 - £216.66
Current price £216.66
Out of stock

Clas 55 ‘Deltic’ - BR Green w/cantrail (Oighil Crosss Country) -  D9000 - Royal Scots Grey
DCC Sound Fitted

Rionnag ar 'S e an dàrna ruith agus an àireamh a h-aon Deltic air liostaichean miann mòran luchd-ceannach an aon agus an aon RSG anns an àm gleidhidh suaicheanta aige uaine dà-tòna fhad's a bha e ag obrachadh seirbheisean Virgin CrossCountry eadar 1997 agus 1999.
Faidhle-fiosrachaidh Loco:

: D9000
Battery Louvres : Tha
Bogies Fitted : Dèanta
Breicichean : Dual
Boltaichean Mullach Cab : Chan eil
Uinneag a’ chab : Plated
Stoidhle Toirmeasg : Plated
Exhauster Pannal : Tha
Fan : Ath-sgrùdaichte
Còd-cinn : tùsail
Headlights : Tha
Suidheachadh Adharc : Sròn
Bogsaichean gainmhich : Chan eil
Iarann ​​​​lampa as àirde : Tha
Teasachadh trèana : ETH/Steam
Stoidhle Slighe-coiseachd : Anmoch
Lìonadair Uisge : Chan eil
Wipepers Fitted : Dà
WS Vents : Chan eil

Feartan Clas Coitcheann:
  • Modail sgèile OO fìor mhionaideach, 1:76.2
  • Caissis meatailt alloy die-cast
  • Air a thoirt seachad DCC deiseil [21Pin MTX Socket] no Factaraidh DCC Sound Fitted
  • Clàr-ama mion-fhiosrachadh sònraichte, a’ gabhail a-steach ach gun a bhith cuibhrichte gu;
  • Bogies (Tilgeil agus Dèanta)
  • Suidheachadh adharc
  • Puirt a-mach
  • Panalan còd-cinn
  • Sgrùdairean uinneag-gaoithe
  • Uinneagan taobh cab
  • Bogsa gainmhich
  • adan
  • Louvres
  • Soilse-cinn
  • Fionnaichean adhair cab
  • Uidheam teasachaidh trèana
  • Iarann ​​lampa
  • Còdan seada
  • Meatailt eitseil air a chuir an sàs air leth agus pàirtean mion-fhiosrachaidh plastaigeach le dìlseachd àrd, a’ toirt a-steach làmhan grèim, ceumannan, wipers, clàran-ainm, suaicheantasan agus barrachd.
  • Cupaidean glas teann-teannachaidh aig an àirde cheart le socaid NEM a bharrachd air làn fhiosrachadh bufairbeam
  • Tarraing àrd-choileanadh, a’ toirt a-steach;
  • Motair còig-pòla le dà chuibhle
  • Bogsa gèar helical airson an coileanadh as àirde agus astar slaodach a’ ruith
  • Gèaraidh air a chuir air dòigh gus an urrainn do locomotaibh astar as àirde de 120 msu (193 km/h)
  • a choileanadh
  • DCC deiseil le PowerPack capacitor airson cumhachd gun bhriseadh
  • Dràibhear cuibhle gu lèir agus togail cuibhle gu lèir
  • Pasgan solais làn mhionaideach, a’ gabhail a-steach:
  • Solais stiùiridh, DC agus DCC
  • Faodar solais comharra a chuir dheth nuair a tha trèana ceangailte ri loco
  • Gnìomh solais-cinn àrd-dian far a bheil sin iomchaidh
  • Solais cab air a chuir air leth agus air a shoilleireachadh, mion-fhiosrachadh air consol an draibhear, fèin-ghluasadach dheth air gluasad
  • Solais bàgh einnsean
  • RP25-110 cuibhlichean OO cuibhlichean le ullachadh airson ath-thomhas gu p4 agus tomhas EM
  • Dithis neach-labhairt càileachd le capsalan fuaim mòr airson an fhuaim as fheàrr (* air modalan le fuaim)
  • Bufairean meatailt làn sprung
  • Pìob obair-pìoba a bharrachd air an uidheamachadh le factaraidh
Radius as ìsle 438mm (2na slighe seata Radius)

Customer Reviews

Based on 59 reviews
Kenneth J.

This must be the ultimate OO gauge Deltic. Absolutely superb.

Tim P.

The model looked spot on and as I remember them. One question though, will it run on a none dcc layout as it is the first doc loco I have bought. .

Tim A.

An outstanding model, supperb detail looks stunning sounds great, runs brilliantly, what can I say other than WOW thank you accurascale.

Chris B.
Deltic D9000

Superb loco - high quality for such a good price.

Tim J.
Nothing further to add!

Beyond expectations in all departments. Visually stunning and looks like a Deltic should ( not that I have any huge knowledge of these things). Can't fault the build quality and it runs perfectly on my abysmal and ancient Hornby set track. That's now 23 Accurascale locos and rolling stock items all told in the collection and every time they just get better. Can't wait for the next fix!.

Gary L.

It arrived Christmas Eve, ! It is a stunning model, everything about it is great, the look, the lights and the sound. You have set the standard for model locos.
Thank you Accurascale for making my Christmas even more merry!

Robert E.
D9000 Mixed feelings.

First of all what a great loco, heavy and full of detail.
When taking out the loco from the plastic encashment i noticed a small peace detail laying in the bottom thinking what could this be, so i checked the loco over discovering it was from where chain is to be attached. However while checking loco over i now discover one of the window wipers was missing. At this stage I was thinking on sending the loco back. I had another look in the plastic surround
And at the very bottom found the missing part. The latest update these have been fitted. However the part which holds the chain paint is missing the green paint. My concern is if parts fall off where do I stand on replacements and how do I replace the missing paint. It a shame this issue spoiling a great loco after waiting over a year. Regards Bob

George G.

I just missed the first run and have been looking forward to receiving this ever since .
The wait was definitely worth it as this is a superb loco .
It looks stunning and runs beautifully straight out of the box .
The slow crawl is almost too slow to see and acceleration is silky smooth .
The sound is great although I have yet to explore all the DCC functions and settings .
I believe there are small improvements on this run ,notably the chains are in the accessories bag rather than fitted which I am delighted about .At first I thought they were missing but they are so small that I didn't see them !.I don't think I will be fitting them without a microscope .
Is this the perfect loco ,well I cant see anything to criticize so for me it is .
It brings back childhood memories of seeing these monsters at Kings Cross in the sixties .
Thank you Accurascale ,I love your attitude ,keep on Rocking .

Steve P.
VXC Marvel

When this was announced it went to the top of my "buy" list. I had to have on as I remember is from it's cross country days

David J.
D9000 Deltic by D. Jeffs

I'm very pleased with the high level detail and the superb performance of the D9000. The communications from Accurascale during the purchasing process has been excellent, I'll definitely be buying more Accurascale product!