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7810 – ‘Draycott Manor ' BR Manor Class

UGC ACC2504-7810

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7810 – "Manoir Draycott"

  • BR vert doublé avec écusson précoce
  • RCheminée à tirage
  • Corps tendre riveté
  • Plaques larges

Caractéristiques communes :

  • Modèle de jauge OO très détaillé, échelle 1:76,2 sur piste de 16,5 mm
  • Basé sur le scan 3D du 7808 Cookham Manor et les dessins complets de l'œuvre fournis par la Great Western Society, Didcot
  • Enquêtes entreprises avec l'aide d'Erlestoke Manor Fund, Dinmore Manor Loco Ltd et Tyseley Locomotive Works
  • Le fumoir et la cheminée représentent correctement l'état du GWR tel que construit ou le remaniement du BR après 1952
  • Intérieur de cabine entièrement détaillé avec de nombreuses pièces séparées 
  • Châssis, plaque de roulement et corps en métal moulé sous pression
  • Mains courantes en fil de largeur à l'échelle
  • Pièces gravées en métal/plastique et cire perdue, incl. poignées de maintien, marches, robinets de vidange, etc
  • Plaques nominatives et plaques d'immatriculation pré-peintes en métal gravé
  • Têtes de lit en métal gravé "Cambrian Coast Express" et "Pembroke Coast Express"
  • Raccords à vis factices haute fidélité
  • Tampons métalliques entièrement suspendus et tuyauterie installée en usine
  • Boîtiers de tampons coniques ou droits, le cas échéant
  • Blocs de frein alignés avec les roues
  • Le coupleur de verrouillage à mini-tension avant peut être remplacé par un moulage précis de pony truck avant

Détails de l'appel d'offres :

  • Appendice Churchward de 3 500 gal avec de nombreuses variantes, y compris des côtés rivetés et affleurants, des cornets étroits ou larges, trois styles différents de suspension à ressort et une pelle à eau montée sous le châssis
  • Tampons métalliques entièrement suspendus, tuyauterie installée en usine et raccords à vis factices haute fidélité
  • Anciens boîtiers de tampons coniques, coniques ou droits, le cas échéant
  • Support de plaque d'avertissement au plafond en option sur les modèles BR récents
  • Le coupleur Kinetic NEM se monte sur le tender à la bonne hauteur avec des coupleurs mini-tension-lock
  • Prise décodeur DCC dans le tender (toit du tender accessible par une section relevable sécurisée par des aimants)
  • Choix des sections de relevage : charge de « charbon » vide ou simulée

DCC/Caractéristiques électroniques :

  • Moteur 3 pôles de très haute qualité avec volant d'inertie, faible tension de démarrage et alimentation électrique fluide
  • Prêt DCC [Prise MTC 21 broches dans le tender] ou options de son DCC installées en usine
  • Les locomotives DCC Sound ont un haut-parleur monté dans la boîte à fumée et deux haut-parleurs dans le tender
  • Banque de condensateurs PowerPack pour une alimentation et un son ininterrompus
  • Lumière scintillante de la chambre de combustion (synchronisée avec le son sur les modèles installés DCC)
  • Captation électrique de toutes les roues motrices du tender et de la locomotive

Caractéristiques de traction :

  • Rayon minimum 438 mm (2e rayon réglé sur la voie)
  • Châssis, plaque de roulement et carrosserie en métal moulé sous pression avec essieu moteur central suspendu
  • Boîte à engrenages hélicoïdaux en métal pour des performances maximales et un fonctionnement à vitesse lente
  • Engrenage agencé pour que la locomotive puisse atteindre une vitesse maximale de 90 mph (145 km/h)
  • Roues de jauge profil RP25-110 OO
7810 – ‘Draycott Manor ' BR Manor Class
Product Number
Pack Weight (g)
500.0 g

Lighting and DCC Specifics

DCC Specification
DCC Socket Format
Next 18
Stay-Alive Power Pack Fitted

Customer Reviews

Based on 53 reviews
Tim J.
Manors from Heaven!

Well here's another one I couldn't resist. I wanted an early crest lined green livery and Draycott Manor was just sitting there calling! This is a spectacularly well accomplished model in my view with no detectable weaknesses. They look great and run better. All other superlatives having already been copiously set out by other likely better qualified reviewers I can add little more than say a collection without one of these Manors is much poorer for the ommission. Hats off once again to Accurascale!

Reviewer avatar
To the Manor Born.

First of all minus one star as I'm having an intermittent firebox flicker issue, and it is in customer service's hands. In other aspects, this is one of the best and most beautifully detailed Manor Class locos on the market. They've sold very well and not long before they are sold out across the country. I am confident Accurascale will have a new batch prepared soon over the coming year.


Minus one star as I'm having a firebox flicker issue, and under customer services helping hands. Though, in other aspects, this is one of the highest spected and highly detailed Manor Class locos on the market. They've sold out across the country and am sure Accura will have a new run out with them coming around the corner soon.

David A.
A tale of 2 Manors

I received an eagerly anticipated 7800 Torquay Manor sound fitted and decided it was quite the best of all my collection of 120 locos. So when Accurascale said that their Manors were near sold out I was tempted. 7810 Draycott Manor sound fitted was available. This was early crest with detail differences and more elaborate lining. And it runs brilliantly. The Loksound decoder is set up superbly. Wonderful models, weight feels like quality as does the box.
Already preordered pannier 7714 confident that Accurascale can make that special too.

paul C.
Draycott Manor

Arrived promptly in good order well packaged. Had an issue with the centre pair of tender pickups not making contact with the wheels. Contacted Accurascale who responded in a prompt and helpful manner. They replied that they were happy for me to adjust the pickups which was straightforward. Issue now fixed. The overall impression is that this model is as close as possible to the real thing in miniature. No quality issues apart from the pickups. Thanks to Patrick and Simon for their help.

Trevor D.
Draycott Manor

A first class highly detailed model. I have three now and this is probably my favourite livery. Just need to fit the sound chip that I received for Christmas.

John M.
Good manners!

You've completely nailed this one with the high quality green livery - just as I recall from clean in service locomotives and not the usual flat green we often experience in other models. Performance exemplary but this is what we naturally and confidently expect from Accurascale!

Superb GWR excellence

Solid locomotive. Fantastic detailing kit provided. On board sound is awesome. Five stars. Looking forward to future steam releases.

Eric T.
Accurascale Manor Review

What a fine model. Looks and sounds like the real thing and runs powerfully and well. Cannot fault it yet and don’t think I will be able to. Have read all other reviews before purchase and am looking forward to new releases such as new pannier tanks etc.

David P.
Manor Marvel

Having already bought the green Deltic and exclusive 37/0 I was really looking forward to the Manor. I was not disappointed although nothing much about the model surprised me as I had seen several fantastic reviews. The detail is unsurpassed and although not had the time to run it I am sure it will be great. How about a challenge? I would love an Accurascale B16 but no preserved loco exists.

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