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SKU ACC230097301

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Argraffiad Cyfyngedig, Cywir ar raddfa

  • Tystysgrif wedi'i Rhif
  • Pecyn cyflwyno arbennig y cwsmer
  • Ar gael yn uniongyrchol yn unig o accurascale

Cymraeg Trydan Math 3 (Dosbarth 37) - 97301

  • Rheilffyrdd Rhwydwaith Melyn
  • D6800 yn wreiddiol, yna 37100
  • Flush, Trwyn Cyn Hollti
  • Griliau Trwyn Safonol
  • Prif olau Pelydr Wedi'i Selio
  • Heyrn Lamp Safonol
  • Sgriniau Gwynt Cryf
  • Corsydd Ffabrig
  • Cit radar wedi'i osod o dan ffrâm a thoriadau antena to

      Nodweddion Cyffredin:

      • Model graddfa OO manwl iawn, 1:76. 2
      • Sisiwn metel deig-cast trwm
      • Twmbwlm cywir, trwyn, to caban a chromliniau cantrail a gymerwyd o sgan Laser 3D ac arolygon helaeth
      • Manylion amserlen benodol, gan gynnwys ond heb fod yn gyfyngedig i;
        • Bogies (Gwneuthuredig a thri amrywiad o Cast)
        • Tanciau tanwydd (Fel y’u hadeiladwyd a chyda thanc tanwydd ystod hir ag ochrau llyfn diweddarach)
        • Mae Dosbarth Cynnar 37/0 yn cynnwys rhwyll rhew, panel llenwi boeler a grisiau mynediad
        • Mae Dosbarth Cynnar 37/0 yn cynnwys arddangosiadau cod pen hollt wedi'u goleuo gyda detholiad o godau pen pedwar cymeriad gwahanol
        • Mae gan Ddosbarth 37/6 glystyrau golau WIPAC gweithredol a phrif oleuadau a nifer o sleidiau trwyn gwahanol i gyd yn cynnwys soced gweithio lluosog
        • Tair arddull byffer: Oleo crwn mawr, hirgrwn a hirgrwn sgwar
        • Tair arddull o rhwyllau trwyn: ‘hollti’ wedi’u hadeiladu, eu hadnewyddu a ‘darn sengl’ wedi’i adnewyddu
        • Ecsôst boeler, a dau fath o banel boeler platiog
        • Gyda neu heb sgertiau pelydr clustog
        • Gyda neu heb fentiau to cab a ffenestri ar ochr y corff
        • Erialau trwyn a tho ac antenâu (lle bo'n berthnasol)
        • Tair arddull o ffenestr flaen: safonol, canol wedi'i gryfhau a phob un wedi'i gryfhau
        • Tri math o du mewn cabanau: locos DRS modern fel y’i hadeiladwyd, a’i hadnewyddu
        • Pedwar amrywiad o belydr clustog gyda gwahanol ffurfweddiadau pibellau
        • Cicplatiau drws lle bo'n berthnasol
      • Lluosog o sleidiau corff a thrwyn i gynrychioli bron pob aelod o'r dosbarth yn gywir, gan gynnwys tri amrywiad o gril cantrail: EE cynnar (ar gyfer D6700-D6704), EE diweddarach a RSH
      • Pedwar arddull to: Rhybedog dwbl gwreiddiol, rhybedog sengl, wedi'i weldio a'i weldio ag antenâu
      • Metel ysgythru wedi'i gymhwyso ar wahân a rhannau manwl plastig ffyddlondeb uchel, gan gynnwys dolenni cydio, erialau, grisiau, sychwyr, platiau enw, cribau a mwy.
      • Platiau cicio drysau metel ysgythru (lle bo’n berthnasol), rhwyll ‘rhew’ (lle bo’n berthnasol) a gril to metel ysgythrog hynod fân
      • Canllawiau gwifren lled ar raddfa
      • Cyrn pres wedi'u gosod ar y to ar enghreifftiau cod pen canol
      • Manylion tanc tanddwr llawn gyda bracedi a phibellau
      • Mae corsydd yn cynnwys olion traed ar wahân, olion traed ysgythrog, silindrau brêc, recordydd cyflymder, rigio brêc pen a chadwyn brêc gain
      • Blociau brêc ar lorïau (corsydd) yn unol ag olwynion (gellir eu symud ar gyfer mesuryddion EM/P4)
      • Llawer o fanylion eraill sy'n ymwneud â locomotifau penodol eto i'w datgelu!
      • RP25-110 olwynion mesurydd OO proffil gyda EM ‘galw heibio’ ar raddfa fân (18. mesurydd 2mm) a P4 (18. 83mm) olwynion ar gael ar wahân
      • Eirr eira bach ffyddlon iawn
      • Clustogau metel wedi'u sbringio'n llawn, pibellau mân iawn wedi'u gosod mewn ffatri a chyplyddion sgriwiau
      • Cyplyddion clo mini tensiwn o uchder cywir gyda soced NEM yn ogystal â thrawst clustogi manwl iawn
      • Wedi darparu Cyngor Sir Ddinbych yn barod [Soced MTX 21Pin] neu Ffatri DCC Sound Fitted [ESU LokSound 5]
      • Mae pob model yn cynnwys PowerPack / Banc Cynhwysydd Pŵer Wrth Gefn am hyd at ddeg eiliad o redeg heb bŵer, goleuadau heb fflachio a sain barhaus
      • Mae Fersiynau Sain CSDd yn cynnwys;
        • ESU LokSound V5 DCC Chip
        • Technoleg Siaradwr Deuol Wedi'i Ddefnyddio gyda;
          • Mawr accurathrash Siaradwr Bas
          • Ciwb arddull 'iphone' llai ar gyfer amleddau uwch
      • Tyniant Perfformiad Uchel, i gynnwys;
        • Modur pum polyn o ansawdd uchel gyda dwy olwyn hedfan
        • Blwch Metal Helical Gear ar gyfer perfformiad mwyaf a chyflymder rhedeg araf
        • Gêrio wedi'u trefnu fel bod locomotif yn gallu cyrraedd cyflymder uchaf ar raddfa o 100 mya (160 km/awr)
        • DCC yn barod gyda PowerPack Super-capacitor ar gyfer pŵer di-dor a rhedeg cyflymder isel iawn
        • Pob gyriant olwyn a phob olwyn codi
      • Pecyn Goleuo manwl llawn, gan gynnwys: 
        • Goleuadau cyfeiriadol ar DC a DCC
        • Prif oleuadau cwbl weithredol fesul prototeip
        • Engine Bay Lighting (gyda Phrif Symudwr gweladwy)
        • Clystyrau golau WIPAC lle bo'n briodol gyda gosodiadau dydd a nos
        • Goleuadau cab wedi'u diffodd ar wahân a'u goleuo, manylion consol y gyrrwr, awto i ffwrdd wrth symud
        • Goleuadau cynffon coch y gellir eu newid
      • Olwynion RP25-110 olwynion OO gyda darpariaeth ar gyfer ailfesur i fesurydd p4 ac EM
      • Isafswm Radiws 438mm (trac Set 2il Radiws)
      Product Number
      Pack Weight (g)
      650.0 g

      Lighting and DCC Specifics

      Directional Lighting
      DCC Specification
      DCC Socket Format
      21 Pin
      Stay-Alive Power Pack Fitted

      Customer Reviews

      Based on 120 reviews
      Lapis W.
      Fantastic model

      A fantastic model of a unique loco. All details present and the model runs fantastically. Just needs a 2nd 97/3 to match now...

      Steve K.

      Great model. Fantastic detail and sound. A welcome addition to the fleet!

      Darren A.
      Accurascale 97301

      I’m so lucky to have bagged this limited edition. It’s a real gem. Silky smooth runner, detail is off the scale. Even the packaging is amazing. Can’t wait for my Class 50 to arrive.

      David W.
      Combo with separate sound components supplied at sound fitted price

      Fantastic looking and great performer. This came up as available on a 'stock find', and I ordered the last sound fitted. The transaction was done at the same time as another customer so the sound fitted wasn't available.
      However, Accurascale added the decoder and speaker in the package at the sound fitted price. Customer service is second to none.

      Tarik S.

      Great model

      97301, the Yellow Peril

      Another fantastic model from Accurascale. Unlike most other manufacturers, Accurascale have not simply painted a 'normal' Class 37 yellow, they have gone the extra mile and produced the underframe radar and the antenna cut-outs in the roof. From the bright yellow box, which makes it more difficult to sneak into the house, the strong packaging, the helpful information leaflets and last, bit not least, the model itself, the whole package just exudes quality.

      Again, unlike most other manufacturers, if you buy an Accurascale model, you get everything at a very competitive price. With the sound version, not only do you get sound but all the models come fitted with a powerpack as well. If you only bought the DC version and you want to upgrade to sound, it is very easy to fit the decoder and speaker, no soldering necessary. Whilst you can do this through the opening in the roof, I would suggest that it is easier to remove the body, which reduces the risk of accidental damage to it. Whilst the body is off, you can also fit crew. All of these extras are available from Accurascale, making it a one stop shop for a complete package.

      There is always a risk that something may have come loose during assembly, packing or the log journey from China but parts tend to be relatively easy to refit or replacements can be requested from Accurascale. I have noticed that there is a tendency on the class 37 for what I would call a 'spreader bar' at both ends of the bogie to come out at one end, but this can normally just be clipped back in using tweezers, though it can be a bit awkward.

      Overall, this is a great model and you have missed out if you didn't buy one.

      Rahul C.
      Fantastic model from Accurascale

      Great detailed model with very accurate under carriage equipment. Nicely packaged in a great Network Rail yellow box to complete it.

      Paul G.

      This is an excellent model runs great & looks superb
      I was lucky to get one as I hadn’t pre ordered it
      5 stars brilliant model

      Greg H.
      This loco is stunning

      Wow what can I say you guys have out done yourselves once again with this loco, fantastic! I'm so happy to own it in my collection.

      Danny W.
      What a Banana

      What a banana of a Loco... not because anything is wrong with it. It is so fantastically yellow it brightens up any layout.
      The best 37 on the market.... IMO. the in cab detailing is impressive and isn't missed when the cab lights illuminate.
      Such a smooth runner. I have never been an 'old' loco fan but I now have 4 of these 37s.
      Just need accurascale to do the Network Rail coaches to complete the train.
      Would recommend this loco to anyone. Hopefully a 2nd round comming

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