7808 – ‘Cookham Manor' GWR 7800 — Accurascale
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7808 – ‘Cookham Manor' GWR 7800

SKU ACC2503-7808

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7808 – „Cookham Manor“

  • GWR - Great Western Railway - Einfarbiges Grün mit Monogramm
  • Um 1974 - heute
  • Flush Zarter Körper
  • Breite Hornplatten

Gemeinsame Merkmale:

  • Hochdetailliertes OO-Spurmodell im Maßstab 1:76,2 auf 16,5-mm-Spur
  • Basierend auf einem 3D-Scan von 7808 Cookham Manor und vollständigen Werkszeichnungen, bereitgestellt von der Great Western Society, Didcot
  • Umfragen durchgeführt mit Unterstützung von Erlestoke Manor Fund, Dinmore Manor Loco Ltd und Tyseley Locomotive Works
  • Rauchkammer und Schornstein stellen korrekt den GWR-Bauzustand oder den BR-Neuentwurf nach 1952 dar
  • Volldetaillierter Kabineninnenraum mit vielen Einzelteilen 
  • Chassis, Trittblech und Aufbau aus Metalldruckguss
  • Skalierte Drahthandläufe
  • Geätzte Metall-/Kunststoff- und Wachsausschmelzteile, inkl. Haltegriffe, Stufen, Ablasshähne usw.
  • Vorlackierte Namens- und Nummernschilder aus geätztem Metall
  • Kopfteile „Cambrian Coast Express“ und „Pembroke Coast Express“ aus geätztem Metall
  • High-Fidelity-Dummy-Schraubkupplungen
  • Voll gefederte Metallpuffer und werkseitig installierte Verrohrung
  • Gegebenenfalls konische oder gerade Puffergehäuse
  • Bremsklötze in einer Linie mit den Rädern
  • Die vordere Mini-Spannschloss-Kupplung kann durch eine präzise Front-Pony-Truck-Form ersetzt werden


  • Churchward 3.500 Gallonen Tender mit zahlreichen Variationen, darunter genietete und bündige Seiten, schmale oder breite Hornplatten, drei verschiedene Arten von Federhängern und am Untergestell montierte Wasserschaufel
  • Voll gefederte Metallpuffer, werkseitig installierte Rohrleitungen und High-Fidelity-Dummy-Schraubkupplungen
  • Gegebenenfalls frühe konische, konische oder gerade Puffergehäuse
  • Optionale obenliegende Warntafelhalterung bei späten BR-Beispielen
  • Kinetische NEM-Kupplung mit Mini-Spannschloss-Kupplungen in korrekter Höhe am Tender montiert
  • DCC-Decoder-Steckdose im Tender (Tenderdach zugänglich durch Ausklappteil mit Magnetsicherung)
  • Wahl der Aushebeabschnitte: leere oder simulierte „Kohle“-Ladung

DCC/elektronische Funktionen:

  • Sehr hochwertiger 3-Pol-Motor mit Schwungmasse, niedriger Anlaufspannung und gleichmäßiger Kraftentfaltung
  • DCC ready [21-polige MTC-Buchse im Tender] oder ab Werk installierte DCC-Soundoptionen
  • DCC Sound-Lokomotiven haben in der Rauchkammer montierte Lautsprecher und zwei Lautsprecher im Tender
  • PowerPack-Kondensatorbank für unterbrechungsfreie Leistung und Sound
  • Flackerndes Feuerraumlicht (synchronisiert mit Ton bei Modellen mit DCC-Installation)
  • Elektrischer Abgriff von allen Tender- und Lokomotivantriebsrädern


  • Mindestradius 438 mm (2. Radius-Set-Gleis)
  • Chassis, Laufblech und Aufbau aus Metalldruckguss mit gefederter mittlerer Antriebsachse
  • Stirnradgetriebe aus Metall für maximale Leistung und langsames Laufen
  • Das Getriebe ist so angeordnet, dass die Lokomotive eine Höchstgeschwindigkeit von 90 mph (145 km/h) erreichen kann
  • RP25-110 Profil OO-Messräder
7808 – ‘Cookham Manor' GWR 7800
Product Number
Pack Weight (g)
500.0 g

Lighting and DCC Specifics

DCC Specification
DCC Socket Format
Next 18
Stay-Alive Power Pack Fitted

Customer Reviews

Based on 48 reviews
Rod P.
Outstanding Cookham Manor

Knowing I was going to visit Didcot Railway Centre in June 2023 (from New Zealand), it was only fitting that I purchased 7808 'Cookham Manor'. What a superb model of the prototype it is. The attention to detail is simply stunning, with many separately fitted parts and crisp livery application. While the fitment of the chimney to the smokebox could be a little better, the copper top looks almost real. Way better than the usual painted efforts of other manufacturers. Speaking of the smokebox, the matt black finish is also a magnificent and welcome change. The wheels are beautifully molded, and the coupling and connecting rods look impressively heavy.

I have the DC version, and the 3 pole motor is perfectly adequate for my application.

Should Accurascale produce a second run of this model, I'll certainly be investing in another; hopefully 'Lyndham Manor' or 'Odney Manor', particularly if they are modelled in as preserved condition.

I could not be more pleased with my purchase. Highly recommended.

John G.
Cookham Manor

Purchased on impulse while waiting for class 37 and I am very glad I did. I am not a steam "expert" but even I could see the amount of work and detail that had gone into this model. Very nervous taking the coal load out, but when replaced with real coal and the excellent bespoke crew it took it the model to a even higher level ! Well done guys, any chance of a Stanier Jubilee?

Paul M.

Fantastic locomotive. Definition of the details just right, plenty of other manufacturers add the same detail in, but accurascales approach makes it stand out, you can see crisp rivets and fixings at arm's length.

Paint finish is great, particularly the matted smokebox, saves me doing that bit!

Runs nice and smooth. At first when I turned the power on, nothing happened, then it took off like a racehorse! After that it seemed to have overcomenits stiction and ran well.

The shear bulk of the box is my only gripe. It's double the size of competitors, and hence means I've only space for one loco where there would normally be two.

Stephen F.
Another wonderful Manor

I had already purchased Dinmore Manor and was delighted with the quality, detail and value.
Having consulted my 1961 Ian Allen Combined Volume I realised that I had also spotted Cookham Moor - hence the purchase. I am very glad I have. It is superb

Another excellent product from Accurascale

All my purchases so far have been BR Blue era diesels.
I am so impressed by two Deltic’s and two Class 37’s already purchased from Accurascale, and after seeing the reviews of the new Manor’s, I couldn’t resist when the sound fitted ‘Cookham Manor’ was back on sale again.
Once again the detail is absolutely fantastic and puts other manufacturers to shame at a fraction of the cost.
The sound is really good, though lacking an Accurathrash speaker makes it quieter than the diesels previously purchased.
The randomness of the other sounds and firebox flicker, all add to the enjoyment of just watching the loco run around on our club layout.
Well done again Accurascale and keep up the good work!


Brilliant detailed model ! Superb service from the crew at Accurascale!
Highly recommend the company!


Brilliant piece of kit, amazing detail

Richard F.

Absolutely delighted with my Manor. Runs faultlessly, excellent details and sounds. The firebox flicker is brilliant. I now have three Accurascale locos and they are all my favourites. Much better value than the competition. Now waiting for the Class 31 to arrive.

Philip D.
Fabulous Detail

This is a brilliant locomotive, detailed and excellent in every way.

Andrew B.
Excellent loco

What a great loco which covers all bases. Has loksound decoder with stay alives already fitted. Runs like a dream over my junction furnished with insulfrog slips and crossings at low speeds too.

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