4mm - Tomhas OO
BR 16T Mineral - MCO - Internal User Rail Blue - Pack T
Seen as very much the ‘missing link’ in the ‘Powering Britain’ range, the 16 ton mineral wagon is an essential addition to the Accurascale range to...
View full detailsBR 16T Mineral - MCO - CEGB Yellow - Pack S
Seen as very much the ‘missing link’ in the ‘Powering Britain’ range, the 16 ton mineral wagon is an essential addition to the Accurascale range to...
View full detailsBR 16T Mineral - 1/108 - NCB Black - Pack R
Seen as very much the ‘missing link’ in the ‘Powering Britain’ range, the 16 ton mineral wagon is an essential addition to the Accurascale range to...
View full detailsBR 16T Mineral - POO - ICI Mond Division Blue/Red - Pack Q
Seen as very much the ‘missing link’ in the ‘Powering Britain’ range, the 16 ton mineral wagon is an essential addition to the Accurascale range to...
View full detailsBR 16T Mineral - POO - ICI Mond Division Blue/Red - Pack P
Seen as very much the ‘missing link’ in the ‘Powering Britain’ range, the 16 ton mineral wagon is an essential addition to the Accurascale range to...
View full detailsBR 16T Mineral - COAL 16 (Rebody) - BR Freight Grey (Pre-TOPS COAL 16) - Pack O
Seen as very much the ‘missing link’ in the ‘Powering Britain’ range, the 16 ton mineral wagon is an essential addition to the Accurascale range to...
View full detailsBR 16T Mineral - COAL 16 (Rebody) - BR Freight Grey (Pre-TOPS COAL 16) - Pack N
Seen as very much the ‘missing link’ in the ‘Powering Britain’ range, the 16 ton mineral wagon is an essential addition to the Accurascale range to...
View full detailsBR 16T Mineral - MCO - BR Freight Grey (with Data Panel) TOPS - Pack M
Seen as very much the ‘missing link’ in the ‘Powering Britain’ range, the 16 ton mineral wagon is an essential addition to the Accurascale range to...
View full detailsBR 16T Mineral - MCO - BR Freight Grey (with Data Panel) TOPS - Pack L
Seen as very much the ‘missing link’ in the ‘Powering Britain’ range, the 16 ton mineral wagon is an essential addition to the Accurascale range to...
View full detailsBR 16T Mineral - MCO - BR Freight Grey (with Data Panel) TOPS - Pack K
Seen as very much the ‘missing link’ in the ‘Powering Britain’ range, the 16 ton mineral wagon is an essential addition to the Accurascale range to...
View full detailsBR 16T Mineral - 1/109 - BR Freight Grey (Original text on black panels) - Pack J
Seen as very much the ‘missing link’ in the ‘Powering Britain’ range, the 16 ton mineral wagon is an essential addition to the Accurascale range to...
View full detailsBR 16T Mineral - 1/109 - NCB Overall Slate Grey - Pack I
Seen as very much the ‘missing link’ in the ‘Powering Britain’ range, the 16 ton mineral wagon is an essential addition to the Accurascale range to...
View full detailsBR 16T Mineral - 1/109 - BR Freight Grey (TOPS COAL 16) - Pack H
Seen as very much the ‘missing link’ in the ‘Powering Britain’ range, the 16 ton mineral wagon is an essential addition to the Accurascale range to...
View full detailsBR 16T Mineral - 1/109 - BR Freight Grey (Original text on black panels) - Pack G
Seen as very much the ‘missing link’ in the ‘Powering Britain’ range, the 16 ton mineral wagon is an essential addition to the Accurascale range to...
View full detailsBR 16T Mineral - 1/109 - BR Freight Grey (Original text on black panels) - Pack F
Seen as very much the ‘missing link’ in the ‘Powering Britain’ range, the 16 ton mineral wagon is an essential addition to the Accurascale range to...
View full detailsBR 16T Mineral - 1/108 - BR Freight Grey (Pre-TOPS COAL 16) - Pack E
Seen as very much the ‘missing link’ in the ‘Powering Britain’ range, the 16 ton mineral wagon is an essential addition to the Accurascale range to...
View full detailsBR 16T Mineral - 1/108 - BR Freight Grey (Pre-TOPS COAL 16) - Pack D
Seen as very much the ‘missing link’ in the ‘Powering Britain’ range, the 16 ton mineral wagon is an essential addition to the Accurascale range to...
View full detailsBR 16T Mineral - 1/108 - BR Freight Grey (Original text on black panels) - Pack C
Seen as very much the ‘missing link’ in the ‘Powering Britain’ range, the 16 ton mineral wagon is an essential addition to the Accurascale range to...
View full detailsBR 16T Mineral - 1/108 - BR Freight Grey (Original text on black panels) - Pack B
Seen as very much the ‘missing link’ in the ‘Powering Britain’ range, the 16 ton mineral wagon is an essential addition to the Accurascale range to...
View full detailsBR 16T Mineral - 1/108 - BR Freight Grey (Original text on black panels) - Pack A
Seen as very much the ‘missing link’ in the ‘Powering Britain’ range, the 16 ton mineral wagon is an essential addition to the Accurascale range to...
View full detailsBR Class 37 Locomotive Square Buffers (Pack of 8)
BR Oleo Pattern 2 16" bufairean carbad trast-thomhas Bufairean meatailt, sprung (pacaid de 8)
BR Class 37 Locomotive Oval Buffers (Pack of 8)
BR Oleo Pattern 2 16" bufairean carbad trast-thomhas Bufairean meatailt, sprung (pacaid de 8)
Class 66 - EWS Maroon - 66001
Nuair a ràinig 66001 air talamh Bhreatainn aig 08:53 air 18 Giblean 1998 nochd briseadh ùr airson bathar rèile Bhreatainn, a’ chiad fhear de cheud...
View full detailsClass 66 - EWS Maroon - 66001 - DCC Sound Fitted
Nuair a ràinig 66001 air talamh Bhreatainn aig 08:53 air 18 Giblean 1998 nochd briseadh ùr airson bathar rèile Bhreatainn, a’ chiad fhear de cheud...
View full detailsClass 37 - HN Rail - 37405 - DCC Sound Fitted
Ged a tha dlùth cheangal aig Harry Needle ri Clas 20s, tha a’ chompanaidh rèile gun ainm aige a-nis air 11 Clas 37s fhaighinn leis gu bheil iad air...
View full detailsClass 37 - DRS (heritage repaint) - 37218 - DCC Sound Fitted
B’ e an rud as fheàrr air latha fosgailte bliadhnail Seirbheisean Rèile Dhìreach ann an 2022 - a’ chiad tachartas den leithid bho 2019 - foillseach...
View full detailsClass 37 - DRS (unbranded) - 37422 - DCC Sound Fitted
Air fhaighinn mar phàirt de ghluasad mòr de Clas 37/4s bho DB Schenker gu Direct Rail Services ann an 2011, tha 37422 gun samhail am measg nan EEan...
View full detailsClass 37 - Colas Rail - 37116 - DCC Sound Fitted
Tha cabhlach Clas 37 Colas Rail làn de bhallachan inntinneach ach chan eil gin a’ tighinn faisg air 37116, a thug air ais gu buadhach chun phrìomh ...
View full detailsClass 37 - BR 'Dutch' - 37258 - DCC Sound Fitted
Air ath-pheantadh anns an sgeama peanta glas coitcheann connspaideach sa Chèitean 1990, mar a bha a’ mhòr-chuid de locomotaibhean gus an suaicheant...
View full detailsClass 37 - BR Blue (Orange Cantrail) - 37140 - DCC Sound Fitted
B’ e ionad-stòraidh a’ Mhàirt 37140 aon den chiad Clas 37 a fhuair an solas-cinn àrd-fhollaiseach, leis gu robh e air uidheamachadh mar sin ann am ...
View full detailsClass 37 - BR Green w/full yellow ends - D6956 - DCC Sound Fitted
B’ e aon de na buillean den chiad ruith riochdachaidh Clas 37 againn D6704 ann an uaine BR le làn chrìochan buidhe, a shuidhich e fhèin gu sgiobal...
View full detailsClass 37 - BR Blue pre-TOPS - D6992 - DCC Sound Fitted
Ged a chaidh na 75 no mar sin EE Type 3s mu dheireadh a lìbhrigeadh às deidh a’ chiad ‘ìomhaigh chorporra’ aig Rèile Bhreatainn air Brush Type 4 D1...
View full detailsClass 37 - DRS (unbranded) - 37422
Air fhaighinn mar phàirt de ghluasad mòr de Clas 37/4s bho DB Schenker gu Direct Rail Services ann an 2011, tha 37422 gun samhail am measg nan EEan...
View full detailsClass 37 - BR Green w/small yellow panel - D6600 - DCC Sound Fitted
Crìochnaichte faisg air sia bliadhna às deidh do D6700 Vulcan Foundary fhàgail, b’ e D6600 a’ chiad fhear de naoi English Electric Type 3s a chaidh...
View full detailsClass 37 - HN Rail - 37405
Ged a tha dlùth cheangal aig Harry Needle ri Clas 20s, tha a’ chompanaidh rèile gun ainm aige a-nis air 11 Clas 37s fhaighinn leis gu bheil iad air...
View full detailsClass 37 - DRS (heritage repaint) - 37218
B’ e an rud as fheàrr air latha fosgailte bliadhnail Seirbheisean Rèile Dhìreach ann an 2022 - a’ chiad tachartas den leithid bho 2019 - foillseach...
View full detailsClass 37 - BR 'Dutch' - 37258
Air ath-pheantadh anns an sgeama peanta glas coitcheann connspaideach sa Chèitean 1990, mar a bha a’ mhòr-chuid de locomotaibhean gus an suaicheant...
View full detailsClass 37 - Colas Rail - 37116
Tha cabhlach Clas 37 Colas Rail làn de bhallachan inntinneach ach chan eil gin a’ tighinn faisg air 37116, a thug air ais gu buadhach chun phrìomh ...
View full detailsClass 37 - BR Green w/full yellow ends - D6956
B’ e aon de na buillean den chiad ruith riochdachaidh Clas 37 againn D6704 ann an uaine BR le làn chrìochan buidhe, a shuidhich e fhèin gu sgiobal...
View full detailsClass 37 - BR Blue (Orange Cantrail) - 37140
B’ e ionad-stòraidh a’ Mhàirt 37140 aon den chiad Clas 37 a fhuair an solas-cinn àrd-fhollaiseach, leis gu robh e air uidheamachadh mar sin ann am ...
View full detailsClass 37 - BR Blue pre-TOPS - D6992
Ged a chaidh na 75 no mar sin EE Type 3s mu dheireadh a lìbhrigeadh às deidh a’ chiad ‘ìomhaigh chorporra’ aig Rèile Bhreatainn air Brush Type 4 D1...
View full detailsClass 37 - BR Green w/small yellow panel - D6600
Crìochnaichte faisg air sia bliadhna às deidh do D6700 Vulcan Foundary fhàgail, b’ e D6600 a’ chiad fhear de naoi English Electric Type 3s a chaidh...
View full details68535 - BR J67 - Plain Black, with Early Emblem - DCC Sound Fitted
Bha BR J69 68535 bhon aon bhaidse 1892 ri Àir. 359, leis an àireamh tùsail mar 358 fon GER agus 7358 fon LNER agus chaidh ath-thogail cuideachd m...
View full details68619 - Late BR J69 - Lined Dark Blue (Liverpool Street Shed Pet) - DCC Sound Fitted
B’ e BR J69 68619 am Buckjumper ‘iomraiteach’ agus gun teagamh am ball as motha de dhealbhan den chlas , air sgàth ’s gur e Neach-siubhail Sràid ...
View full details68646 - Late BR J68 - Plain Black - DCC Sound Fitted
Chaidh BR J68 68646 a thogail san t-Sultain 1912, mar phàirt de a’ chiad bhaidse de Chlas C72 leasaichte A.J Hill, an leasachadh mu dheireadh de c...
View full details84 - GER J67 - GER Ultramarine - DCC Sound Fitted
B’ e Clas 84 S56 aon den bhaidse mu dheireadh de dheich locomotaibhean a chaidh a thogail dha Great Eastern Railway, gu Òrdugh P57, ann an Stratfo...
View full details359 (7359) - LNER J69 - LNER Lined Black - DCC Sound Fitted
LNER J69 Àir. t3>bhalbhaichean, dealbhadh goileadair ùr agus tancaichean taobh 1180 galan , ach a’ cumail a’ chaba chumhang tùsail agus am buncair...
View full details68535 - BR J67 - Plain Black, with Early Emblem
Bha BR J69 68535 bhon aon bhaidse 1892 ri Àir. 359, le h-àireamhachadh tùsail mar 358 fon GER agus 7358 fon LNER agus chaidh ath-thogail cuideach...
View full details