4mm - Tomhas OO
ICI Hopper - 1992 to 1997 - Twin Pack E
Model Shown is a decorated sample, and may not be fully indicative of the final model. Model specification;Highly detailed OO gauge model of the IC...
View full detailsICI Hopper - 1992 to 1997 - Twin Pack D
Model Shown is a decorated sample, and may not be fully indicative of the final model. Model specification;Highly detailed OO gauge model of the IC...
View full detailsICI Hopper - 1992 to 1997 - Twin Pack C
Model Shown is a decorated sample, and may not be fully indicative of the final model. Model specification;Highly detailed OO gauge model of the IC...
View full detailsICI Hopper - 1992 to 1997 - Twin Pack B
Model Shown is a decorated sample, and may not be fully indicative of the final model. Model specification;Highly detailed OO gauge model of the IC...
View full detailsICI Hopper - 1992 to 1997 - Twin Pack A
Model Shown is a decorated sample, and may not be fully indicative of the final model. Model specification;Highly detailed OO gauge model of the IC...
View full detailsICI Hopper - 1973 to 1992 - Twin Pack E
Model Shown is a decorated sample, and may not be fully indicative of the final model. Model specification;Highly detailed OO gauge model of the IC...
View full detailsICI Hopper - 1973 to 1992 - Twin Pack D
Model Shown is a decorated sample, and may not be fully indicative of the final model. Model specification;Highly detailed OO gauge model of the IC...
View full detailsICI Hopper - 1973 to 1992 - Twin Pack C
Model Shown is a decorated sample, and may not be fully indicative of the final model. Model specification;Highly detailed OO gauge model of the IC...
View full detailsICI Hopper - 1973 to 1992 - Twin Pack B
Model Shown is a decorated sample, and may not be fully indicative of the final model. Model specification;Highly detailed OO gauge model of the IC...
View full detailsICI Hopper - 1973 to 1992 - Twin Pack A
Model Shown is a decorated sample, and may not be fully indicative of the final model. Model specification;Highly detailed OO gauge model of the IC...
View full detailsICI Hopper - 1950s to 1973 - Twin Pack E
Model Shown is a decorated sample, and may not be fully indicative of the final model. Model specification;Highly detailed OO gauge model of the IC...
View full detailsICI Hopper - 1950s to 1973 - Twin Pack D
Model Shown is a decorated sample, and may not be fully indicative of the final model. Model specification;Highly detailed OO gauge model of the IC...
View full detailsICI Hopper - 1950s to 1973 - Twin Pack C
Model Shown is a decorated sample, and may not be fully indicative of the final model. Model specification;Highly detailed OO gauge model of the IC...
View full detailsICI Hopper - 1950s to 1973 - Twin Pack B
Model Shown is a decorated sample, and may not be fully indicative of the final model. Model specification;Highly detailed OO gauge model of the IC...
View full detailsICI Hopper - 1950s to 1973 - Twin Pack A
Model Shown is a decorated sample, and may not be fully indicative of the final model. Model specification;Highly detailed OO gauge model of the IC...
View full detailsCutdown HYA - Unpainted w/NACCO Branding (Pack 1)
This pack contains two wagons Cutdown HYA - With NACCO Branding and Graffiti (Pack 1) HYA 371020 (with Graffiti) HYA 371048 Among the fir...
View full detailsCutdown HYA ex-Biomass - Blue/Black with VTG branding (Pack 3)
Tha dà charbad sa phasgan seo GBRf Tarmac le suaicheantasan VTG HYA 371050 HYA 371063 Feartan cumanta: Pasgan de dhà Wags, gach fear le ...
View full detailsCutdown HYA ex-Biomass - Blue/Black with VTG branding (Pack 2)
Tha dà charbad sa phasgan seo GBRf Tarmac le suaicheantasan VTG HYA 371050 HYA 371063 Feartan cumanta: Pasgan de dhà Wags, gach fear le ...
View full detailsCutdown HYA ex-Biomass - Blue/Black with VTG branding (Pack 1)
Tha dà charbad sa phasgan seo GBRf Tarmac le suaicheantasan VTG HYA 371050 HYA 371063 Feartan cumanta: Pasgan de dhà Wags, gach fear le ...
View full detailsCutdown HYA - Blue/Black with Touax/GB Railfreight branding (Pack 3)
Tha dà charbad sa phasgan seo GBRf Tarmac le suaicheantasan VTG HYA 371050 HYA 371063 Feartan cumanta: Pasgan de dhà Wags, gach fear le ...
View full detailsCutdown HYA - Blue/Black with Touax/GB Railfreight branding (Pack 2)
Tha dà charbad sa phasgan seo GBRf Tarmac le suaicheantasan VTG HYA 371050 HYA 371063 Feartan cumanta: Pasgan de dhà Wags, gach fear le ...
View full detailsCutdown HYA - Blue/Black with Touax/GB Railfreight branding (Pack 1)
Tha dà charbad sa phasgan seo GBRf Tarmac le suaicheantasan VTG HYA 371050 HYA 371063 Feartan cumanta: Pasgan de dhà Wags, gach fear le ...
View full detailsCutdown HYA - Blue/Black with GB Railfreight branding (Pack 1)
Tha dà charbad sa phasgan seo GBRf Tarmac le suaicheantasan VTG HYA 371050 HYA 371063 Feartan cumanta: Pasgan de dhà Wags, gach fear le ...
View full detailsCDA China Clay - ECC Blue Debranded - Pack H
Former-ECC 'Debranded' Livery 375006375073375125 Photographed model is a decorated sample, and may not be fully indicative of the final model. High...
View full detailsCDA China Clay - ECC Blue Debranded - Pack G
Former-ECC 'Debranded' Livery 375025375070375132 Photographed model is a decorated sample, and may not be fully indicative of the final model. High...
View full detailsCDA China Clay - ECC Blue Debranded - Pack F
Former-ECC 'Debranded' Livery 375003375046375100 Photographed model is a decorated sample, and may not be fully indicative of the final model. High...
View full detailsCDA China Clay - ECC Blue - Pack E
ECC Livery 375021375042375063 Photographed model is a decorated sample, and may not be fully indicative of the final model. Highly-detailed OO gaug...
View full detailsCDA China Clay - ECC Blue - Pack D
ECC Livery 375016375038375101 Photographed model is a decorated sample, and may not be fully indicative of the final model. Highly-detailed OO gaug...
View full detailsCDA China Clay - ECC Blue - Pack C
ECC Livery 375011375096375124 Photographed model is a decorated sample, and may not be fully indicative of the final model. Highly-detailed OO gaug...
View full detailsCDA China Clay - ECC Blue - Pack B
ECC Livery 375001375062375080 Photographed model is a decorated sample, and may not be fully indicative of the final model. Highly-detailed OO gau...
View full detailsCDA China Clay - ECC Blue - Pack A
ECC Livery 375047375098375097 Photographed model is a decorated sample, and may not be fully indicative of the final model. Highly-detailed OO ga...
View full detailsChaldron Wagon Harton Colliery - Pack O
Ioma-phasgan trì carbadan, NER 4T Chaldron Pasgan O: The Harton Coal Company - Le dà sheata de Staiths air Abhainn Tyne, bha an sgìre timcheall ai...
View full detailsChaldron Wagon Throckley Colliery - Pack N
Ioma-phasgan trì carbadan, NER 4T Chaldron Pasgan N: The Throckley Coal Company - Air a stèidheachadh ann an 1867, bha grunn slocan aig Companaidh...
View full detailsChaldron Wagon Seaham Harbour - Pack M
Ioma-phasgan trì carbadan, NER 4T Chaldron Pasgan M: Seaham Dock Co. - Trì ‘Black Waggons’ 4T, ann an trì stoidhlichean bodhaig, timcheall air 195...
View full detailsNorth Eastern Railway Chaldron - Pack L
Ioma-phasgan trì carbadan, NER 4T Chaldron Pasgan L: Rèile an Ear-thuath - Trì Chaldrons ann an stoidhle P1, timcheall air 1890, le àireamh: 572...
View full detailsBR 24.5T HOP24/HUO Coal Hopper - Bauxite TOPS - Exclusive
Rèile Bhreatainn 24.5-ton HOP24 / HUO carbad hopair Single Wagon Limited Edition. B335028 Feartan cumanta: pòcaidean càraid àbhaisteach ...
View full detailsBR 24.5T HOP24/HUO Coal Hopper - Grey TOPS- Pack U
Rèile Bhreatainn 24.5-tunna HOP24 / Carbad hopair HUO Trì pasgan ioma-charbaid B334440NB337051B335192 Feartan cumanta: Pasgan de trì chairtea...
View full detailsBR 24.5T HOP24/HUO Coal Hopper - Grey TOPS- Pack T
Rèile Bhreatainn 24.5-tunna HOP24 / Carbad hopair HUO Trì pasgan ioma-charbaid B336514 B333955 B334282 Feartan cumanta: Pasgan de trì chairt...
View full detailsBR 24.5T HOP24/HUO Coal Hopper - Grey pre TOPS- Pack S
Rèile Bhreatainn 24.5-tunna HOP24 / Carbad hopair HUO Trì pasgan ioma-charbaid B334126N B333850 B337135N Feartan cumanta: Pasgan de trì chai...
View full detailsBR 24.5T HOP24/HUO Coal Hopper - Grey pre TOPS- Pack R
Rèile Bhreatainn 24.5-tunna HOP24 / Carbad hopair HUO Trì pasgan ioma-charbaid B333786B334997 B335236 Feartan cumanta: Pasgan de trì chairte...
View full detailsEx-S.C.C National Coal Board Chaldron Pack
Ioma-phasgan trì carbadan, NER 4T Chaldron Pasgan K: Bòrd a’ Ghual Nàiseanta a bha roimhe na SCC - Trì tràth-ùine thog Darlington Chaldrons, mar...
View full detailsVane / Londonderry Chaldron Pack
Ioma-phasgan trì carbadan, NER 4T Chaldron Pasgan J: mèinnean Vane-Londonderry - Trì ‘Black Waggons’ 4T, ann an dà stoidhle bodhaig, timcheall ai...
View full detailsSeaham Harbour Chaldron Pack
Ioma-phasgan trì carbadan, NER 4T Chaldron Paca I: Seaham Dock Co. - Trì ‘Black Waggons’ 4T, ann an trì stoidhlichean bodhaig, timcheall air 1950...
View full detailsLondonderry Chaldron Pack
Ioma-phasgan trì carbadan, NER 4T Chaldron Pasgan H: Londonderry Collieries - Trì ‘Black Waggons’ 4T, ann an dà stoidhle bodhaig, timcheall air 1...
View full detailsStella Coal Company Chaldron Pack
Ioma-phasgan trì carbadan, NER 4T Chaldron Pasgan G: Stella Coal Co. - Sàr dheagh eisimpleir air mar a bha Caldrons air an cumail ann an seirbhei...
View full detailsEarl of Durham Chaldron Pack
Ioma-phasgan trì carbadan, NER 4T Chaldron Pasgan F: Muileann Lambton (Gloidhnean Iarla Durham) - Trì Chaldrons ann an stoidhle P1 a bha roimhe ...
View full detailsWearmouth Coal Co. Chaldron Pack
Ioma-phasgan trì carbadan, NER 4T Chaldron Paca E: Wearmouth Coal Co. - Trì Chaldrons ann an stoidhle NER P1 a bh’ ann roimhe, a’ dol air ais gu ...
View full detailsPontop and Jarrow Chaldron Pack
Ioma-phasgan trì carbadan, NER 4T Chaldron Pasgan D: Rathad-iarainn Pontop & Jarrow - Dà Chaldron ann an stoidhle NER P1 agus Chaldron ann an sto...
View full details