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BR Mk1 57' Non-Gangway Coach - CL - BR Rail Blue: E43043

SKU ACC2345-E43043
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Original price £0
Original price £62.46 - Original price £62.46
Original price
Current price £62.46
£62.46 - £62.46
Current price £62.46
Out of stock

Mar phàirt den raon ‘Transporting Britain’ , bha na coidsichean sin co-chosmhail ri trafaic luchd-siubhail East Anglian a’ dol a-steach agus a-mach à Kings Cross, Moorgate agus Sràid Liverpool, ach chaidh an cleachdadh nas fhaide na dìreach am prìomh-bhaile, ga chleachdadh air feadh roinnean an Ear, an Iar, Meadhan-thìre agus Alba.

Feartan cumanta:

  • Gauge OO fìor mhionaideach / 1: 76.2 Modalan sgèile air slighe 16.5mm
  • chassis meatailt Die-Cast le bodhaig plastaig airson cuideam ruith air leth
  • Bogies BREL BR1 ceart, mac-samhail, le mion-fhiosrachadh fa leth far a bheil sin iomchaidh, blocaichean breic co-thaobhadh ri cuibhlichean
  • Cuibhlichean pròifil dubh RP25-110 air an suidheachadh a-steach do Bearings Brass dubh airson ruith rèidh, gun suathadh air aiseil 26mm
  • Socaidean ceangail àbhaisteach NEM le siostam dlùth-cheangail cinematic
  • Rèilichean-làimhe uèir leud-sgèile, pìoban uisge agus gèar conaltraidh luchd-siubhail
  • Làmhan-dorais air an uidheamachadh fa leth agus camagan lampa
  • Pìoban stoc cinn agus càballan a’ toirt a-steach
  • Gu tur mionaideach, fo-fhrèam air a thilgeil le bàs anns a bheil siolandairean falamh, bogsaichean bataraidh dynamo agus pìobaireachd uile air an cur an sàs
  • Mullach a ghabhas toirt air falbh gu furasta, ceangailte gu magnetach airson faighinn gu furasta air an taobh a-staigh airson mion-fhiosrachadh agus uidheamachadh luchd-siubhail
  • Cruthan taobh a-staigh gu tur neo-mhearachdach, mac-samhail, le suidheachain fìor mhionaideach, agus racaichean bagannan, làn sgeadachadh
  • Bulkheads a-staigh le obraichean ealain le frèam
  • Glainne sruthadh gun phrìs
  • Fionnagan mullaich air an uidheamachadh fa leth, anns na h-àiteachan ceart
  • Pasgan solais slàn , a’ toirt a-steach
    • solais taobh a-staigh fo smachd magnet 'wand'
    • A h-uile togail bogie
    • Banca super-capacitor 'Stay-Alive' anns a h-uile coidse airson solas gun flicker
BR Mk1 57' Non-Gangway Coach - CL - BR Rail Blue: E43043
Product Number
Pack Weight (g)
150.0 g
Model Length (mm)
Interior Lighting
DCC Specification
Stay-Alive Power Pack Fitted

Customer Reviews

Based on 19 reviews
Richard B.
Great value for money for the level of detail

The level of detail is superb. Love it :)

Alasdair C.
Another Highly Detailed Model

Another great and highly detailed model of another coach that hasn't been modelled before just right for those Kings Cross outer suburban trains.

Alfred L.
BR mk1s

Excellent and up to your expected standard. they run perfect very well detailed easy access to the Interior the lighting is just the right and the shade of blue is perfect. I think you've made a mundane coach in real life look exquisite in model form. perfect lining

Chris V.
No getting caught short with this

A lovely little runabout with oodles of detail we have come to expect from Accurascale. The interior is especially good which leads to my two minor gripes.
Access to the interior is not recommended via the lift off roof on Lav version, but the alternative of going through the floor, as suggested, is not viable . I have been promised instructions on the web site to follow. The second is the lights - why oh why white? They were never white only sickly cream made more so by copious tar from cigarettes

Paul S.S.
Simply wonderful

For the price these are they are great value. Wonderful detail, great lighting and run very smoothly. The bar is set for others to aim for.

Trevor P.
Suburban Mk1 CL

Quite simply the most detailed coach I own. Incredibly fine underframe gear plus amazingly decorated interior with well applied livery. A couple of minor niggles - the lights fade and go out occasionally, despite operating on DCC, plus the coach isn't as free running as the excellent Mk2b.

John K.
Mk1 Sub CL BR blue

Epic, museum quality product. Excellent thank you

Patrick B.

These are the best carriages I have ever bought
The detail is amazing especially with the lighting on
The free rolling is also perfect
Again, the most stable on my rickardy track

Larry M.
BR MK1 coaches

Great coaches which look spectacular behind the 31 class diesel.Have a 10 coach rake all with interior lighting.Magnetic close couplers Will make it even more realistic

Kevin W.

Excellent coach, that runs great. The detailing is superb & the lights are the icing on the cake.

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