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SKU ACC2195-92038
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DCC: DCC Ready


  • Caledonian Sleeper

Nòta: Tha dealbhan a’ sealltainn nan sampallan sgeadaichte, a gheibh ceartachaidhean agus fìnealtas a bharrachd mus tèid an lìbhrigeadh.

Feartan cumanta:

  • Modail sgèile OO fìor mhionaideach, 1: 76.2
  • chassis meatailt alloy die-cast
  • Air a sholarachadh DCC deiseil [21Pin MTC Socket] no Factaraidh DCC Sound Fitted
  • Meatailt eitseil air a chuir an sàs air leth agus pàirtean mion-fhiosrachaidh plastaigeach àrd-dhìlseachd, a’ toirt a-steach làmhan grèim, ceumannan, wipers, clàran-ainm, suaicheantasan agus barrachd.
  • Càraidean glas teann teannachaidh aig an àirde cheart le socaid NEM a bharrachd air bufairbeam làn mhionaideach
  • Tarraing àrd-choileanadh, a’ toirt a-steach;
    • Motair còig-pòla le dà chuibhle
    • Bogsa Gear Helical Metal airson an coileanadh as àirde agus astar slaodach a’ ruith
    • Gearing air a chuir air dòigh airson astar àrd ceart
    • DCC deiseil le PowerPack capacitor airson cumhachd gun bhriseadh
    • A h-uile draibhear cuibhle agus togail cuibhle gu lèir
  • Pantographs le motair dùbailte le làn smachd DCC
  • Pasgan Solais làn mhionaideach, a’ gabhail a-steach:
    • Solais stiùiridh, DC agus DCC
    • Braislichean solais le modhan latha is oidhche iomchaidh
    • Solais chomharran dearg is geal
    • Solais cab air a chuir air leth agus air a shoilleireachadh, mion-fhiosrachadh air consol an draibhear, cuir dheth gu fèin-ghluasadach air gluasad
  • cuibhlichean RP25-110 cuibhlichean OO le ullachadh airson ath-thomhas gu p4 (18.83mm) agus tomhas EM (18mm)
  • Dà neach-labhairt càileachd le capsalan fuaim mòr airson an fhuaim as fheàrr (* air modalan le fuaim)
  • Bufairean meatailt làn sprùilleach
  • Pìob obair-pìoba a bharrachd air an uidheamachadh le factaraidh

Radius as ìsle 438mm (2na slighe seata radius)

Product Number
Pack Weight (g)
750.0 g
Model Weight (g)
Directional Lighting
DCC Specification
DCC Socket Format
21 Pin
Stay-Alive Power Pack Fitted
Motorised Working Pantograph(s)

Customer Reviews

Based on 48 reviews
Alex L.
Outstanding model

The level of detail, functionality and quality of this model is truly mind blowing. So impressed with it - definitely recommend this even if you don't model modern image stuff.

Christopher G.
Class92 Caledonian 92038

Beautiful detailed model and smooth running. Nicely detailed livery applied to the model.

Bruce B.
Not so sleepy sleeper!

Received 92038 and immediately impressed with packaging.
Have run the loco on my rolling road and on a short test track. Superb, quiet, smooth running. Well up to Accurascale's usual standard.
Now all I need is for another batch of Mk 5 sleeping cars to come along.

Colin S.
Class 92

I have purchased Accurascale wagons previously and been mighty impressed with them. I've now taken the plunge and purchased a Class 92 Caledonian Sleeper loco. On opening the packaging and paper work it is just quality. Then you get to the loco and it is just wow! The sheer quality, attention to detail even down to separate sun visors for the cab just blows you away. Performance out of the box is second to none. I am a convert. Just need some more Sleeper coach pack releases to go with it!

Greg H.
Awesome as always

Another master piece added to my collection from you guys, the level of detail is fantastic and you get so much for such a great price. Keep up the great work folks!

Philip G.
Class 92

A wonderful rendition of a classy locomotive..the livery is excellent but I have not had the time to test the loco on a track yet as I am trying to build a shed layout where I can have my previous two 92'..Beethoven and Bertolt Bract...
I am looking forward to the 37 as I watched a video online and I was very impressed


Just one word required to describe this... 'epic'... staggering levels of detail... Accurascale have raised the bar to a level that I don't think the others will ever attain...

Phil S.
Pride of the fleet

Probably the best loco in the fleet, it is a beautiful runner. The livery and overall look has been captured really well. The roof and underframe detail is fantastic. I do wish the instructions were a little more clear on a few things, and the loco did turn up with one end covered in oil. Neither is enough to detract from this being a 5 star loco though!

Brian W.
Sleeper loco

good weight very smooth good runner, disappointed with the information on website to remove the cab to install the crew. I had to go on the chat line and then the info was emailed to me. on removal of the body a number of side grills fell off

Kevin H.
Caledonian Sleeper 92

An absolutely stunning model, which really captures the bulk and sounds of the Class 92 in every way. Faultless livery application and the details are second to none.

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