37027 "Loch Eil" — Accurascale
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37027 "Loch Eil"

SKU ACC230537027

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Klasse 37/0 - 37027 "Loch Eil"

  • Mitte der 1980er-Jahre
  • BR blau mit weißem Seitenstreifen
  • Geteilte Headcode-Nase mit plattierten Headcode-Boxen
  • Schottischer Autoscheinwerfer (voll funktionsfähig)
  • Original Nasengitter
  • Cutaway Pufferbalkenverkleidung mit ovalen Puffern
  • Dampfwärmepufferbalkenkonfiguration mit Luft-/Vakuum-/Steuerungs-/MW-Rohren
  • Original-Windschutzscheiben mit eingebautem Kabinenlayout
  • Frühes doppelt genietetes Dach mit Kesselauspuff und großem Kabinendachlüfter
  • Gefertigte Drehgestelle
  • Ursprüngliche Kraftstofftankkonfiguration
  • Späte EE-Cantrail-Gitter
  • Plattierter körperseitiger Wassereinfüllstutzen und zugehörige Stufen
  • Optionale Mini-Schneepflüge enthalten

                  Gemeinsame Merkmale:

                  • Sehr detailliertes OO-Modell im Maßstab 1:76. 2
                  • Schweres Druckguss-Metallchassis
                  • Genaue Tumbleholme-, Bug-, Kabinendach- und Cantrail-Kurven aus 3D-Laserscans und umfangreichen Vermessungen
                  • Zeitrahmenspezifische Details, einschließlich, aber nicht beschränkt auf;
                    • Drehgestelle (vorgefertigt und drei Gussvarianten)
                    • Kraftstofftanks (Wie gebaut und mit späterem Langstrecken-Kraftstofftank mit glatten Seiten)
                    • Die frühe Klasse 37/0 verfügt über ein Frostschutzgitter, eine Kesselfüllplatte und Zugangsstufen
                    • Die frühe Klasse 37/0 verfügt über beleuchtete geteilte Kopfcodeanzeigen mit einer Auswahl verschiedener vierstelliger Kopfcodes
                    • Klasse 37/6 hat betriebsbereite WIPAC-Lichtcluster und einen oberen Scheinwerfer und zahlreiche verschiedene Nasenschieber, alle einschließlich mehrfach funktionierender Steckdosen
                    • Drei Arten von Puffern: großes rundes Oleo, ovales und eckiges Oval
                    • Drei Arten von Nasengittern: wie gebaut, generalüberholt „geteilt“ und generalüberholt „einzeln“
                    • Kesselauslass und zwei Arten von plattierten Kesselplatten
                    • Mit oder ohne Pufferbalkenschürzen
                    • Mit oder ohne Fahrerhaus-Dachlüfter und Karosserieseitenfenster
                    • Nasen- und Dachantennen und Antennen (wo zutreffend)
                    • Drei Arten von Windschutzscheiben: Standard, in der Mitte gehärtet und alle gehärtet
                    • Drei Arten der Führerstandsausstattung: wie gebaute, generalüberholte und moderne DRS-Lokomotiven
                    • Vier Pufferbalkenvarianten mit unterschiedlichen Rohrkonfigurationen
                    • Türsockel, wo zutreffend
                  • Mehrere Körper- und Nasengleiter, um fast jedes Mitglied der Klasse genau darzustellen, einschließlich drei Variationen des Cantrail-Kühlergrills: frühes EE (für D6700-D6704), späteres EE und RSH
                  • Vier Dachformen: Original doppelt genietet, einfach genietet, geschweißt und geschweißt mit Antennen
                  • Separat aufgebrachte Detailteile aus geätztem Metall und High-Fidelity-Kunststoff, darunter Haltegriffe, Antennen, Stufen, Scheibenwischer, Namensschilder, Wappen und mehr.
                  • Türeinstiegsleisten aus geätztem Metall (wo zutreffend), „Frost“-Gitter (wo zutreffend) und superfein geätztes Dachgitter aus Metall
                  • Skalierte Drahthandläufe
                  • Dachmontierte Hörner aus gedrechseltem Messing auf mittleren Kopfcodebeispielen
                  • Detail des vollständigen Unterbodentanks mit Halterungen und Rohrleitungen
                  • Drehgestelle verfügen über separate Trittstufen, geätzte Trittstufen, Bremszylinder, Geschwindigkeitsschreiber, Endbremsgestänge und sehr feine Bremskette
                  • Bremsklötze an Drehgestellen in Reihe mit Rädern (kann für EM/P4-Spurweiten verschoben werden)
                  • Zahlreiche weitere lokomotivspezifische Details müssen noch bekannt gegeben werden!
                  • RP25-110 Profil OO-Stützräder mit Feinskalierung „Drop-in“ EM (18. 2mm Spurweite) und P4 (18. 83 mm Spurweite) Räder separat erhältlich
                  • Präzise High-Fidelity-Miniaturschneepflüge
                  • Voll gefederte Metallpuffer, extrafeine werkseitig installierte Verrohrung und Schraubkupplungen
                  • Mini-Spannschloss-Kupplungen in korrekter Höhe mit NEM-Buchse sowie ein vollständig detaillierter Pufferbalken
                  • Mit DCC-Vorbereitung [21-polige MTX-Buchse] oder werkseitig mit DCC-Sound ausgestattet [ESU LokSound 5]
                  • Jedes Modell enthält PowerPack/Backup Power Capacitor Bank für bis zu zehn Sekunden stromlosen Betrieb, flimmerfreie Beleuchtung und kontinuierlichen Ton
                  • DCC-Soundversionen umfassen:
                    • ESU LokSound V5 DCC-Chip
                    • Kundenspezifische Dual-Speaker-Technologie mit;
                      • Großer akkurater Basslautsprecher
                      • Kleinerer Würfel im „iPhone“-Stil für höhere Frequenzen
                  • Hochleistungstraktion, einschließlich;
                    • Hochwertiger fünfpoliger Motor mit zwei Schwungmassen
                    • Stirnradgetriebe aus Metall für maximale Leistung und Langsamlauf
                    • Das Getriebe ist so angeordnet, dass die Lokomotive eine maßstabsgetreue Höchstgeschwindigkeit von 160 km/h erreichen kann
                    • DCC-fähig mit PowerPack Super-Kondensator für unterbrechungsfreie Stromversorgung und Betrieb mit extrem niedriger Geschwindigkeit
                    • Allradantrieb und Allrad-Pickup
                  • Vollständig detailliertes Beleuchtungspaket, einschließlich: 
                    • Gerichtete Beleuchtung auf DC und DCC
                    • Voll funktionsfähige Scheinwerfer pro Prototyp
                    • Motorraumbeleuchtung (mit sichtbarer Antriebsmaschine)
                    • WIPAC-Lichtcluster ggf. mit Tag- und Nachteinstellung
                    • Separat schaltbare Kabinenbeleuchtung und -beleuchtung, Fahrerkonsole mit Details, automatische Abschaltung bei Bewegung
                    • Schaltbare rote Schlusslichter
                  • RP25-110-Räder OO-Räder mit Vorkehrungen zum Umspuren auf Spurweite p4 und EM
                  • Mindestradius 438 mm (2. Radius-Set-Gleis)
                    37027 "Loch Eil"
                    Product Number
                    Pack Weight (g)
                    650.0 g

                    Lighting and DCC Specifics

                    Directional Lighting
                    Interior Lighting
                    DCC Specification
                    DCC Socket Format
                    21 Pin
                    Stay-Alive Power Pack Fitted

                    Customer Reviews

                    Based on 40 reviews

                    It is an amazing piece of model engineering from Accurascale to behold. The detailing is exquisite all around and inside the engines' driver cabs.


                    Great model

                    Gary S.
                    Fabulous Class 37

                    Really impressive model, runs well, sounds great, and just love the detail. The blue stripe livery and car headlights perfectly match the 37s I was photographing on the West Highland line when I first went up there with my camera. Fabulous recreation of some wonderful memories

                    Ashley H.
                    37 027 Loch Eil - So good, I bought it twice!

                    Possibly my favourite livery of all my Accurascale 37s. There is just something about BR Blue with the white stripe!
                    However, after later buying the sister loco , Large Logo 37 043 Loch Lomond, a friend ‘persuaded’ me that I didn’t really need 2 Scottish Class 37/0s.
                    Regretted parting with it, but luckily today I managed to secure a replacement from Accurascale.
                    Only issue I have, is that the first loco had a small part missing on delivery, a horn cover, and I am still waiting for a replacement part from Accurascale……..

                    Paul B.
                    37 Loch Eil

                    As a professional modelmaker I appreciate the level of detail and finish to this model,
                    Bought this one dc only, after running my 37 Loch Lomond with sound I need to upgrade this to sound

                    Michael G.
                    As expected from Accurascale

                    Owning one of the Accurascale Deltics I knew what to expect with this and I am not disappointed. Detail is exceptional (class leading), performance superb and even the instruction manual is a work of art. Railway modelling can be an expensive pastime these days so you want to get something you feel is worth the investment. Loch Eil doesn't disappoint on that front. Well done Accurascale.

                    Stephen L.
                    Super Smooth Operation With Amazing Paint Job

                    Wasn't really planning to buy 37027 but when proper images started to appear just had to have one. All DCC/Sound models were sold out so I bought one of the last DC models plus the ESU DCC Decoder and speaker which was very easy to install thanks to a YouTuber named John. I also ran it on DC and it performed flawlessly. Packaging was also up to the usual high standard.

                    Steven B.
                    37027 Heaven

                    Another great loco with amazing detail, great livery, working headlight is fantastic.

                    Tony (.
                    Reminds me of 'Natural Born Bugie'!

                    'Natural Born Bugie'! - a song by 'Humble Pie' - I think I better eat some of the pie!
                    I think I've always been a bit of a sceptic about 'Accurascale'!
                    Nearly four years for folks to anticipate the class 92 (Mind - how long did I wait for an Ivatt 2-6-2T or how many years am I still waiting for a new class 25!) Then there was talk about ''bits' in the bottom of the boxes containing 'Deltic' models and more than 200 pages of 'hype' on the brilliant 'RMweb' forum about the Class 37 model!
                    I should probably explain that I am not and never will be a 'railway modeller', but I have spent a lot of time and money over the last 30+ years thinking about and buying model trains! A lot of that has been spent on Class 37 diesels, fortunately I never bought a Hornby one fitted with class 47 bogies - although it was a close run thing! A good friend fitted a lot of etched cab front windows and flush glazing to my Lima models as well as repainting many of them too! I joined a collectors club to obtain what was supposed to be the 'state of the art' model in green livery and even I could immediately see it was the wrong shape!
                    I've read every review published and over the years I have finally obtained a nice set of models depicted my favourite prototypes of the class, almost exclusively 'Celtic Fours'. Up until now I'd steered clear of 37/0s, mainly because of 'funny noses' - although now a 'nose job' has a last been done.
                    I'd looked with great interest at Accurascale's proposed 'Scottish Class 37/0' model, particularly the blue one with the white stripe. Should I / Shouldn't I? Why do I have to pre-order (What if the reviews say it's 'not right'!). Why do I have to put £30 down for something that might not live up to expectations?
                    So - when all the excellent reviews were published and satisfied customers started singing their praises - of course I'd 'missed the boat'!
                    Two weeks ago I read the review of Accurascale's 37027 in 'Rail Express' magazine, I've always felt that 'RE' published the most thorough reviews of models and never seemed to be afraid to draw attention to any shortcomings in accuracy or quality of the model being analysed. The review of 37027 was very positive and didn't highlight any areas of concern. The review prompted me to look at the Accurascale website (for the first time ever) later that night and remarkably there were two new 'Loch Eil' models for sale! I purchased one straight away - (Note this was completely out of character - I always like to look, check and test any model in the shop before I buy it!).
                    Ordering via the website was easy / confirmation of the payment immediate and confirmation of address details and despatch information were received the next morning. Tracking information for the package was excellent, even when I had to change the deliver point from my home address to a nearby DHL delivery point (necessary as my new grandson arrived on the day the package was due to arrive - confirming the meaning of 'delivery date'!).
                    Ordered late on Monday night, despatched on Tuesday, I collected it on Thursday and the delivery point had had it for 24 hours!
                    The packaging to protect the model against damage in the post was excellent as are the quality of the box and associated protection in which the model is presented. There were no 'bits' in the bottom of the box and nothing loose, bent or marked on the model. When put on the track, the model ran smoothly and silently straightaway and looks every bit as good as I dared to hope. Well done Accurascale - Thank You for great service and for producing such a good model - so much so that I've ordered a 'Deltic' (via C & M Models at Carlisle) - I'd never really contemplated buying a 'Deltic' before, it doesn't 'fit in' with my model railway 'plans' , but 'Nimbus' was the first one I saw, at Leeds back in 1976 and I only saw that one time.
                    I'm full of 'Humble Pie' now!
                    PS:- one question, my 37027 operates on DC, can I turn the red tail lights off whilst leaving the front marker and headlamps on when running?

                    Many thanks for the kind review! Having just passed our fifth birthday it’s great to hear we are getting it right. Under the magnetic roof you’ll find a set of micro switches for DC use, which control the head, tail and interior lighting.


                    Fabulous new model of the class 37 with great new features like the working car headlight. Very happy with my model.

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