Class 60 - Loadhaul Black - 60007
ACC2896The Brush Class 60 was the last stand of the British designed and built diesel electric locomotive. From concept to delivery in little over 18 mont...
Ver todos los detallesClass 60 - Mainline Grey - 60075
ACC3033The Brush Class 60 was the last stand of the British designed and built diesel electric locomotive. From concept to delivery in little over 18 mont...
Ver todos los detallesClass 60 - Transrail Grey - 60015
ACC3031The Brush Class 60 was the last stand of the British designed and built diesel electric locomotive. From concept to delivery in little over 18 mont...
Ver todos los detallesClass 60 - TTG Metals - 60031
ACC2894The Brush Class 60 was the last stand of the British designed and built diesel electric locomotive. From concept to delivery in little over 18 mont...
Ver todos los detallesClass 60 - TTG Coal - 60092
ACC2893The Brush Class 60 was the last stand of the British designed and built diesel electric locomotive. From concept to delivery in little over 18 mont...
Ver todos los detallesClass 60 - TTG Construction - 60001
ACC2892-EXLThe Brush Class 60 was the last stand of the British designed and built diesel electric locomotive. From concept to delivery in little over 18 mont...
Ver todos los detallesSECR P Class 0-6-0T 31555 in BR black with early emblem
H4-P-0214.92 / 5.0
12 Reseñas
Bodyshell - factory-fitted separate details Chimney Condensing apparatus Dome Drain cocks Handrails Injector Injector pipework Lamp irons Oil...
Ver todos los detallesSECR P Class 0-6-0T 31557 in BR black with early emblem
H4-P-0224.4 / 5.0
5 Reseñas
Bodyshell - factory-fitted separate details Chimney Condensing apparatus Dome Drain cocks Handrails Injector Injector pipework Lamp irons Oil...
Ver todos los detallesSECR P Class 0-6-0T 1027 in SR black with Egyptian lettering
H4-P-0194.86 / 5.0
7 Reseñas
Bodyshell - factory-fitted separate details Chimney Condensing apparatus Dome Drain cocks Handrails Injector Injector pipework Lamp irons Oil...
Ver todos los detallesSECR P Class 0-6-0T A556 in SR lined green
H4-P-0204.59 / 5.0
34 Reseñas
Bodyshell - factory-fitted separate details Chimney Condensing apparatus Dome Drain cocks Handrails Injector Injector pipework Lamp irons Oil...
Ver todos los detallesSECR P Class 0-6-0T 178 in SECR 'Goods' unlined green
H4-P-0184.7 / 5.0
20 Reseñas
Bodyshell - factory-fitted separate details Chimney Condensing apparatus Dome Drain cocks Handrails Injector Injector pipework Lamp irons Oil...
Ver todos los detallesSECR P Class 0-6-0T 323 'Bluebell' in Bluebell Railway lined blue (2010s)
H4-P-0124.74 / 5.0
138 Reseñas
Bodyshell - factory-fitted separate details Chimney Condensing apparatus Dome Drain cocks Handrails Injector Injector pipework Lamp irons Oil...
Ver todos los detallesSECR P Class 0-6-0T 325 in SECR lined green
H4-P-0174.74 / 5.0
85 Reseñas
Bodyshell - factory-fitted separate details Chimney Condensing apparatus Dome Drain cocks Handrails Injector Injector pipework Lamp irons Oil...
Ver todos los detallesAndrew Barclay 0-4-0ST 16" in lined dark blue - unnumbered
H4-AB16-0074.47 / 5.0
38 Reseñas
Bodyshell - factory-fitted separate details Drain cocks Handrails Lamp irons Oil lubricators Pipe work Safety valve Smokebox door dart Smokeb...
Ver todos los detallesAndrew Barclay 0-4-0ST 16" 2266 'Wallace' in lined green
H4-AB16-0063.78 / 5.0
9 Reseñas
Bodyshell - factory-fitted separate details Drain cocks Handrails Lamp irons Oil lubricators Pipe work Safety valve Smokebox door dart Smokeb...
Ver todos los detallesAndrew Barclay 0-4-0ST 16" in lined apple green - unnumbered
H4-AB16-0054.45 / 5.0
22 Reseñas
Bodyshell - factory-fitted separate details Drain cocks Handrails Lamp irons Oil lubricators Pipe work Safety valve Smokebox door dart Smokeb...
Ver todos los detallesAndrew Barclay 0-4-0ST 14" in lined light blue - unnumbered
H4-AB14-0144.42 / 5.0
26 Reseñas
Bodyshell - factory-fitted separate details Drain cocks Handrails Lamp irons Oil lubricators Pipe work Safety valve Smokebox door dart Smokeb...
Ver todos los detallesAndrew Barclay 0-4-0ST 14" 2201 'Victory' in plain maroon with wasp stripes
H4-AB14-0134.47 / 5.0
32 Reseñas
Bodyshell - factory-fitted separate details Drain cocks Handrails Lamp irons Oil lubricators Pipe work Safety valve Smokebox door dart Smokeb...
Ver todos los detallesAndrew Barclay 0-4-0ST 14" 'Efficient' in lined green
H4-AB14-0124.6 / 5.0
25 Reseñas
Bodyshell - factory-fitted separate details Drain cocks Handrails Lamp irons Oil lubricators Pipe work Safety valve Smokebox door dart Smokeb...
Ver todos los detallesAndrew Barclay 0-4-0ST 14" 'Carbon' in NCB lined maroon
H4-AB14-0104.55 / 5.0
22 Reseñas
Bodyshell - factory-fitted separate details Drain cocks Handrails Lamp irons Oil lubricators Pipe work Safety valve Smokebox door dart Smokeb...
Ver todos los detallesAndrew Barclay 0-4-0ST 14" in Caledonia Works lined grey - unnumbered
H4-AB14-0114.5 / 5.0
42 Reseñas
Bodyshell - factory-fitted separate details Drain cocks Handrails Lamp irons Oil lubricators Pipe work Safety valve Smokebox door dart Smokeb...
Ver todos los detallesAndrew Barclay 0-4-0ST 14" 47 in NCB blue
H4-AB14-0094.33 / 5.0
21 Reseñas
Bodyshell - factory-fitted separate details Drain cocks Handrails Lamp irons Oil lubricators Pipe work Safety valve Smokebox door dart Smokeb...
Ver todos los detalles5700 Class - L94 - London Transport Maroon - DCC Sound Fitted
ACC2891-EXLDCCLondon Transport’s railway network is well known for being electrified and “underground” but there had always been a small fleet of steam locomotiv...
Ver todos los detalles5700 Class - L91 - London Transport Maroon - DCC Sound Fitted
ACC2889-DCCLondon Transport’s railway network is well known for being electrified and “underground” but there had always been a small fleet of steam locomotiv...
Ver todos los detalles5700 Class - 7754 - NCB Green - DCC Sound Fitted
ACC2890-EXLDCC7754. NCB Green Livery Another product of the North British Locomotive Company was 7754. Outshopped in 1930 it was allocated to Reading where it wo...
Ver todos los detalles5700 Class - 7714 - Early Emblem Black - DCC Sound Fitted
ACC2888-DCC7714. British Railways Black Livery, Early Emblem 7714 was an early “contractor” built locomotive, in this case, it was built by Kerr Stuart in Sto...
Ver todos los detalles8750 Class - 9681 - Late Crest Black - DCC Sound Fitted
ACC2887-DCC9681. British Railways Black Livery, Late Crest 9681 was one of the last pannier tanks to be built. Emerging from Swindon Works in 1949 under the o...
Ver todos los detalles8750 Class - 8763 - Early Emblem Lined Black - DCC Sound Fitted
ACC2886-DCC8763. British Railways Lined black livery, with Early Emblem This locomotive was built at Swindon in 1933 and allocated to Old Oak Common where it ...
Ver todos los detalles8750 Class - 9741 - British Railways Green - DCC Sound Fitted
ACC2885-DCC9741. British Railways Green Livery With the introduction of what became the “8750” variations, this 1935 built locomotive emerged from Swindon wor...
Ver todos los detalles5700 Class - 5741 - GWR Green - DCC Sound Fitted
ACC2972-DCC5741. GWR Livery From the initial order of 50 locomotives from the North British Locomotive Works, 5741 emerged from Queens Park works, Glasgow in ...
Ver todos los detalles5700 Class - 7755 - Shirtbutton Green - DCC Sound Fitted
ACC2884-DCC7755. GWR Shirt button Livery. 7755 was a loco from the “Work Creation” orders. This engine was built in 1930 by North British Locomotive Co. at Qu...
Ver todos los detalles6700 Class - 6743 - Great Western Green - DCC Sound Fitted
ACC2882-DCC6743. Great Western livery The 67xx was a sub class of panniers built without steam heat or vacuum brakes. The first 25 were built by Bagnall’s of ...
Ver todos los detalles5700 Class - 5754 - Great Western Green - DCC Sound Fitted
ACC2881-DCC5754. Great Western livery: 5754 was the 4th member of the 57xx class to be built at Swindon. Outshopped in 1929, the locomotive represents a stand...
Ver todos los detalles5700 Class - L94 - London Transport Maroon
ACC2880-EXLLondon Transport’s railway network is well known for being electrified and “underground” but there had always been a small fleet of steam locomotiv...
Ver todos los detalles5700 Class - L91 - London Transport Maroon
ACC2878London Transport’s railway network is well known for being electrified and “underground” but there had always been a small fleet of steam locomotiv...
Ver todos los detalles5700 Class - 7754 - NCB Green
ACC2879-EXL7754. NCB Green Livery Another product of the North British Locomotive Company was 7754. Outshopped in 1930 it was allocated to Reading where it wo...
Ver todos los detalles5700 Class - 7714 - Early Emblem Black
ACC28777714. British Railways Black Livery, Early Emblem 7714 was an early “contractor” built locomotive, in this case, it was built by Kerr Stuart in Sto...
Ver todos los detalles8750 Class - 9681 - Late Crest Black
ACC28769681. British Railways Black Livery, Late Crest 9681 was one of the last pannier tanks to be built. Emerging from Swindon Works in 1949 under the o...
Ver todos los detalles8750 Class - 8763 - Early Emblem Lined Black
ACC28758763. British Railways Lined black livery, with Early Emblem This locomotive was built at Swindon in 1933 and allocated to Old Oak Common where it ...
Ver todos los detalles8750 Class - 9741 - British Railways Green
ACC28749741. British Railways Green Livery With the introduction of what became the “8750” variations, this 1935 built locomotive emerged from Swindon wor...
Ver todos los detalles5700 Class - 5741 - GWR Green
ACC29715741. GWR Livery From the initial order of 50 locomotives from the North British Locomotive Works, 5741 emerged from Queens Park works, Glasgow in ...
Ver todos los detalles5700 Class - 7755 - Shirtbutton Green
ACC28737755. GWR Shirt button Livery. 7755 was a loco from the “Work Creation” orders. This engine was built in 1930 by North British Locomotive Co. at Qu...
Ver todos los detalles6700 Class - 6743 - Great Western Green
ACC28716743. Great Western livery The 67xx was a sub class of panniers built without steam heat or vacuum brakes. The first 25 were built by Bagnall’s of ...
Ver todos los detalles5700 Class - 5754 - Great Western Green
ACC28705754. Great Western livery: 5754 was the 4th member of the 57xx class to be built at Swindon. Outshopped in 1929, the locomotive represents a stand...
Ver todos los detalles7027 - LNER J68 - DCC Sound Fitted
ACC2444-DCCThe second batch of Hill’s ‘improved’ 0-6-0T locomotives, GER Nos.21-30 to Order G75, differed from the initial C72 order by being designated for ...
Ver todos los detalles7027 - LNER J68
ACC2431The second batch of Hill’s ‘improved’ 0-6-0T locomotives, GER Nos.21-30 to Order G75, differed from the initial C72 order by being designated for ...
Ver todos los detallesClass 37 - DRS (heritage repaint) - 37218 - DCC Sound Fitted
ACC2630-DCC5.0 / 5.0
23 Reseñas
Lo más destacado del día de puertas abiertas anual de Direct Rail Services en 2022, el primer evento de este tipo desde 2019, fue la presentación o...
Ver todos los detalles68535 - BR J67 - Plain Black, with Early Emblem - DCC Sound Fitted
ACC2447-DCCBR J69 68535 era del mismo lote de 1892 que el No. 359, siendo originalmente numerado como 358 bajo GER y 7358 bajo LNER y también fue reconstrui...
Ver todos los detalles