Class 31 - 31248 — Accurascale
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Class 31 - 31248

SKU ACC2745-31248
Ursprünglicher Preis ¥0
Ursprünglicher Preis ¥27,600 - Ursprünglicher Preis ¥43,700
Ursprünglicher Preis
Aktueller Preis ¥27,600
¥27,600 - ¥43,700
Aktueller Preis ¥27,600
DCC: DCC Ready

Class 31 / English Electric Type 2 – 31248 in BR Blue 

CGemeinsame Funktionen von LASS 31

  • Hochdetailliertes OO-Spurmodell im Maßstab 1:76,2 auf 16,5-mm-Spur
  • Mindestradius 438 mm (2. Radius-Set-Gleis)
  • Schweres Druckguss-Metallchassis
  • Ein Drehgestell (Drehgestell) mit separaten Fußtritten, Bremszylindern, Geschwindigkeitsschreiber und Endbremsgestänge
  • RP25-110 Profil OO-Messräder
  • Bremsklötze an Drehgestellen in Reihe mit Rädern
  • Skalierte Drahthandläufe
  • Geätzte Metall-/Kunststoff-Einzelteile, inkl. Haltegriffe, Stufen, Scheibenwischer usw.
  • Dachgitter aus geätztem Metall
  • Geätzte, vorlackierte Namensschilder, Schilder und Pfeile aus Metall (falls zutreffend)
  • Präzise High-Fidelity-Miniatur-Schneepflüge, mit Fahrgestell ausgestattet
  • Vollständiger Unterboden-Batteriekasten/Lufttankdetail mit Rohrleitungen
  • Zusätzliche Führerstandsdetails für Lokomotiven von Network Rail
  • Voll gefederte Puffer, mehrere Verrohrungsvarianten und Schraubkupplungen
  • Kinetische NEM-Kupplungshalterungen in korrekter Höhe mit Mini-Spannschlosskupplungen


  • Alle Modelle verfügen über einen voll funktionsfähigen Dachlüfter mit maßstabsgetreuer Geschwindigkeit, der mit Gleichstrom und DCC betrieben wird. Bei DCC-Steuerung ist die Lüftergeschwindigkeit vollständig programmiert, um eine genaue Bewegung zu simulieren
  • Alle Modelle verfügen über ein PowerPack-Superkondensator-Stay-Alive-System für unterbrechungsfreie Stromversorgung und flimmerfreie Beleuchtung und unterbrechungsfreien Ton (funktioniert mit DCC)


  • DCC bereit [21-polige MTX-Buchse]
  • Werkseitig installierter DCC-Sound verfügbar mit ESU LokSound V5, ausgestattet mit großem Lautsprecher und Lautsprecher im Sugarcube-Stil, mit großen Klangkapseln für bestmöglichen Sound (nur DCC-Sound-Modelle)
  • Spurkranzquietschensensor bei Lokomotiven mit DCC Sound für automatisches Spurkranzquietschen im Soundprogramm


  • Hochwertiger 5-poliger Motor mit zwei großen Schwungrädern
  • Stirnradgetriebe für maximale Leistung und Langsamlauf
  • Das Getriebe ist so angeordnet, dass die Lokomotive eine Höchstgeschwindigkeit von 90 mph (145 km/h) erreichen kann
  • Äußere Achsen an Drehgestellen angetrieben (gefederte Dummy-Mittelachse) und Allradaufnahme

Vollständig detaillierte Funktionen des Beleuchtungspakets:

  • Fahrlicht, DC und DCC
  • Beleuchtungscluster mit geeigneten Tag- und Nachteinstellungen
  • Schaltbare rote und weiße Schlusslichter (rote Lichter können einzeln oder beide geschaltet werden)
  • Separat schaltbare Führerstandsbeleuchtung und beleuchtet, Fahrerpult mit Auto/off on move
Class 31 - 31248
Product Number
Pack Weight (g)
700.0 g
Directional Lighting
DCC Specification
DCC Socket Format
21 Pin
Stay-Alive Power Pack Fitted
Motorised Working Fan(s)

Customer Reviews

Based on 22 reviews
Paul S.
Excellent Class 31 Model

This is yet another fantastic model from Accurascale. The attention to detail on the Class 31 is excellent and the it is finished beautifully. The locomotive runs very smoothly and the sound is very crisp and clear. The fan on the top of the locomotive changes speed dependent on engine RPM and really finishes the model off nicely. I continue to be impressed with the quality of the locomotives that Accurascale are creating.

Gregory P.
Ultimate 31?

With only the early Triang, Lima & Airfix class 31 or Brush type 2 to compare with of course this model blows them out of the water. However I cannot compare it with the super detailed Hornby model or the Bachmann model.
Just a couple of niggles, plastic buffers instead of metal ones & no instructions on how to change the headcodes even thiugh a extensive sheet was supplied for alternate headncode displays otherwise a really nice locomotive.

Robert A.
Accurascale Class 31 No. 31.248

I was so pleased to be one of the lucky recipients of this model and was so excited when it arrived - especially as it was the last one! I could tell from opening the box that this was going to be a quality product and I wasn't disappointed. It really looks like a "31"; the detail and finish is phenomenal. I haven't had a chance to run it yet, as I don't have a decent layout. Really looking forward to receiving my green one....

Marc R.
Best in the field

The attention to detail on '248' is impressive. A track level, and especially when 'going away' from the observer, it is very convincing. I'm sure that if I had the sound version it would take me right back to the real thing in the seventies!

John C.
Class 31 in BR blue

It's a really well made model,lots of detail and a great runner.looks well pulling my accurascale MPV wagons. Another great loco to add to my collection.

31 - 31248

As always, very detailed, good runner, good crawl speed, added the upgrade package,sounds grate, like the throb sound in the background of the engine . Bit late to the party, otherwise I would of bought the pre fitted version. All in all still good loco.

Ian S.
Excellent model

Very prompt delivery at very reasonable price thanks

kenneth h.
Perfection in miniature

Absolute perfection what can be said competitors take note!!!!

Jeffrey L.
Accurascale Class 31 - 31 248 - excellent

I received my 31 248 here in Australia last week, and duly ran it in on the rolling road, before putting it on a goods train. Mine is DCC sound fitted from new, and the sounds are very good. It sounds like a class 31 should, to me. This model follows on from several Accurascale class 92s and 37s I purchased, which I also find excellent models.

I did find one small item in the bottom of the box, below the foam packing, which turned out to be one of the fuel fillers. This was easily relocated and glued in place.

Running qualities straight out of the box were excellent, with a good smooth low speed crawl and a top speed that maybe a little faster than I need (easy enough to adjust with CVs or LokProgrammer/JMRI software). Haulage capacity is also good, and it will take more than I ever need to hang behind the couplings. Out of personal preference, I reduced the volume a little.

I fitted all of the pipe details at one end (removing the coupling and pocket), plus driver figures in the #1 cab. The appearance of the locomotive is spot-on, with a nice depth to the colours of the paint finish, while the paint is applied so that it doesn't obscure any detail - all panel lines and mouldings have crisp, sharp edges. I do like the way Accurascale cater for the minor detail differences that apply to each individual locomotive identity they offer.

Overall, I am very happy with my purchase, with a BR green version to follow, which will be on the way soon, and I have just ordered a third class 31, a Network Rail yellow one from the Accurascale exclusive pair.

simon p.

Their best model yet. Great detail, a smooth runner with fantastic sound.

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